What Makes You Lose Focus?

by Adie
65 replies
People who have perseverance, motivation, dedication along with good system always succeed. I've been in IM quite long. There are times that I sit in front of my PC doing SEO for the whole 8 to 12 hours without any interruptions. There are times that I sit in front of my PC the same length of time doing nothing but the following:

reading news
watching youtube videos of any kind
watching Korean drama (biggest problem recently).....

How about you. What makes you lose focus in your daily routine? Can you say that you are fully motivated and do everything that you planned that day everyday without any personal interruptions?

Let's hear!
#focus #lose #makes
  • Profile picture of the author solemanali
    I make my room dark by shutting down windows and doors and then I work because this helps me to concentrate on my work.
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    • Profile picture of the author BloggingPro
      Originally Posted by solemanali View Post

      I make my room dark by shutting down windows and doors and then I work because this helps me to concentrate on my work.
      I can't help but say this is not healthy at all, even if it does make you more productive. Staring at a computer screen, at the usual distances most of do is harmful enough... darkening of the room is further increasing that.

      Not trying to pick at you, but really, for the sake of your eyesight maybe an adjustment is warranted.

      You're going to fail. If you're afraid of failure then you do not belong in the Internet Marketing Business. Period.
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      • Profile picture of the author solemanali
        Originally Posted by BloggingPro View Post

        I can't help but say this is not healthy at all, even if it does make you more productive. Staring at a computer screen, at the usual distances most of do is harmful enough... darkening of the room is further increasing that.

        Not trying to pick at you, but really, for the sake of your eyesight maybe an adjustment is warranted.

        You are right but this helps me...I will try to change my habit as I know my eyes are getting weaker day by day.
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    • Profile picture of the author goindeep
      Originally Posted by solemanali View Post

      I make my room dark by shutting down windows and doors and then I work because this helps me to concentrate on my work.

      Now that's class right there.

      I also knew of this other guy that did that, then he murdered a whole bunch of people. Awesome.
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  • Profile picture of the author BloggingPro
    Most of my sites are built with Wordpress, so I have the luxury of scheduling out my content for days or months at a time. For example, for two of my sites that require fresh daily content, have content scheduled out to October. One of the sites has three posts publishing a day--all original content.

    That said, one is a top ten list style site, so if there is a current event that I can take advantage of I will quickly draft up an article for immediate posting. With everything else going on in the background I never feel overwhelmed to get my content "out the door" in a hurry.

    Several other sites and marketing methods require fewer updates, but those are still planned for accordingly.

    How do I stay focused? For one I just get my work done before I enjoy my time on the internet. I've been doing it this way for so long that it's almost a habit. I enjoy all of the niches I market and promote in, thus it's less of a chore for me to get my work done.

    I work hard and play harder! I've always felt that the longer I procrastinated with my work, the less time I had to "play" later on, so it's a win-win to develop a disciplined schedule. Even then I wouldn't say what I do is work, more like a few hobby's or interests that I am involved in, if that makes sense.

    You're going to fail. If you're afraid of failure then you do not belong in the Internet Marketing Business. Period.
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    • Profile picture of the author svsets10
      Originally Posted by BloggingPro View Post

      Most of my sites are built with Wordpress, so I have the luxury of scheduling out my content for days or months at a time. For example, for two of my sites that require fresh daily content, have content scheduled out to October. One of the sites has three posts publishing a day--all original content.

      That said, one is a top ten list style site, so if there is a current event that I can take advantage of I will quickly draft up an article for immediate posting. With everything else going on in the background I never feel overwhelmed to get my content "out the door" in a hurry.

      Several other sites and marketing methods require fewer updates, but those are still planned for accordingly.

      How do I stay focused? For one I just get my work done before I enjoy my time on the internet. I've been doing it this way for so long that it's almost a habit. I enjoy all of the niches I market and promote in, thus it's less of a chore for me to get my work done.

      I work hard and play harder! I've always felt that the longer I procrastinated with my work, the less time I had to "play" later on, so it's a win-win to develop a disciplined schedule. Even then I wouldn't say what I do is work, more like a few hobby's or interests that I am involved in, if that makes sense.

