Do Any of You Warriors Use JVzoo?

12 replies
I signed up and put an affiliate page up on JVzoo last week. I haven't had any luck finding affiliates there.

Is there something I'm missing or is it just not as popular as Clickbank or the WSO forum here?
#affiliate #affiliates #jvzoo #warriors
  • Profile picture of the author carlpicot
    Maybe you should join a FB group and get to know some people that will promote for you.

    There are a load at the moment. I would just search for anything with JV in it

    hope this helps

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    • Profile picture of the author PublishingMadeEz

      Thanks for the information. I am assuming by FB you mean Facebook correct?
      Sorry, I'm a newbie here and want to make sure I have the jargon correct.

      Thanks again for your help!
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael D Forbes
    I think JVZoo is gaining traction pretty fast, but the base of affiliates that browse for offers doesn't seem to be very large yet. It's a great platform and I really like what the guys over there are doing, so well worth pursuing business there, in my opinion.

    I don't know that anyone does all that well on any platform just putting up an affiliate page, so I'll assume you understand that making relationships in the business is where your best affiliate activity is probably going to come from.
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    • Profile picture of the author PublishingMadeEz
      Originally Posted by Michael D Forbes View Post

      I think JVZoo is gaining traction pretty fast, but the base of affiliates that browse for offers doesn't seem to be very large yet. It's a great platform and I really like what the guys over there are doing, so well worth pursuing business there, in my opinion.

      I don't know that anyone does all that well on any platform just putting up an affiliate page, so I'll assume you understand that making relationships in the business is where your best affiliate activity is probably going to come from.

      Thanks for the info on JVzoo and how it's a good platform so I'll leave it there.

      The info about just putting up an affiliate page and expecting sales is exactly what kind of info I was looking for. Carl in a different post suggested FB to find and build relationships. Is there anywhere else I can go to start building relationships?

      Thanks for your input it is appreciated!
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  • Profile picture of the author carlpicot
    Yea Face book -


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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    If JVzoo isn't working for you well, you could always try Paydotcom.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kreator517
    I've had the opposite experience.... nearly a dozen affiliates swarmed onto my offer at JV zoo whereas not a single bite at other free affiliate networks!

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  • Profile picture of the author ichimoku
    Ive been waiting days for my product to get approved on JV zoo. Because Im trying to sell the product for £150 and they need to approve anything above £50.

    I have contacted support but I have had no responce.... any ideas?

    Let ME show YOU the secrets of the Worlds most Advanced Trading Indicator ichimoku

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  • Profile picture of the author GaurabBorah
    I think you can get more affiliates if you try Warriorplus for your launches. Join some Product Launch Skype groups, there are many. Send some review copies and ask them to promote if they like your product. Provide good commission. That's just few.
    [WSOTD] Easy STEP-BY-STEP $50-$100/Day Posting Lame FB Ads!*WARRIORS MAKING MONEY*(New Social PROOF)...Click here
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