Sneaky Technique - Siphoning Traffic From High Traffic Blogs
Today I'd like to share a process on how to siphon traffic from high traffic blogs by doing blog commenting to drive traffic to your sites.
This method can actually be found in my just-completed free report (which stands behind an opt-in form), but in this post I want to detail the process without any opt-in whatsoever, as a form of giving back to this community (since I've taken so much already).
So here it is...
You've probably heard of blog commenting before, but what I'm about to show you here is a different twist to what you've learned out there.
The typical blog commenting process involves you to leave relevant blog comments on blog posts that you've read. There are mainly 2 purposes why you want to leave blog comments:
1. So that people who read your comments click on your link
2. So that you can have a link pointing back to your site (from the blog which you leave comments on) to help in your search engine's ranking for that particular keyword you want to target. You do this by inserting your target keyword into the commenter name's field. So, instead of writing 'John' under the name field, you write 'internet marketing'.
Now my method is a little bit different, although there is a minority of people who have been doing this as well.
Before we begin, it's important to note that my method will not help in your search engine's ranking for keywords you want to target. Instead, it will only accomplish point number 1 above, which is to entice people who read your comments to click on your link, thereby bringing them to your site.
You may be wondering why you're not going to have a link pointing back to your site since you can leave your site URL under the commenter name's field.
The reason is because the majority of blogs have the 'no follow' tag. This means that these blogs with the 'no follow' tag are not going to help you rank for your target keywords even though you insert your keywords into the commenter name's field.
If you want to build links to your site, you need to leave comments on blogs that have DO NOT HAVE the 'no follow' tag.
I know this is a little confusing if you're new to this.
Just remember that:
- Blogs with the 'no follow' tag means you can't build links to your site
- Blogs WITHOUT the 'no follow' tag means that you can build links to your site
- The majority of blogs are those with the 'no follow' tag
Since in the method I'm about to show you, we're only concerned in getting people who read your comments to click on your site, we are not going to be building links to your site for the reason mentioned above.
So the way to implement this method works like this:
1. Go to Google and type 'your niche market + blog'. For example, if you're in the Internet marketing niche, you type 'internet marketing blog' and click search.
2. Visit the list of blogs returned and leave relevant comments on blogs that:
- have Alexa rank of 1,000,000 or less. The lower the rank the better because this means there are more traffic. Alexa rank is a measure of how much traffic a site is getting.
- already contain comments from other people
- have blog posts within the last month (we only want those blogs which are regularly updated)
3. When you leave your comments, you do the normal stuff - you type in your name under the commenter name's field, and type in your url under the url field. Then you go ahead and type your comments. At the end of the comments you want to leave a VERY SHORT signature to 'advertise' your site.
To make things clearer, let's look at a real life example on how I'd go about doing this.
Go through the list of blogs returned and find those blogs that meet the 3 criteria mentioned in point number 2 above.
When I've found a blog that meets the above 3 criteria, I'd write my comments like this:
Pay special attention to the text within the orange rectangle. What I'm doing is at the end of my comments, I put in my URL which is But notice I don't simply put in my URL, I use a 'call to action' text that entice people to click on my URL.
In the example above, I use the text How To Earn Your First 100 Dollars Online so that people are more inclined to click on my URL. VS How To Earn Your First 100 Dollars Online => if you see these two, which one would you click?
A few important points to take note when doing blog commenting this way:
• Make sure that your comments are relevant to the blog post. Do not spam, EVER!
• Mention the name of the blog owner in your comments whenever possible, but do not overdo it (just like in the example above) => this is to tell the blog owner that you're not using some kind of automated blog poster software.
• Specifically refer to a person who's commented before you. For example you might write: Comment #9 - can you elaborate on the steps you took to achieve a high CTR? I have been able to enjoy a good CTR, but would love to know more ways to increase it => by doing this, you're seen by the blog owner to be participating in the conversation will thus increase the chance of your comments being approved.
• The better your comments are, the more clicks you're going to get. If you can position yourself as the expert and leave more insightful comments and voice out your opinions with authority, then you're going to get more clicks.
• To increase the chances that your comments are approved, be sure that you leave a VERY SHORT signature instead of a long one. A good rule of thumb is less than 10 words. You want your signature to be very short yet very enticing for people to click on it.
• By leaving a signature (even though a very short one) at the end of your comments, some blog owners are going to frown upon that and will not approve your comments. Some will approve and some will not. So there is a risk in doing blog commenting this way. You can check if your comments are approved 24-48 hours after you've commented on them.
Despite the fact that some blog owners are not going to approve your comments because they think yours are too blatant, this method works.
The key is to be monitoring a network of 30 - 50 blogs on your topic and post comments on them as soon as these blogs post new content.
Why do you need to post comments as soon as possible?
Because if your comments are the first few ones that appear on the top, more people are going to click on your link as readers typically read only the first few comments and then scroll quickly for the rest of them.
One way to monitor your network of 30 - 50 blogs is to use a FREE software called Comment Sniper (not affiliate link). You enter the URLs of the blogs that you want to monitor and Comment Sniper will notify you immediately every time there is a new posting on one of your monitored blogs.
When you do this consistently and you're often one of the first people to comment on these 30 - 50 blogs (even though some of them will not be approved), you're going to siphon off a considerable amount of traffic from these high-traffic blogs...
...which brings me to another trick I want to share with you.
Take a look at this:
This is one of the many blogs that has the 'top commentators' feature displayed on the sidebar of the blog.
What this means is that if you post comments regularly enough, your name (which is clickable that will go to your site) is going to appear on this 'top commentators' list, which is displayed on the sidebar of the blog.
Now, appearing on the sidebar of the blog means that whichever page the visitor is browsing on the blog, he is going to see the 'top commentators' list for as long as he stays on that blog.
This is because the sidebar is always displayed regardless of which page a visitor is on, as long as he is still on that blog.
Taking a look from the above screenshot, you only need to comment 4 times on this blog and your name will be up there on the sidebar of the blog.
Apart from getting free advertising, you also get sitewide backlinks to your site (if they DO NOT have the 'no follow' tag), which will improve your search engine's rankings.
However as mentioned earlier, we are not concerned in getting ranked in the search engines with this method, so we should focus on our main objective - which is to get people to click on your link.
Of course in order to pull this through you need to leave good comments related to the blog post that add value to the conversation, like what I've said above.
Still not convinced by the 'top commentators' feature?
Here are a few more examples:
This one is even better - you only need to post 2 comments and you can enjoy free advertising.
Here's another one:
Now this one takes more work before you can put your name up there.
Generally speaking, the more popular (and high traffic) a blog is, the more comments you have to make in order to appear on the 'top commentators' list.
But it's still worth it - since the exposure you'll be getting from higher-traffic blogs is going to be considerably more than the exposure you get from lower-traffic blogs.
Important Note: Not every blog is going to have the 'top commentator' feature. Most don't have it. So if you come across one that has this feature enabled, be sure to drop your comments on a consistent basis so that your name appears on the sidebar.
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