      I hate to say this but I have never really utilized the fact that with wordpress you could schedule content for months in advance.....It never even dawned on me to do that. It makes perfect sense for those creative bursts when articles are coming frequently. Thanks for this
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  • Profile picture of the author Fadiz
    trolling warriorforum gets me distracted
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    • Profile picture of the author Adie
      Originally Posted by Fadiz View Post

      trolling warriorforum gets me distracted
      Well that's a big problem if you can't overcome with it. Being a member of warriorforum and an and IMEr, it's normal to read and post from time to time but WF should not be a distraction.... Even in my busiest schedule, I still give time reading posts at on WF from time to time and I don't consider this as distraction...

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  • Profile picture of the author retsced
    I set 30 day challenges where I focus on a few important lead generation strategies. This month I will be writing 30 guest posts (1 a day) I will do nothing else until that guest post is written, then I'm free to implement other traffic generating tasks. Even on days where I get little done, I will always get one guest post written. At the end of the 30 days I will have 30 posts that each can get me anywhere from 200 - 500 visitors to my landing page.

    I have had individual guest posts generate up to 1000 visitors, so I have high hopes to get a lot of traffic from 30 of them. This is more of a test to see what works best when it comes to guest posting. I don't plan on writing 30 guest posts in a row again, but I do plan on learning from the experience.

    Next month I'll pick just one other specific strategy and do the same thing.
    Strong Men and Women put themselves in harms way
    for the freedoms weak people give away for safety
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  • Profile picture of the author Adie
    I think I should have been more clearer.... Although the response are all positive, they are not what I was expecting..
    I was actually asking "what are your distractions"......
    Thanks for positive comments though..

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  • Profile picture of the author repstein
    Laziness is the culprit for me!
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  • Profile picture of the author Amzi
    Naruto, one piece (any kind of anime) make me lose focus..
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  • Profile picture of the author marketwarrior06
    As I am a student i give some of the time reading the news update and and some engineering stuffs.
    I give a good amount of time in writing blogs, forum posting, social media sharing and other SEO tasks. these are my regular jobs.
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  • Profile picture of the author mattverick
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  • Profile picture of the author vCr8
    Headache makes me lose focus. I get this terrible headache at times that I end up not doing anything I have planned on doing for the day. I hate it though I love to give myself a rest once in a while.
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    • Profile picture of the author mattverick
      Question: Is there any software that locks everything on your pc but one application? Let's say I activate the software, I set a timer (45 minutes) and I can only use Word or visit only 2 sites for the next 45 minutes. After that period it unlocks everything I can have let's say a 10 minute break.

      Something like that..
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      • Profile picture of the author cashp0wer
        Email, the WF, other forums I visit, the Olympics right now (I do love them), the telephone, you name it - I can get easily distracted and work much better when I am completely alone and everything is quiet. If I am having a very bad day at keeping at my work I simply step away from the computer for a couple of hours and take a break. Some days I can sit here and work for hours and others not so much.
        My Internet Marketing Blog - Warts And All!
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      • Profile picture of the author christopher s
        Originally Posted by mattverick View Post

        Question: Is there any software that locks everything on your pc but one application? Let's say I activate the software, I set a timer (45 minutes) and I can only use Word or visit only 2 sites for the next 45 minutes. After that period it unlocks everything I can have let's say a 10 minute break.

        Something like that..
        I think rescuetime has a feature that will let you shut things down for certain periods of time. If you're trying to stay focused on writing I've found writeordie to be pretty useful for that purpose.
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  • Profile picture of the author CurtisSWN
    Thinking instead of doing. My worst distraction
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    Earns Me Over $146.72 in 12 Hours. This is Weird, But it Works!
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  • Profile picture of the author Chri5123
    I think all sorts of things cause us to lose focus.

    For me it is getting caught up on what I THINK I should be doing which is normally easier, such as updating my blogs etc...

    When what I should really be doing is put off.

    If you make sure what you are doing has a plan behind and a real vision as well as a goal you will be able to focus better or that is what I have found.
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  • Profile picture of the author visimedia
    what makes me loosing focus right now is :
    -when I'm checking yahoo email , I chose to look at the headline news as well ... lol
    -in warrior forum, I'm forced to see the latest shinny products or sensational offer WSO..
    focus is precious, indeed. I'm trying to do that.

