30K Uniques a month!!!

49 replies
I have a niche website getting over 30k unique visitors a month, I need to monetize it somehow. I put Adsense on last month and as of date its on pace to make me about 40-45 dollars this month. I just wondering if there was anyone out there who has experience in turning traffic into $$$$. I just feel like with that much traffic I should be able to do MUCH more then I am now. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

BTW..It is not the site in my signature
#30k #month #uniques
  • Profile picture of the author Ewan Lumsden
    Depending on the niche, you can monetize it with affiliate offers. Try CPA maybe, basic things at first like email submits? And if your getting that much traffic, then it might be worth starting to build a list.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanmilligan
    How can we help with no details?

    What's the niche?
    Is it a sub-niche or niche site?
    What kind of traffic is it?

    You can't really expect us to just have a magic formula that works for everyone...

    Help yourself by giving us what we need to help you.
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    • Profile picture of the author lamb2lion
      Its reviews movies of a particular kind. The traffic is through google mostly.
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  • Profile picture of the author Taniwha
    It really helps to know even the basics.
    I have the same questions as Ryan.
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  • Profile picture of the author webtolight
    Solving a problem in your respective niche and offering a very good service through that is one of the best ways to make some cash without having your credibility go down the drain.

    It all depends what are your intentions and start to think out of the box into funneling the traffic into something ca$$y. Hope that helps
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  • Profile picture of the author Chrisbroholm
    Really tough niche to monetize, perhaps you can find some affiliate/CPA offers about movie rental or even amazon links to the movies? Assuming they are released of course.

    Check out my blog GenuineOnlineMarketing.com where I talk about building Amazon and Adsense Niche Websites.

    Over 800 Amazon Reviews for $1 - No way?

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  • Profile picture of the author lamb2lion
    My site reviews "chick flicks", so I would say the main demographic is probably woman. The traffic is organic and mostly through google.

    Ryan I tried to PM you but am not allowed until I post another 40x
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  • It really does depend on your niche, if it's dealing with legal or insurance then you are going to make more. Personally I have seen and had sites with 60-100k uniques a day that did much better with direct advertisers then it did with Adsense. 30k uniques is ok but keep in mind it's not really that much traffic just yet.
    Conversion Magnet - Instapage Premium accounts for $39/mo, normally $99/mo.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanmilligan
    When I see the words, 'review' and 'chick-flick'..

    I instantly think of either monetising with netflix/lovefilm depending on what country your traffic comes from..


    Amazon - an affiliate link to the film that you are actually reviewing.

    That's just off the top of my head, but you could think a little out of the box in regard to your demo-graphics.

    Let's say your main demographic is for 21 year old females who are caucasian..

    Well, what kind of things do 21 year old caucasian females like?

    (Other than me of course :p)
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  • Profile picture of the author Andy Kobe
    Haven't been on the forum for a while, but love helping with advice.

    The only problem here is that you are giving us NOTHING to help.

    It's like asking:

    "Hey, can you guys help me fix my car? It's making a humming noise."

    "I know you can't see, test drive it, or even hear my car, but I still expect some helpful tips on how I can fix it. All replies are appreciated, thank you!"

    All kidding aside, seriously we cannot help without actually seeing your site.
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    • Profile picture of the author lamb2lion
      I'm new to this whole thing but the advice I was given was to NOT put my site name out to the general public....is my buddy just paranoid maybe??
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      • Profile picture of the author ryanmilligan
        Originally Posted by lamb2lion View Post

        I'm new to this whole thing but the advice I was given was to NOT put my site name out to the general public....is my buddy just paranoid maybe??
        I don't think there is anything wrong with it...

        .. If anything it's going to help you build credibility in your niche.
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      • Profile picture of the author rowbot
        Originally Posted by lamb2lion View Post

        I'm new to this whole thing but the advice I was given was to NOT put my site name out to the general public.
        That is good advice, especially around here. Any site mentioned here with some kind of success has about 5 new copies up in a few days. Don't do it.

        And I also just cross off any interest in doing business with the people pushing for the url.

