Making A Bodybuilding Site But Don't Look Like Bodybuilder?

30 replies
I'm thinking of creating a bodybuilding/fitness site with email marketing where I give my list helpful tips on dieting, weight lifting etc.

I have quite a strong knowledge of bodybuilding now, but I don't exactly look like a fitness model.

Would that hurt conversions?
#bodybuilder #bodybuilding #making #site
  • Profile picture of the author discrat
    Originally Posted by Michael Foze View Post

    I'm thinking of creating a bodybuilding/fitness site with email marketing where I give my list helpful tips on dieting, weight lifting etc.

    I have quite a strong knowledge of bodybuilding now, but I don't exactly look like a fitness model.

    Would that hurt conversions?

    This pic is me.

    Did Bela Karolyi have to look like or be like Nadia Comaneci or Mary Lou Retton to be a
    respected Authority in Gymnastics ?
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  • Profile picture of the author intergen
    No need for the pic. Just take it off. I'm not saying its not good but everyone has different goals. Some will want have the same look you do others won't. So don't give them a reason to decide based on a pic. Let them decide based on your knowledge.
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  • Profile picture of the author Adie
    During my employment years, I was selling Avon brassier and underwear to my females colleagues though I am straight male....

    Your personal/physical characteristics has nothing to do with the products you are selling but of course there are some limitations if you are doing it offline...

    Moderator's Note: You're only allowed to put your own products or sites in your signature.

    Signature edited.
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    • Profile picture of the author goindeep
      Dude you have a better looking body the 99% of the population.

      I think you will be fine.

      PS > how can I still drink beer and have a six pack, thats's what I wanna know!
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      • Profile picture of the author svsets10
        Originally Posted by Andrei Rotariu View Post

        Dude you have a better looking body the 99% of the population.

        I think you will be fine.

        PS > how can I still drink beer and have a six pack, thats's what I wanna know!
        Run hills......seriously
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        • Profile picture of the author TheClarkey
          You'll be fine, honestly, as long as you offer quality content you'll be fine.
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      • Profile picture of the author alvinchua91
        Originally Posted by goindeep View Post

        Dude you have a better looking body the 99% of the population.

        I think you will be fine.

        PS > how can I still drink beer and have a six pack, thats's what I wanna know!
        Check out my signature! It could be what you want. haha.

        Anyway to OP, it depends on how you package your offer. Of course, it will be much more convincing, and way easier to promote if you look the part. Otherwise, your sales copy will have to be better than normal, or you should take up more professional and relevant certificates.
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  • Profile picture of the author DaveWarrior
    There is a fitness blog I've seen lately in my research that appears to be doing well and the guy posted a headshot like a personal trainer would. I couldn't tell exactly, but he appeared rather thin but still fit. It actually made him look credible and probably more appealing than a huge bodybuilder would. Most people can't see themselves as huge, they just want to be fit. You could do a similar thing - just don't advertise as you getting people jacked or anything over the top. There's more products to sell to the general fitness population anyways.

    Reach 13K+ men in the dating niche - PM me for details

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  • Profile picture of the author JayVance
    You're pic is fine. People will want to get the results that you have. Most people just want to get into shape or have less than 10% body fat like yourself. A lot of bodybuilders go through constant changes with their bodies, going from off time, training, and competition physiques. I'm sure you know plenty about cutting and bulking, no bodybuilder looks like they do when they compete compared to when they are on their non competition time periods.

    Most of them look like you honestly. I think you will be safe with pics of your current body on your site.
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  • Profile picture of the author SeoDemon
    Hey! you look amazing i would subscribe with you if i was into bodybuilding, you will make huge success believe me
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  • Profile picture of the author Rob Whisonant
    Richard Simmons does well in the cardio market.

    Personally, I am a certified personal trainer and a boxer and I DO NOT look like a bodybuilder. Yet I train several in the gym each week. I look like a very fit runner. Has never been a problem. As long as you are not overweight and/or out of shape you should be fine.

    If you get a chance, look at the trainers of many big time bodybuilders. The majority don't look like anything close to a bodybuilder.
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    • Profile picture of the author vikingmarketer
      Originally Posted by Rob Whisonant View Post

      If you get a chance, look at the trainers of many big time bodybuilders. The majority don't look like anything close to a bodybuilder.
      It really depends on who it is. Some of them where really fit and stuff when they where below 45, others is having an education(university like) on fitness and exercise.