    For best hostel in malang https://bedpackers.com & mold inspectors orlando : https://waterdamagerestorationorland...d-inspections/

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  • Profile picture of the author CNETTLETON
    I'm in Williston ND, for the oil boom (drill baby drill), and can't get internet in employing housing, so my internet on my phone is nice but it comes and goes. This is very distracting!!! lol, other than that youtube always gets me

    You Don't Fail When You Get Knocked Down, You Fail When You Don't Get Back Up


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  • Profile picture of the author Ninja Ana
    It used to be Youtube and Yahoo News (not so much the news as the comments! LOL)for me. But now I use Leechblock so that I can't get to the fun sites while still working.
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  • Profile picture of the author Bill Hugall
    Posting on a thread about losing focus : ) I found this new software that flashes positive affirmations every 10 seconds or so. When I am on here and I use it and it reminds me to stop checking stats or floating around when I have work to do. The computer is not a place I come to for fun anymore. I come here to work. So I need to find all the little things that will keep me in check. I don't know about you, but I would really like to make my dreams happen. In order to do that I need to have singleness of purpose when I get on this thing.

    That said I do like check up on the sports from time to time.
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  • Profile picture of the author Aaarrrggghhh
    The one thing that ALL these posts have in common which is the BIGGEST distraction...

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    • Profile picture of the author Adie
      Originally Posted by Aaarrrggghhh View Post

      The one thing that ALL these posts have in common which is the BIGGEST distraction...

      Haha, I agree... of course computer alone would not make distraction but the Internet... It seems Youtube is the main culprit?

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  • Profile picture of the author Robert X
    I suffer from "THE NEXT SHINY OBJECT" syndrome.

    And, "HYPE HYPE HYPE" syndrome.



    And, "WHAT'S ON T.V.? I'LL JUST TURN IT ON AND WORK!" syndrome.

    And I suffer from the worst,, "IT'S SO NICE OUT,, I'LL JUST GO RIDE MY BIKE AT THE BEACH" syndrome.

    Getting better at this though. I turn off the t.v. for hours and get at my tasks. Tou'd be surprised at how distracting that damn thing is. It's a waste of time.

    Robert X


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    • Profile picture of the author MatroidX
      1. Trying to do too many things at once.
      2. I tend to veer off course easily and make completely new tasks before finishing the original task.

      I guess you could say that i am not very disciplined and that is what distracts my focus.
      "Teachers can open the door, but you must enter by yourself." ~Chinese Proverb
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    • Profile picture of the author Adie
      Originally Posted by Robert X View Post

      I suffer from "THE NEXT SHINY OBJECT" syndrome.

      And, "HYPE HYPE HYPE" syndrome.



      And, "WHAT'S ON T.V.? I'LL JUST TURN IT ON AND WORK!" syndrome.

      And I suffer from the worst,, "IT'S SO NICE OUT,, I'LL JUST GO RIDE MY BIKE AT THE BEACH" syndrome.

      Getting better at this though. I turn off the t.v. for hours and get at my tasks. Tou'd be surprised at how distracting that damn thing is. It's a waste of time.

      Robert X
      best post under this thread so far... you mentioned almost everything that bothers me..

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  • Profile picture of the author AndyBlackSEO
    I always find I make much more progress when I'm not tired. If I've had a few late nights I find it hard to delve into my current project and get much done. I always try and get a good nights sleep so I wake up refreshed and ready for a days work. Some days are more productive than others, naturally.
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  • Profile picture of the author jficarro
    items that need to be done, but aren't the best priority choice

    It's a business. So I try to treat it as a business. But sometimes I think that if I were my employee... i'd reprimand myself.

    Best solution: schedule out the week in advance, keeping in mind which times of day you are most creative, tired, sleepy, etc.

    So, Monday 7-11 could be for writing articles. 1-2 could be back link creation. 3-4 could be updating xyz blogs.
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  • Profile picture of the author shawoon98
    1. Not focusing on the Goal itself makes me lose focus in my daily routine.
    2. Trying to add more content and make the next product better also makes me lose focus.
    3. Keeping an eye in the email box just to have a look at what's going on out there, who's breaking it with what does a big part of losing focus.
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  • Profile picture of the author cjreynolds
    Originally Posted by Adie View Post

    People who have perseverance, motivation, dedication along with good system always succeed. I've been in IM quite long. There are times that I sit in front of my PC doing SEO for the whole 8 to 12 hours without any interruptions. There are times that I sit in front of my PC the same length of time doing nothing but the following:

    reading news
    watching youtube videos of any kind
    watching Korean drama (biggest problem recently).....

