July and August Are the Worst Months to Sell. A Myth or a Fact?

25 replies
I've been hearing that July and August are the months with the lowest sales, be it an online or an offline business. We haven't gotten a feel of it that much yet (hopefully, we don't experience that this August 2012).

I tried to research on Google but I can't seem to find a legitimate research that proves that. Has anyone come across this information before? Have you experienced low sales in the months of July and August?
#august #july #months #sell #worst
  • Profile picture of the author GMD

    Certain items MIGHT BE seasonal, but in today's "connected" world (smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc.) people can and do make purchases all the time, any time.

    People are going to jump on board and say "yeah my sales get less during this time or that time" but that's the exception and not the rule.

    There's always a time in the year when people are doing something and sellers of products or services wonder if a particular month is bad or good.

    The bottom line is keep marketing, keep making contacts, keep exposing the public to your products and or services and they will buy -- whether it be at the beach, at Aunt Ruby's house, gambling in Las Vegas or from the comfort of their beds.
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  • Profile picture of the author Adie
    I have both offline and online businesses and I can tell you that from May, my sales on both have dropped...and yes, I agree that this is until August...

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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Whether they have smartphones, tablets, etc or not, it's not uncommon for sales to drop during summer months. People are on vacation and doing a lot of outdoor summer stuff and a lot of people say their sales drop. As for a study on it, I have no idea whether someone has done a study.
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  • Profile picture of the author seobro
    I call it the summer sag. People are out doors now. Sadly, ipads are not a good choice when you are out swimming. Apple needs revise their ipad and to make a water proof new version. Also, one that does not wash out in full sun.

    That said, this is a great month to do your super summer saving. August will soon be over. Please do try to get more consumers. Typically, your sales are soft in the summer.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Oksa
    I hear ice cream trucks do a thriving business this time of year.

    All the best,

    "Ich bin en fuego!"
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  • Profile picture of the author Leveragist
    Definitely a myth.

    As GMD said, some products/services are seasonal.

    I have an affiliate website selling lawn equipment, so the summer months are definitely my best months while it drops to zilch during the winter.
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    • Profile picture of the author bigslamgyrl
      Originally Posted by Leveragist View Post

      Definitely a myth.

      As GMD said, some products/services are seasonal.
      Yes, I believe it definitely depends on how you are making your money. My PLR store has only been open a few months, but I know other PLR sellers who have told me that they have the lowest sales during the summer.

      On the other hand when I was a ghostwriter I had people order wedding and diet bundles from me. Some of them did affiliate marketing, others had their own sites. So it really depends. But they were obviously making money to shell out that kind of money to me.
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  • Profile picture of the author vCr8
    It depends on your items I guess. If you think this is caused by summer...why not buiod sites for summer? This way you have thriving sites all year round....just my two cents
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  • Profile picture of the author Halcyon
    All product sales ebb and flow. How and when it affects you depends on what you're selling. For example, anything related to back to school is thriving right now.

    Over all, January through March are usually the slowest months due to post holiday sticker shock, however even those months are profitable to those in the weight loss niche.
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  • Profile picture of the author laurencewins
    July was my worst month this year but I don't know if it is a trend or just me.

    Cheers, Laurence.

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  • Profile picture of the author crissie
    It seems in Europe, since we can't afford to go off on holidays, there's way more traffic online than usual since the beginning of July. I got this from a friend who works at a telecom co.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chri5123
    In my experience I always find it a little slower in the summer months but of course it depends on what niche you are in. If you are selling barbeques then you might not do too badly.
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    • Profile picture of the author cashp0wer
      I think it's a myth - especially with people being constantly connected to the Internet with their tablets and smartphones going everywhere with them. It might be a tad bit slower in the summer but not enough to make a huge difference.
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  • Profile picture of the author contentwriting360
    Just to add, a few months back, I read that sales in the Warrior Forum are slower in July than any other months.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
      Originally Posted by contentwriting360 View Post

      Just to add, a few months back, I read that sales in the Warrior Forum are slower in July than any other months.
      And was this from one vendor or all of them?

      Or maybe someone was trying to sabotage others from posting their offers so the marketplace would be less congested.