        If someone posts that they have a problem getting 2 visitors a day, no one wants to know the url to help them out.

        There is plenty of info that can be shared without knowing the exact details. The main thing in my experience is that free entertainment sites are very hard to monetize. The amount you are making with adsense isn't bad at all.

        My other thought was already mentioned. Netflix affiliate links might be worth a try. I haven't watched a movie for years and didn't even know you could get them from Amazon, so I learned something too.

        Mess with me and you mess with the whole trailer park.

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      • Profile picture of the author Black Hat Cat
        Originally Posted by lamb2lion View Post

        I'm new to this whole thing but the advice I was given was to NOT put my site name out to the general public....is my buddy just paranoid maybe??
        Yes he is...like most posers in this business. Having said that, I would keep it secret because it's an adsense site. All it takes is for a couple of idiots to clickbomb your adsense ads, and the next thing you know you'll be getting a "your account is a risk so f off" email from google. If you do reveal it, remove the adsense first.
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  • Profile picture of the author unclepennybags
    30k a month for a movie review site? I would try becoming an affiliate for Netflix.

    "The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus." - Bruce Lee

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  • Profile picture of the author boxoun
    Weight loss. Dating. Private ads.
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  • Profile picture of the author lamb2lion
    Thanks for all the input guys, boxoun.. your private ads idea sounds like a good one, but would google ban me from adsense if I sold space on my site?
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    • Profile picture of the author ryanmilligan
      Originally Posted by lamb2lion View Post

      Thanks for all the input guys, boxoun.. your private ads idea sounds like a good one, but would google ban me from adsense if I sold space on my site?
      I replied to your email, Jeff.
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    • Profile picture of the author ryanmilligan
      Originally Posted by lamb2lion View Post

      Thanks for all the input guys, boxoun.. your private ads idea sounds like a good one, but would google ban me from adsense if I sold space on my site?
      Why are you so worried about adsense? You could make alot more money with money with other affiliate programs.

      I know that because if you were making a lot of money with adsense you wouldn't be asking us how to monetize your traffic.
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      • Profile picture of the author lamb2lion
        Originally Posted by ryanmilligan View Post

        Why are you so worried about adsense? You could make alot more money with money with other affiliate programs.

        I know that because if you were making a lot of money with adsense you wouldn't be asking us how to monetize your traffic.
        Your right Ryan, I think its just that I tried a few other ways and so far Adsense has been the only one that has shown any results.

        I saw your Email but i'm off to work so I will reply when I get back. Hopefully someday in the near future I'll learn enough to make this my full time job. Scratch that, UNTIL I make this my full time job.
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    • Profile picture of the author rowbot
      Originally Posted by lamb2lion View Post

      would google ban me from adsense if I sold space on my site?
      You can have other ads on the same page as google ads. It isn't a problem and I've done it often to test.

      Mess with me and you mess with the whole trailer park.

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  • Profile picture of the author boxoun
    No your adsense is safe. Why neglect weight loss or dating? Consider your market. Just because its a movie site doesn't mean you sell movies. Find out who's visiting. Seems like women. What do women buy? Weight loss crap and or dating crap. It doesn't have to be netflix. That's not how marketing works. Just copy other sites that Target same demo. Find out what they are selling.

    Listen to sports radio. Do they try to sell guys golf clubs or baseball bats? No they sell viagra.
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  • Profile picture of the author seoace
    Amazon for movie dvds.
    Content lock for the latest upcoming movie reviews & trailer
    Who else needs a SEO Client Dashboard for their SEO services ?
    Let your clients monitor their SEO campaigns (Rankings, Backlinks and Work Done)
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  • Profile picture of the author Kadztheman
    Try using different ads and changing the position... put some ads in the post like 300x250 ad
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  • Profile picture of the author dayday247
    affiliate offers and CPA offers try netflicks you'll get about $30 per reffer
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    • Profile picture of the author ramsfir
      I think everyone here agrees to try out netflix and lovemovie.....besides i dont think its a good idea to have adsense and affiliate program together as this will take the attention of the visition away. I would say make your site look simple and user freindly and use either cpa or affiliate program such as netflix or lovemovie.