      But I'm glad this have come up I am considering getting my dad to shoot some videos of him working out, but he isn't in his killer shape anymore(back injury and 46)
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  • Profile picture of the author Josh Fulfer
    I know several personal trainers that don't look like fitness models or bodybuilders but they know their stuff inside and out and have plenty of clients that trust their advice.

    It does help to look like you take your own advice but at the end of the day if people can tell you know your stuff and are sincere they will listen to you.

    You're gonna have haters no matter how good of shape you're in or what you do anyway. Don't worry about them, just focus on providing value and the right people will show up.
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  • Profile picture of the author samjaynz
    Just avoid putting up pictures of yourself. I know a guy who owns one of the biggest affiliate products in the music niche (and he can't play the instrument he teaches). He also owns a popular dating site, which tries to teach men how to pick up ladies like magnet in a bag of nails - he's happily married with a wife and kids.

    What I'm saying is that there are FAR BIGGER factors that will impact your conversion rates!
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  • Profile picture of the author sovereignn
    Originally Posted by Michael Foze View Post

    I'm thinking of creating a bodybuilding/fitness site with email marketing where I give my list helpful tips on dieting, weight lifting etc.

    I have quite a strong knowledge of bodybuilding now, but I don't exactly look like a fitness model.

    Would that hurt conversions?
    Will your personal physique hurt conversions? Probably not just get some stock photos.....

    Now would it boost your conversions? Definitely go take your own advice get ripped and double your profit!
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Hill
    Originally Posted by Michael Foze View Post

    I'm thinking of creating a bodybuilding/fitness site with email marketing where I give my list helpful tips on dieting, weight lifting etc.

    I have quite a strong knowledge of bodybuilding now, but I don't exactly look like a fitness model.

    Would that hurt conversions?

    Will Brink doesn't have the body builders physique and yet he's very successful at writing, talking and training bodybuilders.

    Most of those bodybuilding magazine writers don't have a bodybuilders physique either.

    The one thing in common with both of these examples is they really knew their craft. They knew what they were talking about so if you know a lot about bodybuilding then go for it...
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  • Profile picture of the author greatestmj
    You don't have to be a bodybuilder to offer body building tips. Just don't put up your picture as an example of someone who took your tips =P
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    • Profile picture of the author Andre Slater
      There is nothing wrong about creating a fictional character and a pen name... If this wasn't the case then why can you buy pictures of people on istock photos just put the word bodybuilder in it and viola...
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      • Profile picture of the author Plugin Profits
        Originally Posted by Andre Slater View Post

        There is nothing wrong about creating a fictional character and a pen name... If this wasn't the case then why can you buy pictures of people on istock photos just put the word bodybuilder in it and viola...
        That gives people the right to use the photos illustratively as models only. NOT to claim anything fake/fraudulent about the photos like claiming it is them or claiming they trained them etc or any other fake claims. That would be like someone wanting to sell services as a photographer and then filling their portfolio up with beautiful stock photos and then claiming they are the photographer who shot them.

        Stock photos give limited usage rights (read the terms) only. They don't give the rights to commit fraud and lie!
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  • Profile picture of the author mtihani
    I wouldn't put your actual face. If something bad were to happen it would hurt YOUR brand. Cover it up with a fictional character and signature.
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  • Profile picture of the author LetsGoViral
    I would recommend you not to post the picture. Yes, people who are into bodybuilding will judge you if you are can only talk the talk and not walk the walk. I know it because I'm into fitness myself. When someone starts telling me about the new revolutionary system they found or some special method, yet they don't have perfect Zyzz-like physiques, I get a bit skeptical. I know that for older trainers it is ok not to have perfect physiques, but for the younger crowd - people want to see results.

    So just avoid posting pic for now.
    Time of thinking is over.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Foze
    Okay, I've got a bit of a dilemma here.

    I was considering making a personal blog offering diet plans, workout regimens etc but I don't really want to reveal my identity? I've noticed that most similar sites have the owner's face picture and real name etc. I'm guessing visitors aren't really going to trust you if they don't really know who you are?

    for example Josef Rakich Fitness - Online Personal Trainer
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  • Profile picture of the author JustVisiting
    Take a photo of yourself now. Post it on your web site. Your sales angle is for people to follow your blog as you implement your system to achieve the physique you want. Post new pics every few weeks.