      Keep in mind, the marketplace here is a grain of sand to what is on the internet and the offline world.

      I live on an island where things are in season here. Some of the stores are only open for roughly May through September. People rely on all their sales for the year in a few short months - including July and August.

      Your question is a bit to broad or general, and would need a lot of data to go anywhere near the "Fact" zone.

      "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        I've seen a drop in activity/sales every summer for ten years - don't think it's a myth.

        I spend less time working online in the summer and I know friends spend less time browsing sites. Kids are out of school, vacations and outdoor activities take precedence.

        I doubt social media activity slows much, if at all - but I've always seen an uptick online when weather cools in the fall. It may due to no "buying"holidays during summer months. I've always thought sports equipment sites and camping supply outlets should do fine through the summer, though.

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        • Profile picture of the author Adie
          Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

          I've seen a drop in activity/sales every summer for ten years - don't think it's a myth.

          I spend less time working online in the summer and I know friends spend less time browsing sites. Kids are out of school, vacations and outdoor activities take precedence.

          I doubt social media activity slows much, if at all - but I've always seen an uptick online when weather cools in the fall. It may due to no "buying"holidays during summer months. I've always thought sports equipment sites and camping supply outlets should do fine through the summer, though.

          In my country, sales drop in every summer.

          1. start of class - parents spending on enrollment and tuition fees plus school supplies
          2. agriculture is not good during summer
          3. as tropical country, May to August are worse months in weather due to series of typhoons and storms..

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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by contentwriting360 View Post

    July and August Are the Worst Months to Sell. A Myth or a Fact?
    I suspect it's a myth.

    It's ultimately unproveable, because for the figures to be statistically significant, you'd need many years' results to compare, and both the internet itself and one's business change so much over "many years" that there are always too many variables to be evidential of anything, really.

    Two examples from my own limited (under 4 years') experience ...

    (i) In each of the previous two years, July has been a comparatively quiet month for me - apparently significantly worse than June - this year it was exactly the opposite;

    (ii) In each of the previous two years, December had been a comparatively busy month for me (contrary to expectations) with its slight dip in sales close to Christmas more than compensated for by an early January "rush" - this last winter it was exactly the opposite.

    My numbers are too small to judge. And so are most people's, I suspect, because statistically, you'd need at least 10 years' results with all the other "variables" being pretty constant, to judge anything much. And none of us has that. It's an ever-changing, developing world. The more one's business expands, and the better one does, the harder (and the less relevant!) it becomes to judge these things, I think?
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  • Profile picture of the author Rose Anderson
    When I worked in mail order, December and January were the busiest months. December, of course, because of the holidays. January because more people were staying home due to the weather and doing their shopping by catalog. I would think that internet shopping might be somewhat the same. Less people online for shorter amounts of time in the summer months.

    However, I think mainly it depends on what you sell. Surf boards are selling very well here on Amelia Island right now.

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  • I don't know about in the IM niche. but in the fitness niche I specialize in the summer months are always the worst.

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  • Profile picture of the author volit
    Every company I have worked for in my life has experienced a summer slow-down.
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  • Profile picture of the author goindeep
    This depends on what country you live in and what business you are in. You can't just lump everything into one corner. Believe there are many people and businesses doing really well right now.
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  • Profile picture of the author OnlineAddict
    I have always had to work harder during the summer to keep the same sales. September things start to get back to normal. This goes for most online sales, digital services, not seasonal products. I have been in the online business since 2001 and saw the same every year.
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    • Profile picture of the author Adie
      Originally Posted by OnlineAddict View Post

      I have always had to work harder during the summer to keep the same sales. September things start to get back to normal. This goes for most online sales, digital services, not seasonal products. I have been in the online business since 2001 and saw the same every year.
      My highest sales in my online business last year came from months of October to January where November is the highest of all.It sytarted slowing down beginning of March and continues to dip until July... Let see what August can bring...

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      • Profile picture of the author contentwriting360
        We have experienced the same over the last 2 years.

        Originally Posted by Adie View Post

        My highest sales in my online business last year came from months of October to January where November is the highest of all.It sytarted slowing down beginning of March and continues to dip until July... Let see what August can bring...
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