Need help getting affiliates to promote my product!

18 replies
Hi guys,

I am a certified nutritionist, and have just released my first eBook. I am new to this, and need some advice on how to get affiliates on board? :confused:
At this stage I have no conversion figures, so how do I get affiliates to promote it - without throwing loads of money at it!?

Would really appreciate some advice!

#affiliates #product #promote
  • Profile picture of the author dbough
    Hi Rachel.

    An associate of mine posted great videos on Youtube for a while before publishing an eBook. I think this helped him in book promotion because it gave a face to a name. Also, a lot of his followers (like me) readily promoted his book for him on our websites, youtube vids and other social media networks.

    Have you thought about creating short videos on topics related to nutrition? How about videos on topics covered in your book. Just enough info to be helpful, but not enough to give everything away. You could then offer a link to your eBook for more great info.

    Just an idea for you.

    Best of luck!

    **Edit** My advice is a bit off-topic (sorry).
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    • Profile picture of the author Rachel H
      dbough, thank you for your help! Do you know if your friend used any sort of programme tool to push the vids to the top, so that people could find them easily when typing in specific search terms into youtube? Videos are certainly powerful, and we have filmed our sales video which is on, in order to put our faces to our name! Definitely going to film more. Thanks again, Rachel
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  • Profile picture of the author SurrealPSD
    Wow, that's a lot of commission!

    Im not an internet marketer so Im not much help; however Im also releasing my own CB information product later this year. Hope it goes well for you
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  • Profile picture of the author mbacak
    Have you googled terms like "anti aging newsletter" and tried to contact the owners of those lists... I just googled it it for you.

    I'd suggest, contacting these people. First start with the ones buying PPC ads, then move on to getting the ones ranked high for the free traffic.

    Most of the time you can find their contact info at the bottom of the page, if not use domain tools to see if you can grab their contact info that way...
    The Listbuilding Club (join by clicking below)
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    • Profile picture of the author Rachel H
      Originally Posted by mbacak View Post

      Have you googled terms like "anti aging newsletter" and tried to contact the owners of those lists... I just googled it it for you.

      I'd suggest, contacting these people. First start with the ones buying PPC ads, then move on to getting the ones ranked high for the free traffic.

      Most of the time you can find their contact info at the bottom of the page, if not use domain tools to see if you can grab their contact info that way...
      Hi Matt! That's very helpful, thanks for taking the time to reply. I'll get cracking on that... You don't happen to know anybody in the anti-aging, skincare niche who might want to promote it do you?! 75%comm
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  • Profile picture of the author Kenneth L
    Hi Rachel,

    To be honest with you, this is going to be quite tricky for you. If you don't have your own house list then it is going to be an uphill struggle, in most cases.

    I suggest trying some paid traffic and sending it to a squeeze page and then following up with the leads and also starting a Blog. Over time you will build up your own list and will be able to "reciprocate" with others in your niche.

    Don't be discouraged however, just realize that there isn't an instant solution to create an instant sales force of affiliates.

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    • Profile picture of the author Rachel H
      Originally Posted by Kenneth L View Post

      Hi Rachel,

      To be honest with you, this is going to be quite tricky for you. If you don't have your own house list then it is going to be an uphill struggle, in most cases.

      I suggest trying some paid traffic and sending it to a squeeze page and then following up with the leads and also starting a Blog. Over time you will build up your own list and will be able to "reciprocate" with others in your niche.

      Don't be discouraged however, just realize that there isn't an instant solution to create an instant sales force of affiliates.

      I won't be discouraged! Thank you for your advice! Rachel
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  • Profile picture of the author carlpicot
    Have you tried searching for blogs in your niche and contacting the owners ??

    Try health based blogs. There must be some people that will promote for you


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    • Profile picture of the author Rachel H
      Originally Posted by carlpicot View Post

      Have you tried searching for blogs in your niche and contacting the owners ??

      Try health based blogs. There must be some people that will promote for you


      Great tip! Thanks. I'm going to get searching today! Thank you for your reply, Rachel
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  • Profile picture of the author jamesrich1
    Have you already tested out different forms of traffic and proved that your product converts well?
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    • Profile picture of the author Rachel H
      Originally Posted by jamesrich1 View Post

      Have you already tested out different forms of traffic and proved that your product converts well?
      Hi, thanks for your reply. I am currently working on a PPC campaign in order to harvest some conversion rate figures! Is there no other way to get affiliates on board other than providing them with conversion figures?
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  • Yes I would love to know what's your EPC rates are! Matt has a valid point contact the people that has a list in your market already and someone will promote for you. For as your youtube video it's all about placing your keyword in your title, description and tag. Ping your video and then place your videos on at lease 5 different blogs and then social bookmark your video and that will help with pushing your blog to the top of youtube. and once you up load you video then post it on facebook and try to get 25 to 30 of your friends to like it with in the first 20 mins of posting your video the same with twitter.
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    • Profile picture of the author Rachel H
      Originally Posted by View Post

      Yes I would love to know what's your EPC rates are! Matt has a valid point contact the people that has a list in your market already and someone will promote for you. For as your youtube video it's all about placing your keyword in your title, description and tag. Ping your video and then place your videos on at lease 5 different blogs and then social bookmark your video and that will help with pushing your blog to the top of youtube. and once you up load you video then post it on facebook and try to get 25 to 30 of your friends to like it with in the first 20 mins of posting your video the same with twitter.
      That's really great advice! Thanks so much! Can I just ask what EPC rates are? Sorry, I'm new to this Thanks again, Rachel
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      • Profile picture of the author RogueOne
        Originally Posted by Rachel H View Post

        Can I just ask what EPC rates are?
        Earnings Per Click.

