Best Wordpress theme for Authority site?

3 replies

I'm going to create a big authority site which monetized with Adsense.I will outsource almost everything (write article,backlinks...) except for keyword research.But I want to use a great theme for such of this kind of site.Please suggest me a theme which is best for authority site.

PS: does HeatMap Adsense theme work?

#authority #site #theme #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author Todd Pedersen
    I have not heard of Heatmap adsense before. I checked it out and it does look interesting. I might recommend looking at the Gazette theme by woothemes. It has been around for a while and has a good support system.

    Good luck with your endeavers!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Redwyn88
    Thesis, Catalyst, Profits Theme, Optimize Press, there are a lot of great options out there for a site like this. I'm not sure a targeted adsense theme is really worth it over a nicer all-around theme like the ones above that can be used for practically any kind of site
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  • Profile picture of the author seoace
    I use elegant themes for my authority sites. Heatmap is also another good one if you want something simpler.
    Who else needs a SEO Client Dashboard for their SEO services ?
    Let your clients monitor their SEO campaigns (Rankings, Backlinks and Work Done)
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