      If at first you don’t succeed, call it version 1.0

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      • Profile picture of the author ramsfir
        Alternativaly if you are getting huge traffic with no conversion through cpa and affiliate programs, then try adsense and learn how to master adsense techniques such as best place to put your ads,what colour is best to use etc....from my experience adsense is really good on social sites where you get huge amounts of traffic.Thats what facebook is living off and all the other social networking sites. If you want to learn more about adsense then the best person I would recommend is joel comm.

        If at first you don’t succeed, call it version 1.0

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  • Profile picture of the author GreenSeoService
    Depending upon the niche you can use CPA.. I insist you to collect email address of the people who visit your site and later promote clickbank product through email marketing..
    Looking for Safe & Powerful links ???
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  • Profile picture of the author underworld90
    Offer a contest and give away a special basket of prizes related to your subject matter, like DVDs or posters or movie related books. Price raffle tickets, 2 for $5 or 5 for $10, and draw the prize.

    If you can get 1% of your 30k traffic entering (doable) you could generate a few hundred dollars or more. The key is in coming up with a prize that excites your audience.
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  • Profile picture of the author RockyRasakith
    Capture your traffic to a mailing list and start promoting affiliate products. Your traffic is probably mostly females so pitch them the right products. Dating, weight loss, and beauty products come to mind when I think of your target audience.
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  • Profile picture of the author lamb2lion
    Thanks to everyone who responded, I appreciate the help.
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  • Profile picture of the author Claire Koch
    Does this lend itself to celebrities? if so you could try "how the celebs lose weight" monitize with weight loss products. You'd stand to make a slew of money if you do a wso on how you got that many hits. IMHO.
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    • Profile picture of the author lamb2lion
      Originally Posted by Claire Koch View Post

      Does this lend itself to celebrities? if so you could try "how the celebs lose weight" monitize with weight loss products. You'd stand to make a slew of money if you do a wso on how you got that many hits. IMHO.
      IMHO?? Not sure what that acronym stands for
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      • Profile picture of the author LMC
        I'll give you a different take on the entire setup you have here. I've been in the business a long time and if I learned anything from my experiences it is that every visitor on your site has some customer value especially if it is being produced organically.

        Don't just hand off your traffic to an affiliate offer, netflix, or put them through a long-winded-seven-page-CPA-offer submit.

        Covet the traffic. In this new world of SEO most are unsure on how long it would last regardless of your positions. Take the traffic and start building something where you can minimize your risk and enhance your profitability. I'm talking about a list, I'm sure you have heard of it.

        Be Creative. Out of the Box, and THINK. What type of offer... of my OWN. Can I offer them. This offer can be anything really... a newsletter, a report, a book, a picture of Channing Tatum ... it doesn't really matter the key is to give them value that lines up with their wants and needs.

        Present that value to them... now your traffic has been funneled into a group of buying consumers.


        WHAT I WOULD DO...

        With 1,000 visitors a day, I can use one week of testing to find a niche that is going to work with the traffic source.

        First I would learn a little more about my "female" audience. I would make a space on my website for some advertising, and promote a handful of naked offers. What I mean by naked offers is the banner doesn't do anything, but it does track clicks.

        When I say offers, I mean the banner advertises a "niche". We track how many clicks are on each niche to see what niche we should even attempt to promote to this list.

        For example here are a few niches I thought of:

        1) Does Your BoyFriend Cheat
        2) How to Get Pregnant
        3) Making Your Man Marry You
        4) Nails
        5) Hair
        6) Face/Acne
        7) Modeling


        After the click tracking, to about 7,000 uniques and about 28,000 page views. You should have an understanding of what niche to attack.

        Then I would design a squeeze page around that specific niche, and have my traffic turn into subscribers.

        Depending on how ambitious you want to be, I would design my own product or run them through an auto-responder series producing value/mixing in affiliate offers.