    How about you. What makes you lose focus in your daily routine? Can you say that you are fully motivated and do everything that you planned that day everyday without any personal interruptions?

    Let's hear!
    Pretty women, my dog, anything shiny or colorful...

    I just added this sig so I can refer to it in my posts...

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  • Profile picture of the author Kal Sallam
    Too many tempting ideas & future projects...plus:

    The news
    Sometimes even friends take my time away!
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  • Profile picture of the author Martin Lee Jr

    Here I am supposed to be spending my time educating myself to be a better video marketer and Youtube expert, and I find myself watching way too many videos that have nothing to do with IM.

    Youtube is the biggest distraction, I have ever ran into
    How Can I help...
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  • Profile picture of the author Matt Bard
    The normal stuff like surfing the web instead of researching. Facebook, Skype, email...
    I found that when I decide that I will only open those up after I finish the day, the productivity goes way up. Funny how that works lol
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  • Profile picture of the author jficarro
    research (looking at what others are doing successfully and backward engineering it)

    My opinion - to make good money, treat IM as a real business. Schedule a week in advance taking into consideration the time slots where you are most creative, tired, etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author BizOpGuru
    I always find when you really want to concentrate it's best to wear big headphones and have a good playlist to avoid as many "outside" distractions as possible and keep you focused, it's easy to get distracted by so many things- this cuts a lot of them down
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  • Profile picture of the author SeoDemon
    the NEWS, when i check my yahoo e mail, i usually read the headlines of the news, open them one after another, suddenly i lost couple of hours with no work
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    I lose focus as soon as i see a Victoria's Secret commercial come on. I'm usually perplexed for the next 30 minutes.
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  • Profile picture of the author MaxPowers
    I am fully motivated (98% of the time).
    I never do everything I have planned, or else I need to be planning to do more.
    Personal Interruptions for a work-at-home-dad/husband do tend to happen.

    When one aspect of an issue stumps or stops me (1), I move on to the next project(2), then an important email comes through and I touch up that issue real quick(3), I forget where I was at, so I reach for a project that's been on my back burner (4), then I hear from whoever I had an email out to and come back to project #1 and may or may not finish it... now I'm hungry, so I eat and spend a few minutes with my family. I return to finish project #1 or remember that I haven't finished #2 and decide to check on email (5) since it's been a while. I finish touching up whatever little details come out of my email (6,7, and 7.5) and head back to work on #1. Knock out #1 and start over on #2 since I lost my place. A brainfart rips through my head and I suddenly have an answer for the issue I dealt with last week (project #8 today).

    Tomorrow, I'll try to finish up #2 and #4 made some progress, but won't be finished without another week of solid work on it. #8 is almost finished. Not bad because I knocked out a lot of issues throughout the day, but still not 100% of what needed to be done.

    Somehow, I don't think this post covered it all, but honk if you've lived this scenario.
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  • Profile picture of the author zaraimrie
    Facebook gets me every time. I think I will have a little look at what is going on there and next thing it is an hour later I have wasted. I also need to feel some pressure or i find it difficult to motivate myself.

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  • Profile picture of the author Gsdlady
    I lose focus when I begin searching the net ,or go on Facebook. I also have a game I've been playing for 3 years and once I get on there I totally lose focus......LOL

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  • Profile picture of the author paul nicholls
    im finding it very hard to focus on any work when the olympics is on

    i love watching it, and i often have to actually turn the tv off otherwise i would get nothing done

    i still watch all the finals

    and today great britain had there first Gold Medal :-)

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  • Profile picture of the author MarkBradley
    It's much easier to lose focus than to find it again. When I was in corporate there was a study that each interruption would take you 15 minutes to get back to where you were before. Better to set aside blocks of time with absolutly no interuptions for say 45 minutes then take a good 15 min break.

    Mark Bradley

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  • Profile picture of the author pmbrent
    Social media sites are a terrible attention distractor...
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  • Profile picture of the author alexcercel
    The thing that affected me the most was letting myself drift because of the drama around me. My goal right now is to stop carrying so much about others and start being a little more selfish
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    • Profile picture of the author jficarro
      Originally Posted by alexcercel View Post

      The thing that affected me the most was letting myself drift because of the drama around me. My goal right now is to stop carrying so much about others and start being a little more selfish
      I can't agree enough! We have to practice detachment - imagine if you had a 9-5 job and went in all resentful and couldn't concentrate on the job?

