Looking for some in-depth discussions about Zeekler Rewards

by jpf566
11 replies
Alright, so I've read aboout zeekler rewards on various websites and on this forum. A bunch of my very close friends are doing it and I know for a fact they're pulling out pretty crazy amounts of money. $750-$1200+ a week.

Everything in me tells me that something is fishy here. It seems too good to be true. Many people say its a scam but a lot of people have made back all their money and profited quite a bit. So I see It as a risky investment but it can't be an all out scam since many people are making good money.

I'm looking to have an intelligent discussion about the inner workings of Zeekler Rewards. Most of the things I've read or heard is either people that didn't try Zeekler saying

"If it Sounds too good to be true it probably is, stay away from that scam"


"Zeekler is 100% legit and I'm making excellent money with it because I'm helping them advertise"

Neither party seem to know how zeekler works though. Even my friends that do it confess they don't understand how zeekler can pay out as well as they do but they're getting checks in the mail weekly so its hard to complain.

I'd like to hear from people that either dislike zeekler and know exactly why or like zeekler and understand how it works.

I just can't see how spamming on free classified ads sites is helping zeekler out, but then how is Zeekler able to be paying everyone so much? If spamming affiliate links on free classified ad sites worked than everyone would be posting amazon and click bank links on those sites and making a killing. If Zeekler really needed people to post stupid "free bid" links all over the internet they could use Amazon Mechanical Turk or similar to have people do this for pennies instead of thousands of dollars.

I've heard people quote zeeklers Alexa rank and say "look how popular they are and look at all those visitors a day" but traffic doesent mean people are actually shelling out money and even if people ARE giving Zeekler tons of money through penny auctions that still doesen't seem to justify Zeekler playing people to spam websites with "free bids"
#discussions #indepth #rewards #zeekler
  • Profile picture of the author latinkreation
    Zeek Rewards is an affiliate program for their penny auction website. Penny Auction website are very profitable. The way it works is they receive a percentage of the daily profits the website receives. Every affiliate gets the same percentage, but they might make more money depending on how many points they currently have. Points are created by purchasing wholesale bids that they give away. Feel free to PM me if you have any more questions.

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    • Profile picture of the author BillWynne
      Zeek Rewards is a network marketing company offering commissions to people that want to advertise for their penny auction website, Zeekler.com

      It is very unique and there are people making money with it, some making a lot. There is a lot of conversation about the company on the Internet. Some of it is created from competitors in the space and mostly people trying to get something from all the debate over it being a sustainable company.

      I had a conversation today with a lady that has a PhD in business and teaches at Phoenix University and she is sold that Zeek is a good business model. I am hopeful that they will be able to maintain.

      A lot of hyped up marketers are in the company, which gives it a bad rap. The income potential is good but not as good as many people make it out to be.

      If you are looking for a good home based business opportunity that could be around for 3-5 years and hopefully longer I would give it a serious look.

      There is a lot of information about zeek rewards at Penny Auctions Reviews | Which Ones Are Safe And How Do You Know?
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  • Profile picture of the author rbdeery
    Hey...for whatever it is worth...I am a long time consumer advocate....against MLM and Pro Affiliate...I'm a semi retired babY Boomer.... you welcome to review my bio, blogs and videos at http://www.ibosocial.com/brucedeery...you're welcome to call me at 828-989-7771.... whether you choose to sign up with me or one of your friends is irrelevant to me...happy to help and share my story with you....never been with a company where I have made money so quickly or much.... Regardless, Much success in whatever you end up doing.... Bruce Deery
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    • Profile picture of the author Mosa
      I have a friend that's also making decent money on it. Both me and my partner Trevor started accounts. Honestly I'm still skeptical, but it's worth a shot, especially if I have people I actually know making something from it. Besides, I don't even have to spend the 2 minutes per day to make that required post that makes you all the money... My VA does it
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  • Profile picture of the author jpf566
    Alright guys....but this part of my post is the biggest issue which I can't for the life of me get an answer for which leads me to think...Ponzi Scheme.

    I just can't see how spamming on free classified ads sites is helping zeekler out, but then how is Zeekler able to be paying everyone so much? If spamming affiliate links on free classified ad sites worked than everyone would be posting amazon and click bank links on those sites and making a killing. If Zeekler really needed people to post stupid "free bid" links all over the internet they could use Amazon Mechanical Turk or similar to have people do this for pennies instead of thousands of dollars.
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  • Profile picture of the author AOne
    Hey I'm personally making a lot of money per day doing ZeekRewards. They are totally legit. If you want more info on how they are doing what they are doing feel free to PM me. I 'm actually putting together a webinar on Penny Auctions. I am currently working with another penny auction too making GREAT money! I don't mind sharing how I'm doing it...just PM

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    • Profile picture of the author kindsvater
      Originally Posted by AOne View Post

      Hey I'm personally making a lot of money per day doing ZeekRewards. They are totally legit.
      Oops. Someone just lost their shorts.

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  • Profile picture of the author LeadGenie
    These penny auction sites make "bank" because they might have 100s people all bidding on one product and of course paying for all of those bids. In turn Zeekler may collect far more $$$ than what the product would originally retail for. That being said this site has already the victim of scammers and fraudulent activities.
    Fraud still rampant in Zeekler’s penny auctions? | BehindMLM

    hope this helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rob Whisonant
    Well it looks like the SEC feels it's not a legit network marketing company.
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