Does Frank Kern just buy traffic; not use SEO at all?

35 replies
It seems like his website is hardly ever updated, it's just been the same few articles since this time last year...
#buy #frank kern #seo #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author mbacak
    I can't speak for Frank, however... many people I know, don't really do SEO. Everything mostly comes from buying traffic and from list building from launches.
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    • Profile picture of the author David-JP
      SEO is an important part of a websites traffic strategy, but it isn't consistent or predictable. Google is a fickle mistress.

      Buying ads, getting JV and affiliate partners, building lists through launches, that's stuff you can plan out and build a business on.

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    • Profile picture of the author intergen
      Originally Posted by mbacak View Post

      I can't speak for Frank, however... many people I know, don't really do SEO. Everything mostly comes from buying traffic and from list building from launches.
      So Matt - where are they "buying" this traffic from? Or do you mean JV's etc?
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      • Profile picture of the author ryanmilligan
        Originally Posted by intergen View Post

        So Matt - where are they "buying" this traffic from? Or do you mean JV's etc?
        I would assume PPC and purchasing clicks from others lists.
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      • Profile picture of the author anthony2
        Originally Posted by intergen View Post

        So Matt - where are they "buying" this traffic from? Or do you mean JV's etc?

        Listening to an old webinar he did sometime ago.

        Frank mentions that when it comes to SEO he hates it.

        Also mentions he buys some of his traffic from Huge Email Drops.
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  • Profile picture of the author J50
    Frank Kern can afford to buy traffic, more so because he knows just how much each visitor is worth from different sources. Also across different customer life cycles. For example, each visitor on average might be yielding $1 from all his sources within the first month (1 cycle), so he only has to pay less than that to start profiting on his front end. You have to remember that Frank Kern is at the top of his game.
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  • Profile picture of the author MatthewWoodward
    His traffic comes from the Guru syndicate of lists where they all scratch each others backs to profit of their list of newbies.
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  • Profile picture of the author BloggingPro
    Frank Kern probably does do some SEO, but it's probably not a focus for him. With his resources a quick PayPal payments can get him thousands, if not millions of targeted buyers attention.

    You're going to fail. If you're afraid of failure then you do not belong in the Internet Marketing Business. Period.
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  • Profile picture of the author Robert Puddy
    if you were given the opportunity to spend $1 and get back $2 for everyone you spent how much money would you beg borrow or steal to get in ?
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    • Profile picture of the author mosthost
      Originally Posted by Robert Puddy View Post

      if you were given the opportunity to spend $1 and get back $2 for everyone you spent how much money would you beg borrow or steal to get in ?
      If you could do that consistently you'd be the richest person who ever lived on the planet. (Or was this some sort of trick question?)
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  • Profile picture of the author charleskirkland
    If you want to look at how advanced a marketer is just look at how they get traffic.
    SEO is like the icing on the cake...but at the end of the day if you build a business on SEO you are SCREWED.
    Build you business on paid traffic than life is good.
    Every day Charles shares tips, strategies, and advice to help you start and grow your online business while avoiding the mistakes he made. Everything Charles writes is based on his own experiences building multiple successful businesses.
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  • Profile picture of the author Black Hat Cat
    Kern gets his traffic from the evil evil sYndicate when they aren't busy preying on innocent people in dark alleys and eating babies. It's all true....the silly analvoid said so.
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  • Profile picture of the author GeorgiaB
    SEO is for a long time "journey". If you do it correctly, you will receive good traffic.
    Many gurus rarely choose SEO road, because it's slow. They pay for their traffic. And they have huge lists too.
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  • Profile picture of the author gcbmark20
    I'm glad buying traffic is an option!

    It takes away all that crazy Google ever changing "Smoke Screen".

    Who really knows how to do proper SEO when anyway when things are consistently changing but those changes are never clearly laid out for us to see what we have to do in order to get a slice of the traffic.

    There are some great solo ad providers here at the W.F. if you are looking for fast, quality traffic.

    Hope this helps & all the best my friend!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Ldimilo
    If you look at his websites, you would know he doesn't do SEO at all. And I would imagine his bread and butter is ad buys and JV's across the board.
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  • Profile picture of the author youngnetblogger
    Most of the top Internet marketers in the World buy traffic from solo ads or a related site in their niche.... Some of their traffics also comes from email list
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  • Profile picture of the author sarahania
    if you are buying traffic means you are getting popular again, when you are not sure about where to go when you heard something from radio, agai we will go to google and search....there comes again search traffic. maybe sometimes without knowing also we do seo. even effective keeping users in mind.
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  • Profile picture of the author Joan Altz
    If you're not buying traffic, you are just playing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nino
    That happens when you have a strategy and think long term!

    His list is probably big enough to use averages like 1$/subscriber/month... so when his making 50-100k (i don't know...)? per month he can test a lot of paid advertising, which will surely grow his list... that's a sure thing. What does he also get when he increases his list? More dollars/month ...

