JVzoo Delayed and Instant Payout

11 replies
Some time ago I asked JVzoo a question to the effect of "Do you have a list of Vendors that do instant payouts". While in fact the response from support was very excellent. They do not keep track of that, but gave me some great recommendations.

As an Affiliate, Cash flow can be a great motivator. It is important in some cases for financing efforts. Hearing and seeing a Paypal email hit my Inbox gives me a rush and I drive harder in my marketing attempts.

I would think if Affiliates knew which product/vendor payed Instant Payouts it would attract more affiliates and drive more sales.

Just thought I would put that out there and see what people think.
#delayed #instant #jvzoo #payout
  • Profile picture of the author Cpawhiz
    I would never pay my affiliates a instant payout, UNLESS they are a personal affiliate I know and trust. There are quite a lot of blackhat affiliates out there and I do not want to get mega charge-backs and refunds. I usually will pay on the ending of a promotion or at the minimum weekly, usually I know when someone is using less than ethical techniques of promoting by then.
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    • Profile picture of the author Thomas W
      Originally Posted by Cpawhiz View Post

      I would never pay my affiliates a instant payout, UNLESS they are a personal affiliate I know and trust. There are quite a lot of blackhat affiliates out there and I do not want to get mega charge-backs and refunds. I usually will pay on the ending of a promotion or at the minimum weekly, usually I know when someone is using less than ethical techniques of promoting by then.

      exactly, It's so simple for these Chat spammers to bang your processor with tons of Stolen credit cards

      Established webmaster since 1998. Bought my first domain name for $70 and had to pay $1000 a month for hosting. It was the good life

      Skype: twool9
      Email me at thomasw9 ((((a)))) G mail

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      • Profile picture of the author Chris Silvey
        Originally Posted by Thomas W View Post

        exactly, It's so simple for these Chat spammers to bang your processor with tons of Stolen credit cards
        While I can see this as a problem. I did not know it was so wide spread.
        I am not aware of any other methods of fraud.

        If the marketing material, the landing page and the product are of good quality. I don't see how it can be the affiliates fault on the refunds and charge backs.
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        • Profile picture of the author Thomas W
          Originally Posted by Chris Silvey View Post

          While I can see this as a problem. I did not know it was so wide spread.
          I am not aware of any other methods of fraud.

          If the marketing material, the landing page and the product are of good quality. I don't see how it can be the affiliates fault on the refunds and charge backs.
          Like i said it doesn't matter if your quality is good. The actual credit user did not know about your product because there card was stolen.

          If you worked on the affiliate network side you can see it all.

          What you probably never seen using payment processors like paypal and clickbank is the amount declines there are.

          I estimate nearly 30% of all marketing transactions are fraudulent.

          It's so freaking easy to get a Russian programmer to create a bot to spoof IP address and run stolen credit numbers against your affiliate program.

          This is why CPA networks don't allow instant account approval. They want to personally talk to you and ask a lot of questions

          Established webmaster since 1998. Bought my first domain name for $70 and had to pay $1000 a month for hosting. It was the good life

          Skype: twool9
          Email me at thomasw9 ((((a)))) G mail

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        • Profile picture of the author Bill_Z
          OP no vendors are going to give instant commissions to you unless they either know you or know about you. I give instant commissions to probably less than 10% of affiliates. The ones I do I either know already or speak with beforehand. And even if you reach out to the vendor, they will likely want to get some history between you before they switch it to instant. There is too much fraud out there.

