Best Free FTP client..better than filezilla and paid FTP?

14 replies
Just thought I'd share an FTP client I am using if you don't already know about it. It's Core FTP LE. If any newbies out there are having trouble with ftp servers I suggest using this one.

Just type 'core ftp le' in Google and download the latest version.

To me it makes transfering files easy and actually fun. Anyone else got any other suggestions please let me (us) know what you are doing with it. Just thought I'd share this with warriors who need it.
#clientbetter #filezilla #free #ftp #paid
  • Profile picture of the author dvduval
    I downloaded it and it looks pretty good. I do like Filezilla though. Main feature I saw listed that I liked was site to site transfer. Have you tried that?
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    • Profile picture of the author minisitetycoon
      Originally Posted by dvduval View Post

      I downloaded it and it looks pretty good. I do like Filezilla though. Main feature I saw listed that I liked was site to site transfer. Have you tried that?
      Yes I did try that, I love that feature.

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  • Profile picture of the author ResultsDriven
    Hard to beat Filezilla's 10 file simultaneous transferring when using a free FTP client though...
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    • Profile picture of the author MatroidX
      When flying with free alternatives, i usually prefer open source instead of Freeware, as they will cut out features to encourage you to buy the full version.

      I have used and had no problems with FileZilla (open source), but i will give CoreFTP (freeware) a test run just so i can officially have experience with it.

      Thanks for the suggestion.
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  • Profile picture of the author Shannon Herod
    I have used Filezilla for years. So, it would be a hard sell for me to switch. However, I'm going to check it out. I work with a lot of new marketers and if it is easier to use for them… I guess I need to learn about.
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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      I've used Core ftp for several years. Simple, clean and user friendly.
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      • Profile picture of the author minisitetycoon
        Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

        I've used Core ftp for several years. Simple, clean and user friendly.
        Yes, Core ftp is exactly what Kay said.

        I use filezilla as well and you can't beat the features. I agree with you guys wholeheartedly. If you ever have a newb who is having trouble with ftp, core ftp would be great for them with it's ease of use.

        I like it better than smartftp which I was also using.

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  • Profile picture of the author mojojuju
    FTP is kind of outdated. It doesn't encrypt your password or the data you transmit. There are more modern and secure protocols that can be used to transfer files. SCP is one of them. SFTP is another option. I've heard that SCP even transfers data faster than FTP. A lot of the FTP clients support SCP transfers, so it's easy to switch.


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  • Profile picture of the author hustlinsmoke
    Sticking with filezilla, I've been married to it too long now.
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  • Profile picture of the author Azlan
    for the secure ftp, or sftp, you can use filezilla feature for that. I have been using that feature a lot nowadays.

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    • Profile picture of the author zaggle
      Old post I know, but thanks for sharing this. I gave up using FileZilla as it would upload a number of files with zero bytes. It was always hit and miss. Sometimes I would copy the same 5 / 6 times and it would eventually upload properly. I tried many things to fix it but nothing worked, probably not FileZillas fault, but I started to use more cumbersome browser FTP for Firefox, it wasn't great, but it was reliable. I could upload a ton of files and walk away knowing that there would be no issues with the file transfer. I just couldn't trust FileZilla anymore.

      So far this is perfect.

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      • Profile picture of the author Lloyd Buchinski
        Originally Posted by zaggle View Post

        I gave up using FileZilla as it would upload a number of files with zero bytes.
        I've never seen that kind of problem with fz. I've always been impressed with it. Are you up to date with the latest version of it? Or maybe do a fresh install?

        Those are just what I would have tried. Seems like you have something working now so it's probably not worth your time checking the problem.

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  • Profile picture of the author howtogurus
    I do all my FTP through Adobe Dreamweaver, but if you use Firefox they have a good, free, easy to use, FTP plug-in. Go to Add-Ons and do a search for FireFTP. It runs right in the Firefox browser. Simple drag and drop interface.
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    • Profile picture of the author zaggle
      Yes, I've tried updating to the latest version, even tried their overnight builds, but I don't think it an FZ problem, there is something wrong with my firewall / anti virus / / ISP / God knows what, no idea really as I've tried switching them off and on etc. I'm not the only one with zero byte FTP upload issues, as a google search will show, but no one seemed to figure out a real solution, one that works for me anyway. And now I've found the same thing actually with Core FTP, which sort of confirms it is my set up.

      Thanks howtogurus, but the slow cumbersome browser FTP I referred to is Fire FTP, actually it's great, it's very reliable and I'm gonna back to it cause I know when I start an upload of a few thousand files they will all arrive, correctly. It's just slow cause it's http and it doesn't have a lot of features like FZ, like not uploading if file exists already or file is older etc.
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