Can't Access Email From Work

6 replies
I want to be able to check my emails and send a few while I'm at work. Unfortunately, every email provider I can find is blocked. Proxies are blocked as well. I don't want to download any software so VPN is out of the question. I can't use my work email either. I need to keep them separated.

Any suggestions?
#access #email #work
  • Profile picture of the author cjreynolds
    Originally Posted by Knowledge Kick View Post

    I want to be able to check my emails and send a few while I'm at work. Unfortunately, every email provider I can find is blocked. Proxies are blocked as well. I don't want to download any software so VPN is out of the question. I can't use my work email either. I need to keep them separated.

    Any suggestions?
    Sounds to me like your employer doesn't want you doing personal business on company time - the best solution is to stop trying.

    ...or you might end up postin one of those "just got fired - how do I make $2000 in one month?" threads! :rolleyes:

    I just added this sig so I can refer to it in my posts...

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  • Profile picture of the author mgreener

    The easiest way might be to do it through your phone on the cellular network.
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  • Profile picture of the author threezerozero
    try works for me and i work at a big name company with good security. i dont do anything bad, but just check up on a few things here and there for my stuff away from work,

    download firefox portable. link provided:

    Mozilla Firefox, Portable Edition | - Portable software for USB, portable and cloud drives

    run it off a flash drive (it will be slower) and use it parallel to QuickProxy or FoxyProxy.

    hope this helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author Outsourcingnerd
    If you can configure your mail server to use port 80 you should be able to access your mail.

    I found this about webmail/port 80
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    • Profile picture of the author cashp0wer
      I worked in the IT department for years and I was one of those people that stopped people from doing things like this. The people that would get caught got fired - can you use your smartphone to send your emails on your breaks and at lunch?
      My Internet Marketing Blog - Warts And All!
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  • Profile picture of the author PhilippaWrites
    Can you access email on your phone? If so, you could do that on your lunch break. Otherwise, it sounds like your employers really don't want you to do it on their machines, so there might not be much you can do.

    Posted from App for Android
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