    Bodybuilding is a huge market. Maybe target beginners which is why I am suggesting the "follow my improvement" approach. Serious bodybuilders probably won't listen to you at this time because you don't have established credentials in this area.
    "...If at first you don't succeed; call it Version 1.0"
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Foze
      Originally Posted by JustVisiting View Post

      Take a photo of yourself now. Post it on your web site. Your sales angle is for people to follow your blog as you implement your system to achieve the physique you want. Post new pics every few weeks.

      Bodybuilding is a huge market. Maybe target beginners which is why I am suggesting the "follow my improvement" approach. Serious bodybuilders probably won't listen to you at this time because you don't have established credentials in this area.
      I see what you mean, but I don't look like a beginner.
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  • Profile picture of the author Devin X
    Originally Posted by Michael Foze View Post

    I'm thinking of creating a bodybuilding/fitness site with email marketing where I give my list helpful tips on dieting, weight lifting etc.

    I have quite a strong knowledge of bodybuilding now, but I don't exactly look like a fitness model.

    Would that hurt conversions?
    Yes it will hurt conversions and credibility. Your pic looks fine but in my experience people will want your whole story. They wanna see your stats, before and after pics, and recent pics. Your pic looks fine but what are your stats?

    Personally a big selling point for me was illustrating how I went from 6'0 140lbs to 6'0 190 lbs in 2 years. If you have a story like that then it will help you out a great deal. People want to see progress on your part. The inverse is also true: if you were like 6'0 and always jacked up at 190lbs then people would ignore you because you can't seem to help them since you were just gifted. See what I'm saying? Hope this helps.
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Foze
      Originally Posted by TheRealDudeman View Post

      Yes it will hurt conversions and credibility. Your pic looks fine but in my experience people will want your whole story. They wanna see your stats, before and after pics, and recent pics. Your pic looks fine but what are your stats?

      Personally a big selling point for me was illustrating how I went from 6'0 140lbs to 6'0 190 lbs in 2 years. If you have a story like that then it will help you out a great deal. People want to see progress on your part. The inverse is also true: if you were like 6'0 and always jacked up at 190lbs then people would ignore you because you can't seem to help them since you were just gifted. See what I'm saying? Hope this helps.
      Yeah I'm the process of making a before/after video for the site.

      It's just a rough draft atm. But yeah I started out skinny 6'0 156lbs and ended up 6'1 190lbs in less than 2 years so that could be a selling point
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      • Profile picture of the author Devin X
        Originally Posted by Michael Foze View Post

        It's just a rough draft atm. But yeah I started out skinny 6'0 156lbs and ended up 6'1 190lbs in less than 2 years so that could be a selling point
        Yes that will be a big selling point for you. Very similar to my own story and illustrating that to my audience has been powerful, so I'm sure it will help you.

        IMO bodybuilding is a place where you cannot use pen names and fake progress pics and such. Bodybuilders are pretty cynical and will look around the forums and google to see if you're a fake or not. So keep it real and I think you'll do fine.

        Careful of the forums though...a lot of them don't actually know their ass from their elbow and will try starting a pissing contest with you. (they're so convinced of even the oldest of BB myths) Be prepared for that if you plan on marketing via forums.
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  • Profile picture of the author MuscleFreaks
    You will do fine just keep it listed with lots of good tips for training and nutrition. Supplement tips and reviews go over really big as well in the bodybuilding world.
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    • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
      Originally Posted by MuscleFreaks View Post

      You will do fine just keep it listed with lots of good tips for training and nutrition. Supplement tips and reviews go over really big as well in the bodybuilding world.
      Why did you dig up this ancient thread?????

      BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

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  • Profile picture of the author Sarevok
    I know a few very famous "bodybuilding" copywriters / salesman / experts who make an absolute killing.

    But, I wouldn't say they are very muscular (lol, I might get hatemail for this one).

    Think about menshealth. Do you think all the writers are jacked?

    I can't really tell you the secret to their success, but image isn't everything. Believe it or not.

    I know plenty of gym rats with 0 personality, 0 personality, who couldn't sell themselves.

    Your charisma will help you more than your body.

    Just my $.02
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