    Also, being an avid fan of him he does what he preaches and in his State of The Internet Address said that the best skill you can get in marketing is to make your advertising turn profit. And from what i've seen he can do it very easy.

    Of course, those 2-10k prices help you a lot! But let's face it, most of us don't believe in this plan, selling high ticket items. So if we don't believe we don't act.
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    • Profile picture of the author Rbtmarshall
      He has 10's of thousands in multiple mailing lists, and primarily uses PPC for lead generation.

      I saw a course of his and he was showing his adwords account where the total was $1.4mill. And Google still threatened to terminate his account due to lack of content, advertising for landing pages, etc..
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  • Profile picture of the author dalegolden
    Paid traffic is really a great way to get targeted traffic without any SEO. People who does not like to do SEO but have some money to invest, they go for paid traffic sources like PPC.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rbtmarshall
    Also, I think he retired from teaching internet marketing, and went to offline local consulting.

    The last gig I saw from him was a year or so ago, and he mentioned Dan Kennedy telling him he could charge 100k for private client. So he did, I forgot the number maybe 5 or 10 people bought into that 100k program the slots filled quickly.
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  • Profile picture of the author CharlieDewitte
    Paid traffic is scalable. Frank uses Facebook to use his audience all the time. Not only paid ads but he's REALLY good on his actual fan page and gets a lot of people into his webinars that way.
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    • Profile picture of the author celente
      Originally Posted by CharlieDewitte View Post

      Paid traffic is scalable. Frank uses Facebook to use his audience all the time. Not only paid ads but he's REALLY good on his actual fan page and gets a lot of people into his webinars that way.
      I mention that Facebook PPC is very very expenisive but frank would most likely be using his PPC leads and driving those to his facebook fanpage, .... facebook not only like this, costs you a hell of a lot less per actual CLICK there too.
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    Franks main method of marketing is word of mouth marketing... whether that be genuine word of mouth or paid solo ads or email blasts. SEO is becoming less and less desirable because it's just too unstable nowadays. If your business is built around SEO it's not a matter of 'if' you go under, but 'when'. There is absolutely nothing guaranteed about SEO so how could you build a proper business based around it?

    I guess Google are actually making traction because they are making more and more of us move to paid media rather than wasting time and money with SEO.

    Paid media all the way. It's much more scalable and much more reliable.
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    I know frank kern has always been VERY big on PPC Google and now he is more into Facebook PPC even though its pricey, other than those, he has a good list of people...and can probably send an email and clean up. LOL

    if you have seen franky's coaching program and back end stuff, it would not matter if its $4 a PPC click, he has a good strategy in place and his coaching is not cheap once they are in his funnel.

    I do not need to tell you this, frank gives alot of this info away in his free stuff, but does not show you his exact steps!!
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  • Profile picture of the author MrDay
    He uses paid traffic and explains it's a necessity. Frank Kern presents "The State Of The Internet" Great video

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  • Profile picture of the author retsced
    Who has the bloody time to do all that seo nonsense anymore?
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    • Profile picture of the author hodari
      Kern is on another level. And he tells you that if you listen. His traffic comes from his list and fb ads. Put them on the webinar and go from there. Give Results In Advance and put in the funnel.

      He got that from Clayton Makepeace. I recall hearing a call Kern did where he was interviewing Makepeace. Clayton works with some finance company called Money and Markets. All they do is send out 1 to 3 emails about a webinar to sign up for. No other marketing or the like.

      Clayton really broke it down in the call. Get on the mail list to see how they do. Kern listened took notes and that is all he seems to do now. It is just hard for me to get on those 2 hour webinars he puts on ! Although I have heard a bit of some of them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kal Sallam
    Frank Kern is on a whole different level --his a Brand Name.

    He does not Chase traffic--traffic comes to him, from
    Threads like these on the forums, others go WHO? Frank who?
    He must be real good & they start looking him up and telling
    Their friends. Combine this with his partners? Millions made easily.

    Have a happy thanksgiving.

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  • Profile picture of the author TomYevsikov
    Frank? frank gets traffic like this -

    Product launches - affiliate traffic

    Squeeze pages - affiliate traffic

    Blog - SEO, list traffic and viral traffic
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    Most "gurus" out there never buy their traffic.

    They have 100's and 1000's of affiliates promote for them. That is the beauty of having a lot of people do all the work for you.

    Traffic comes to him in abundance from his affiliates. He doesn't keep all the money because he shares it with his affiliates.

    That is what most gurus are doing these days.

    The guys and ladies you see on clickbank that are making $5,000-$10,000 per day are making it through the hard efforts of again, their affiliates.
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  • Profile picture of the author SEOExpert999
    Really to tell you the truth you should not optimize for a keyword, seo wise, unless you have bought the traffic and you know the keyword is a converting keyword for your product/lead page specifically.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark72
    Last time I heard Frank Kern mention anything about this he said he was doing PPC on facebook.

    Maybe his big guru cred helps him convert this traffic because there are definitely better sources out there.
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