          Originally Posted by Chris Silvey View Post

          If the marketing material, the landing page and the product are of good quality. I don't see how it can be the affiliates fault on the refunds and charge backs.
          The issue isn't legit refund requests, the issue is the thieves and scum who purchase using their own affiliate link and collect the instant commission. They do it with either stolen info or they do chargebacks immediately and keep the commission and get the money back to their card via the chargeback.
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          • Profile picture of the author Mediainsider
            Hi im looking for some help ..
            I actually did offer instant payments to my affiliates for some products that I am selling .. and so far I have actually made money which is great .. however, over the last week I have had two request paybacks from papal because the purchaser of the product said they had an unauthorized payment taken out (Which obviously means they didn't buy my product at all) now obviously as a result i have paid the affiliate instantly so there is nothing i can do about that .. and for the record I payed the person back the full price of the product as well .... but here's the thing .. when I went into my JV zoo account and identified the affiliate under question in the "Paid affiliates section" and lets say just for example his name was Alex Sanchez ... when i went to block that name in my affiliates list .. THAT name was not there .... now there was an email associated with the payment to the affiliate in my paypal account but again THAT email didn't register anywhere in my Affiliates list so I could block it .. now as a result I was forced to block all my affiliates which is a shame..
            Can anyone help .. and yes i have sent off a ticket to JVzoo and headed it up Fraud .. and i am pretty sure I received an automated message back saying Yes fraud is a problem and we will be looking into it bla bla bla but not addressing my initial enquiry .
            hope somene can help me

            Mark Aiston
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            • Profile picture of the author davidyair
              the thing is, the original question is why doesnt jvzoo atleast let people know/search for people who give instant payments. ? we are not asking if you would want to offer instant payments, or if there is fraud out there. jvzoo does allow instant payments. in fact that is thier slogan- that they give out instant payments. the truth is very few of them do upfront and they give delayed payments until you have sales under your belt bla bla bla.
              and then even if you have a history of sales, the product owner doesnt have to give you anything but delayed payments., unless you beg for instant payouts, and he gets around to giving you "special privaleges". so the truth is, jvzoo says they "give instant payouts", but it is almost false advertising, as they really dont unless you beg and grovel to the product owners for permission, which is not jvzoos decision. reality is that they dont even tell you who pays instant commissions, so have fun figuring it out. the big draw for jvzoo is instant commissions, but it is a farse. i personally like adaptive payments like on the deal guardian platform. they give instant payments, and handle any refunds or chargebacks, so the product owner doesnt have to worry about it, and doesnt risk thier paypal accounts for chargebacks either. i think it is a better system in that sense. they do direct deposit, and if there is fraud or chargeback, they just take it back. simple, no problems.forget worrying about fraud. just promote and get paid instantly for all products, even if your a newbie. you dont have to kiss ass to any product owner to get permission or worse, get ignored by the product owner who never replies to get instant commissions. everyone gets them upfront. so the real question is, when is jvzoo going to start using adaptive payments as thier default platform standard, so we dont have to worry about cashflow anymore.?
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  • Profile picture of the author Thomas W
    Instant payouts are cool,, But the truth is that there is a high level of fraud in this industry. You could even risk getting your paypal account frozen for upto 6 months trying to fight a fraudulent transaction

    I ran large affiliate networks and fraud was something you had deal with a regular basis.

    Established webmaster since 1998. Bought my first domain name for $70 and had to pay $1000 a month for hosting. It was the good life

    Skype: twool9
    Email me at thomasw9 ((((a)))) G mail

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  • Profile picture of the author sonnt
    I love both of them, because it's also payment
    Payment always make a lot of motivation
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  • Profile picture of the author depotgang
    Last time I allowed instant payment via JV Zoo to just anyone. I had about 1500 bucks in Paypal fraud claims. There are some people that just scam you. Only do instant payment if you KNOW the people promoting.

    I dont think JV Zoo will give you a list of their affiliate....but since they have all your buyers...which I think is a crime...they tend to be the biggest affiliates out there. If you can get them to promote for you, you will do very well.

    This is why I switched to Zaxaa ... I don't think its right for me to build a buyers list for JV Zoo...or anyone other then myself.

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    • Profile picture of the author agmccall
      As an affiliate, instant payouts have never been a deal maker or breaker for me.

      30 days is fine with me.


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