Membership Site Owners - I need your opinion

25 replies
Do you prefer membership site scripts that you run on your own hosting/servers or do you prefer a fully hosted solution?


#membership #opinion #owners #site
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  • Profile picture of the author Janet Sawyer
    Hosting on your own server is the secure option, without doubt. Never, ever leave your future in someone elses hands.

    Many years ago I trusted a company to run my ecommerce site, it was called webstreet, it was light years ahead of miva and others, but, they didn't have the financial backing they needed........ lo and behold they went out of business and so did my site...... bit of a bummer really, but never mind, I survived, they didn't.

    I'd never ever now, rely on a third party hosted option, not even for a membership site.
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  • I definitely prefer self-hosted scripts, if I understand your question:

    - Noone else sees the contact info for your membership
    - Noone else knows how much you make (#members * per-member fee)
    - Noone else has super-easy access to your content (scrape the on-disk files)

    If you don't know how to manage this, I'm sure there's people on odesk and similar sites that will do it for you, for a monthly fee. Yes, it'll bite into your profits.
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  • Profile picture of the author DominicTFY
    Self hosted.

    1. I get to do a full database back up
    2. There's no monthly fees to pay
    3. Full-control

    And I make sure that my self-hosted script (yes, I have a membership site) is running on at least a VPS with more disk space and bandwidth to support my site's activities.

    Just my 2 cents,
    Dominic Tay
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    • Profile picture of the author myob
      I have all my own scripts and host them on my domains. The ideal is also to have your own programmers, developers, writers, and salespeople all inhouse. I just use a modified membership script that I bought for $47 (Membershit Manager) and had it redone because it can be installed on dozens of domains for no extra cost. There are also some very good commercial membership scripts available such as amember, which provide full installation services.
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    • Profile picture of the author AlexKaplo
      Originally Posted by DominicTFY View Post

      Self hosted.

      1. I get to do a full database back up
      2. There's no monthly fees to pay
      3. Full-control

      And I make sure that my self-hosted script (yes, I have a membership site) is running on at least a VPS with more disk space and bandwidth to support my site's activities.

      Just my 2 cents,
      Dominic Tay
      Absolutely agree on all point from Dominic here... In my opinion, hosting on your own server is the only way to go. Good luck on your online ventures!

      Alex Kaplo

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  • There you have it, Andy. SELF HOSTED! Unanimous.
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  • Profile picture of the author Andy Fletcher
    Come on guys. This is all very inconclusive. It'd be good if you could all agree
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  • Profile picture of the author Quentin
    Well it will all depend on your business model what you choose.

    Some will prefer hosted models and some self hosted.

    I personally love self hosted and running mine through wordpress.

    Making Online Business Easy

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  • Profile picture of the author Quentin
    Well it will all depend on your business model what you choose.

    Some will prefer hosted models and some self hosted.

    I personally love self hosted and running mine through wordpress.

    Making Online Business Easy

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  • Profile picture of the author Josh Anderson
    To me it does not matter if the system is self hosted or hosted...

    What matters is what it does, if it does what you need it to do, how easy it is to manage, and if you can create membership after membership on the fly without ever having to install scripts or speak with coders.

    The key is choosing the best system for automating your business. If you focus too much time on whether its hosted or not and forget to look at how much more money the right solution will make you and how it will allow you to focus on marketing rather than maintenance then you are focusing on the wrong thing.

    In other words if you are looking at hosted vs self hosted... you may be missing the real value of what you are looking at because you are not focusing on what it can do for you regardless of where it is located.

    We offer a hosted monthly service that is unparalleled in the industry. We host it on a private with a gigabyte network connection which is also a plus because your average "self hosted" publisher cannot afford more than a 100mb connection.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
    Hi Andy,
    Actually I prefer my own custom coded script that I host myself and have full control over.. My own script that I built myself that I know works and is secure and if something needs fixed then I do it or if I want to do upgrades then I add them..

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  • Profile picture of the author Andy Fletcher
    Thanks to everyone who posted. I should point out this post was more inline with market research for a development project of mine than looking for a way to run my own membership site.


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  • Profile picture of the author Ivancho
    brum... I also prefer the full control as I can do what ever I want...
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  • Profile picture of the author Zubair Zm
    I prefer hosted on my server that I have full control.

    Get FREE Autoresponder For Wordpress at

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  • Profile picture of the author Andy Fletcher
    I'm surprised by these answers. I was expecting more people to be in favour of self hosted but I'm amazed that no one other than Josh (who is a little biased) votes for a hosted/managed option.


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    • Profile picture of the author JamesFrancisIM
      Self-Hosted and therefore Self-Managed always wins in my opinion.

      I'm running Internet Marketing Profit Machine on the 'Joomla 1.5' platform, 'Access Expiration Control' for the payment system, and 'iDevAffiliate For Joomla' for the affiliates.

      Few problems and restrictions here and there but there's always workarounds for everything.

      Hope i've helped

      - James.
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    • Profile picture of the author Johnny Slater

      It's not really surprising that most people would choose a self hosted solution. A managed solution is great for someone who can afford the monthly outlay and doesn't mind putting their business in someone else's hands.

      The vast majority of people, from what I have seen anyway, are going to prefer a one time expense that allows them complete control over a monthly fee for a service that they only have partial control over.

      With a managed solution you are completely at the mercy of the merchant you are hiring to control your membership areas. If their server goes down you have no control over when it will come back up. If they go out of business you are left high and dry. They have complete access to your products, your customers, and your private data. Also, with a self managed solution you can install it on as many domains as you want and sell as many products as you want without any extra expense, most of the time.

      Some people who have already become successful will opt for the risks but most people who are just starting out will be more inclined to have more control. Again, this is just based on what I have learned from 2 years selling a membership solution and is not meant to be an all inclusive answer but just my obvservations only.

      Originally Posted by Andy Fletcher View Post

      I'm surprised by these answers. I was expecting more people to be in favour of self hosted but I'm amazed that no one other than Josh (who is a little biased) votes for a hosted/managed option.



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    • Profile picture of the author BizBoost
      Originally Posted by Andy Fletcher View Post

      I'm surprised by these answers. I was expecting more people to be in favour of self hosted but I'm amazed that no one other than Josh (who is a little biased) votes for a hosted/managed option.
      Because it's his business. Maybe if he could hook you up with a few of his customers, past and present, you'd get a clearer picture.
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  • Profile picture of the author GailTrahd
    I use self-hosted on two different sites and love the control. If you are looking for market research on a product then be sure to include a great customer service department, 2 tier affiliate management, easy user interface, and the ability to protect more than one folder. All of that can be done either self- or fully-hosted option.
    Content, Video, Infographics in the lucrative relationship market

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  • Profile picture of the author Andy Fletcher
    For everyone who is saying they want a self hosted option. Do you use Aweber/Getresponse or the like for your autoresponder or do you use one on your own servers?
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    • Profile picture of the author JamesFrancisIM
      Originally Posted by Andy Fletcher View Post

      For everyone who is saying they want a self hosted option. Do you use Aweber/Getresponse or the like for your autoresponder or do you use one on your own servers?
      AWeber. Best investment i've EVER made

      - James.
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    • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
      Originally Posted by Andy Fletcher View Post

      For everyone who is saying they want a self hosted option. Do you use Aweber/Getresponse or the like for your autoresponder or do you use one on your own servers?
      Actually I also use my own custom coded optin mail list system too.. Why use other services and pay them when I can just code my own and use my own server.

      I code mail systems into just about every script and site I release and many of my clients that have 50,000+ members use my custom coded mail list system without any problems.

      It is always best to keep full control over your own stuff if possible...

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