        In the end...

        After One week of testing and One week of putting a squeeze funnel properly together. You could have a lifetime of recurring income.
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        • Profile picture of the author SatishW
          hi there,
          making money on the internet requires a person to make sure they have large amounts of traffic. it could also be improved by ensuring you have lots of marketing sites to increase the amount of money generated by the Ad sense and other affiliate programs
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  • Profile picture of the author sudeep765
    use adsense.
    Adsense is a hell better than all.
    you will make 120-160$ from that traffic a day.
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  • Profile picture of the author HansDavid
    Chick flick and women? Get an affiliate account at Clickbank, Moreniche or Markethealth then promote beauty products on your site. You'll make huge bucks with that kind of traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author katarina1
    If your site is using word press you can add plugin called maxbanner(it's free) and post banner on every page.
    just Google 'film affiliate programs' and collect urls
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  • Profile picture of the author shubh9795
    How to get it dude. I am still way behind . Take a look at my website here in my signature
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    • Profile picture of the author lamb2lion
      Originally Posted by shubh9795 View Post

      How to get it dude. I am still way behind . Take a look at my website here in my signature
      I checked one out and one thing I would say is you need some words man. Google loves content, throw a paragraph in there with each theme describing it, what type of niche its good for, things like that. If you put 150-250 words with each theme I would think that would help you out a alot
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  • Profile picture of the author The Copy Warriors
    God DAMN bro, I am jealous!

    I need to learn SEO!
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  • Profile picture of the author Imogene
    Well, so many traffic and no adsense money it is really a matter of thinking seriously....... let me know if you are getting referral traffic..
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    • Profile picture of the author lamb2lion
      Originally Posted by Imogene View Post

      Well, so many traffic and no adsense money it is really a matter of thinking seriously....... let me know if you are getting referral traffic..
      Top referrals Google, Facebook, Wikipedia .....together they make up 1.05% of 36,107 hits the past month(374)
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  • Profile picture of the author TollFreeService
    Congrats on getting to 30k/mo! Quite an accomplishment.

    You definitely need to test ads in different positions. I would also test amazon affiliate ads for movies, movie poster affiliate ads, etc. Find things that you think your visitor demographic may be interested in. If it doesn't work trash it and find something else. When you find something that is earning you money, tweak it by changing your site around until you can maximize your monthly profit.

    You're correct in that you should be making a LOT more money off of 30k/mo.
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    • Profile picture of the author dariendrollinger
      I am very interested in advertising on your movie review site, please pm me.
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      • Profile picture of the author lamb2lion
        Originally Posted by dariendrollinger View Post

        I am very interested in advertising on your movie review site, please pm me.
        Warrior Forum won't let me PM until I reach 50 posts, which I'm about 30 shy of....
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  • Profile picture of the author Ankesh Kothari
    1. The easiest thing to do is put up Amazon banners for DVDs of the movies. Amazon pays commission on all products bought from your referral. Not just those DVDs. So you may get lucky when someone clicks through to buy a DVD and ends up buying a treadmill.

    2. Netflix as others have recommended. However, I wouldn't put too much effort into it. Its fairly saturated now.

    3. Pay attention to those silly facebook quizzes. You have an audience of 30,000 people now. That is your "seeder" audience. Invest in creating quizzes and other link bait stuff that your 30,000 people can start spreading. And go from 30,000 to 300,000 people.

    4. Try and find a place where you can buy DVDs at a discount / wholesale. Ideally someone who would do drop shipping too. And sell "The Ultimate Romantic DVD collection." List 40 DVDs on a page. Allow people to select any 12 of them. And ship it to them. There isn't much money in selling 1 DVD at a time. But there is money in selling 12 DVDs at a time.

    5. Try and do the same for chickflick books next.

    Are you frustrated with the internet marketing b.s. out there where you have to sieve through 10 good articles to find 1 good actionable idea? Then bookmark WarriorBulletin.com : a community curated link sharing website for internet marketers. Save your time and read only the best internet marketing articles and ideas.

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