      It's the same for us that operate a business. We have to leave it all behind when we work (at least) - and that is more difficult when you are 1. working from home and 2. the boss.
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      • Profile picture of the author Eelco de Boer
        Low energy (health) is one of the biggest focuskillers of all time

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  • Profile picture of the author theBUSINESS
    When my health is deteriorating...
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  • Profile picture of the author DonHuevos
    Civ V and CNBC are my biggest distractions.

    I use tools like e.ggtimer.com to break up my workday into task, which seems to help. Also, set a schedule and stick to it. You're better off setting a series of deadlines for yourself instead of a marathon shift.

    Also, avoid trying jumping from project to project.....that will eat up you time faster than a pig in an apple orchard.
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  • Profile picture of the author therichb
    Lots of things to do & some are acted upon, the main factor that distracts from concentrating upon anything.

    I mostly work upon marketing my stuff, build list & reserve more clients for my business but there are many many more stuff to add here in list which again makes me loose focus on my main goal, sad for me
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    • Profile picture of the author Adie
      Originally Posted by therichb View Post

      Lots of things to do & some are acted upon, the main factor that distracts from concentrating upon anything.

      I mostly work upon marketing my stuff, build list & reserve more clients for my business but there are many many more stuff to add here in list which again makes me loose focus on my main goal, sad for me
      Simple advice: Do not overwork and overstress yourself

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  • Profile picture of the author contentwriting360
    It's a matter of discipline. Well, of course, when you're new on something, you don't have that high level of discipline yet. But once you've realized that what you're doing does not help you in achieving your goal for the week or month, you yourself will stop that. It's all about telling your mind how badly do you need to achieve the goals you've set for yourself. When your action plans are not deeply-rooted into your supreme goal, you can easily be disturbed. But if your goal has this 'by-hook-or-by-crook-I-must-achieve-my-goals' flavor, you'll surely do only those things that will help you achieve your goals.
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  • Profile picture of the author praveenpious
    Being a financial trader gives me a lot of reasons to procrastinate. This is one of the reasons why I resumed article writing works for my clients. Even then, I try to do just five articles of 500 words every 24 hours (per client). I spend rest of the time aimlessly wandering through tech forums while keeping an eye on the trading terminal..
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  • Profile picture of the author KickAss Marketing
    There are a lot of factors that can make me lose focus. First is the Computer, TV, Radio, iPod and all other kind of gadgets that we have around us. But it's all about how we discipline myself on how to get back to whatever i am doing.
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  • Profile picture of the author JayParker
    There are tons of things that can make me lose focus. I have attention deficit disorder so you can imagine. There is facebook, youtube videos, google news, etc. In order to focus you need to have a goal and a daily plan and stick to it. Have the discipline, because at the end of the day the results would speak for themselves. And wasting time would not turn into income that's for sure.
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  • Profile picture of the author kieranlavelle
    Food! That's what I lose focus to I also suppose no fast reward from method's which I am using.
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    • Profile picture of the author Adie
      Originally Posted by kieranlavelle View Post

      Food! That's what I lose focus to I also suppose no fast reward from method's which I am using.
      I forget eating when I'm in the mood to do IM..

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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Franklin
    I'll be working at the computer for hours and hours and then my dog will walk in with a toy in his mouth and tell me that it's time to play.

    Although he's my main distraction, it's actually a good thing because if he didn't, I'd rarely take any breaks....and that's not healthy at all!

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  • Profile picture of the author Martin Lee Jr
    This Warrior Forum can make you lose focus. Sure it's a wealth of information for internet marketers, but how many of us our guilty of browsing the forum when we really should be getting some work done
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  • Profile picture of the author cyber freak
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    • Profile picture of the author TheWrightWords
      4 kids under the age of 10, including a 6 month old There's a reason I start working around 9pm most nights!

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    • Profile picture of the author cashp0wer
      If I work too many hours and lose sleep I tend to lose focus. If I get enough rest I do much better. I try not to work too many hours each day without taking breaks.
      My Internet Marketing Blog - Warts And All!
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