IM During a Depression?
Basically there's too much debt, and not enough jobs to go around.
Okay, there are plenty of jobs in the third world paying a tenth or less of what "first world" nations are paying. We also have a lot of "really necessary" wars to pay for. That's big business for the banks and the companies that make tanks, guns and predator drones; but doesn't really add up to a lot of money for us "little" entrepreneurs grabbing up all that discretionary income.
So it's like a global economic crisis as the news says, or a recession, or a depression, or "downturn." But the politicians say they have a plan; we're going to come roaring back really soon. Just as long as the Democrats or the Republicans stop it from happening.
Well, I have to ask is it really that bad?
Are we fiddling while Rome burns, or rearranging deck chairs in the Titanic? Are the politicians and bubble-heads on TV right, and there's a recovery just around the corner?
Should we start hoarding food, survival equipment, and ammunition? I'm sure a lot of sites selling "prepper" items would say we should

Well, economics is sort of a hobby of mine, I'm kind of a nerd in that way.
But I don't think we should start planning for the next boom times, but we also shouldn't expect some kind of Mad Max type of dystopian future, fighting off mutant zombie cannibals left and right, as it were.
We have a hobby of getting riled up, we love hysteria, and we have lots of bug-eyed commentators out there telling us the end is near. I just don't think it's going to be that bad.
The bankers, the corporations, the governments, and the media propaganda machines require the existence of an Internet; it's not going away anytime soon. There is a massive global infrastructure and there are going to be billions of people needed to run it.
All those people are still going to have acne problems, keep getting pregnant, and needing to deal with relationship problems. They're going to have to be entertained, get their emails, and pay their bills. They're going to need car insurance to get back and forth to work.
Basically, they are still going to have a life. If we don't sell them the things they need, want, or think they want, then someone else will!
The banks need us as much as we think we need them

So, truthfully I don't think the Internet or Internet Marketing is going to go away anytime soon. In fact its renaissance is yet to come!
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