2 Opt-Ins - 1 Works & The Other Is A Total Disaster

4 replies

I have my main money site with a big Opt-In box built into the copy a 3rd of the way down the sales page so they have to read it. This converts at 1:8

I have a blog that drives traffic to my main money site and took advise to also put an Opt-In on to the blog. The Opt-In is a smaller box on the right hand side of my blog pages. It says the same thing as my other opt in. It is situated underneath my product banner which receives 35% CTR.

NOBODY is opting in to the one on my blog. I am confussed. I get the same amount of traffic on blog and money site but get many opts-in every day via the money site.

On one side I think well at least 1/3 of vistors are clicking product banner but then again I can't understand why I am not attracting at least a few sign-ups from the rest of the visitors :confused: Sorry to ramble on - just not sure if to leave it on?

Initally the opt-in was different to the one on the money site and didn't work so it was changed to be the same as the one on the money site and still not working.

If anyone can offer any feedback, it would be really appreciated.

Many thanks
#disaster #optins #total #works
  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by Moneyland View Post

    Initally the opt-in was different to the one on the money site and didn't work so it was changed to be the same as the one on the money site and still not working.
    Pure guesswork, but either it's not prominently incentivized, and/or the banner's too great a distraction for the opt-in to work. Perhaps.

    Originally Posted by Moneyland View Post

    If anyone can offer any feedback, it would be really appreciated.
    Rather difficult, without seeing the pages.

    Is it good that 35% click the banner? Does that produce money?

    Is the opt-in box prominently incentivized?

    What would/might be the effect of taking the banner away and making the opt-in box bigger and more prominent and incentivizing it clearly?

    If you got 20% of visitors opting in, at the cost of losing the banner, would that be good, or bad? (I'm guessing it could maybe be tremendous? But we don't know what your blog is, what you're promoting and how/why, what your income-source(s) is/are, and so on ... )

    Apologies if all my questions are irritating, but this is kind of "the bare minimum one needs to know", to offer anything approaching an intelligent observation, here.
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    • Profile picture of the author Moneyland
      Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

      Pure guesswork, but either it's not prominently incentivized, and/or the banner's too great a distraction for the opt-in to work. Perhaps.

      Rather difficult, without seeing the pages.

      Is it good that 35% click the banner? Does that produce money?

      Is the opt-in box prominently incentivized?

      What would/might be the effect of taking the banner away and making the opt-in box bigger and more prominent and incentivizing it clearly?

      If you got 20% of visitors opting in, at the cost of losing the banner, would that be good, or bad? (I'm guessing it could maybe be tremendous? But we don't know what your blog is, what you're promoting and how/why, what your income-source(s) is/are, and so on ... )

      Apologies if all my questions are irritating, but this is kind of "the bare minimum one needs to know", to offer anything approaching an intelligent observation, here.

      Thanks Alexa,
      The banner works very well and does make money - drives 1/3 of traffic to money site. (others Ezine and YouTube) Sales have increased since I created blog.
      Opt-in is prominent and incentivizing but I think the banner is the main attraction still.
      Clickbank product $47 and that is my only income source. Most sales come from customers landing on money page and buying straight away or after opting in and receiving free guide. My list isn't really making me money after this point even though I do send out emails twice a week.
      I think the cost of losing banner could be too much. I think blog is doing its job driving traffic to money site where visitors that go through are buying ebook or using opt-in for free guide.

      Maybe I just have to accept this and do away with opt-in on blog :confused:
      Thanks. As always your comments are really helpful
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      • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
        Originally Posted by Moneyland View Post

        I think the cost of losing banner could be too much.
        I see what you mean, then. Well, fair enough. And at least the blog is driving some traffic to the other site which does have an opt-in. The banner sounds the more valuable to keep, at the moment, anyway.

        Seth Godin has written a lot about this sort of situation, with websites. He calls it the "Where's the banana?" syndrome (making the point that visitors are like monkeys, and you have to show them the banana quickly otherwise they'll lose interest!). And it sounds like you're doing that, broadly speaking, and the banner is your "banana", and that's probably ok? :confused:
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  • Profile picture of the author AndrewStark
    When you say blog, do you mean a splog to advertise your product?

    On a blog the main focus should be to get repeat visitors, so make the opt-in box very obvious and give people a good reason why they should give you their e-mail address. When you get them coming back they will click on the banners then, and if you've formed relationships these will leads to proper affiliate commission rather than pennies for adsense.

    It may also be worth updating your signature here to include some links?
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