        Most affiliates determine which products to promote based on EPC. If your product has a high EPC it will be easier to get affiliates to promote it.

        I assume you did your market research before starting all this, and that there is search traffic and a desire/need for your product.

        If this is true the first thing I would do is list the product on all the top affiliate platforms. JVZoo - ClickBank - Digiresults - Payspree - PayDotCom.

        If there is traffic and money in the niche then people will be looking for products to promote, and/or will research a potentially profitable product.

        The suggestion about youtube is a good one. No need for expensive, fancy videos. Short videos that hit people fast and hard with benefits - benefits - benefits - strong Call To Action. "Click the link right now!" Big red arrow pointing to your link in the description.

        The idea is to get people to click through to your site, where you can inform and sell them.
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  • Profile picture of the author jamesrich1
    Rachel would you want to promote a product that has no proven success?
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  • Profile picture of the author slobbydon99
    Hey Rachel,

    Try contacting AcneSkinSite whoever owns that is the #1 affiliate for acne-skin-beauty in the world. The twitter is insane it even gets RT on celeb accounts.

    Twitter: @acneskinsite
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    • Hi Rachel. I suggest these strategies, based on results from our tests for our own campaigns and for the campaigns of our clients:

      First, develop a "trailer" product and a "post-trailer" product. Launch it as a paid product before your actual ebook. Include a link in that "trailer" product which points to the squeeze page for your "post-trailer" product. That "post-trailer" product should mention the launch of your ebook and that it'll be available soon via pre-launch orders at a better price or with better bundles than the actual launch of the ebook. Your "post-trailer" product should also provide content not found in your "trailer" product, but rather supplemental content that can give readers more benefits. It's up to you if you want your "post-trailer" product to be exclusive for buyers of your "trailer" product...

      Second, post your "trailer" product in affiliate networks like Clickbank and JVZoo among others as an affiliate product with a 90% or more commission-per-sale percentage. Promote your "trailer" product sales page as well as your affiliate signup page (should be in your own site network and should have links pointing to the signup pages in those affiliate networks, and do not directly promote your affiliate signup pages in those affiliate networks, since you wouldn't want to promote the site of others instead of your own network of sites) via PPC, guest posting, solo email ads, content syndication, video marketing and social media marketing among others. Remember, the sales page of your "pre-trailer" product that your affiliates will link to should be configured to make the sale for your affiliates and not have the prospect buyers driven by your affiliates to sign up to your mailing list, via your squeeze page, instead of buying your "trailer" product -- You'll get more experienced affiliates by ensuring this, since no affiliate who knows what he or she's doing would want to promote a page that screams 'Sign Up to Our Mailing List Instead of Buying This Product"...

      Third, launch a Facebook PPC ad campaign that's exclusively for your target states and countries (you can test this out with your own state and country first), to hire writers with expertise in your niche, and tell them they can also signup as your affiliates, so they can: (1) get paid for their work; (2) earn the 90% or more commission-per-sale percentage, by promoting (in their own social networks and in other offsite places where they regularly hang out to discuss related topics, such as health and fitness blogs, forums, online communities, etc.) the content materials that they will write and post in your network of sites for you (of course you should tell them that they should include their affiliate links in those content materials and subtlely relate the content of those materials to your product mentioned above); and (3) they will learn how to make money online not just by writing for others, but also from earning passive income from affiliate commissions they can get when they promote the content materials they were already paid for, in their own social networks and in other offsite places that are heavily trafficked by people looking for relevant content and solutions. This way -- You get unique content for your network of sites and affiliates who'll promote your "trailer" product. Then:

      =>> When you're ready to launch your ebook, you can send an update to your affiliates and to your mailing list of buyers (those who bought your "trailer" product and downloaded your "post-trailer" product but did not buy your pre-launch ebook offer). Think of ways to entice your buyer list to also sign up as your affiliates so they could earn commissions by promoting your "trailer" product, ebook and site content in their own social networks, in their own blogs/sites and in the online places they regularly go to...
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  • Profile picture of the author netrover
    Rachel, what price are you selling it at? I find that the higher the price, the more affiliates you will attract. Also, your sales page needs to be top-notch.

    You can also purchase a PPC ad on ClickBank.

    Dan Perez

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