I just found a perfect domain for my business...but!

by Adie
19 replies
I found a perfect domain for my business but both .com and .net were taken. Only .org is available. Can I still be successful with this domain? Although it is not a highly-searched keyword but I believe it is perfect..

The .com domain is parked and for sale with a minimum offer of $2,500

Is there any possibility that someday, when my business becomes successful, the owner of .com and .net might clone my business/website and outrank mine (.org)?
My planned business is related to portal/community.

Sensible suggestion is highly needed as I am now on the process of building a custom script for this website.

Thank you,
#businessbut #domain #found #perfect
  • Profile picture of the author Ben Clemons
    I would try your absolute best to find something very close to a .com! There must be something closely related, and if not, maybe you can negotiate a better price. I have paid $X,XXX for domains before and have done very well, so it all depends on the specifics of your situation... Personally for branding, I would only use a .com though
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  • Profile picture of the author eeeasyas12345
    .com is the way to go, it is the most popular, and the most used.
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    • Profile picture of the author Adie
      Originally Posted by eeeasyas12345 View Post

      .com is the way to go, it is the most popular, and the most used.
      Thanks but this does not answer my question. I know .com is popular but it is not available and/or extremely expensive for my current budget state.

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  • Profile picture of the author gundammeister
    Originally Posted by Adie View Post

    I found a perfect domain for my business but both .com and .net were taken. Only .org is available. Can I still be successful with this domain? Although it is not a highly-searched keyword but I believe it is perfect..

    The .com domain is parked and for sale with a minimum offer of $2,500

    Is there any possibility that someday, when my business becomes successful, the owner of .com and .net might clone my business/website and outrank mine (.org)?
    My planned business is related to portal/community.

    Sensible suggestion is highly needed as I am now on the process of building a custom script for this website.

    Thank you,
    Yeah. I have a friend who was in a similar situation. She was first to get the domain but only the .org and .net was available. But she only chose to register the .org and now as of today, the .net ranks above her site right now.

    It really depends on how much faith you have in your idea / concept.
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    • Profile picture of the author GMD

      Purchase the .org name and build your site.


      The debate over .com, .net., .org, etc is a SILLY AND STUPID ONE. There is NO evidence at all to even remotely suggest certain domain extensions naturally rank or rate better than others.

      If your site is crap it will be ranked as crap; if it's a quality site -- regardless of domain extension -- it will rank far and above other lesser sites.


      Regardless of what any of you personally believe, your visitors don't give a flying f*ck if you've got a .com, .net. .org, or dot whatever -- and neither does Google or any of the other search engines. Don't get hung up on the extension: JUST BUILD YOUR SITE AND DOMINATE -- it might not seem as "cool" to you because it doesn't have a .com extension. But as far as the rest of the world is concerned, nobody cares.

      P.S. -- It's highly unlikely the current owner(s) of the .com name or .net name that you want would one day "clone" your business and try to out rank you.

      First, and most likely, since the domains are parked and for sale, it's probably one of hundreds of thousands of domain names purchased only for the purpose of making money from people like you who want the .com version.

      Second, all the the SEO you do on your .org name -- and all the customers, the backlinks -- will be pointing to your site. Even if your business is "cloned" it doesn't mean that automatically or even in the near future this would outrank your .org site.

      Sit back and really, really think about the things that you're worried about and you'll find, that in the end, it's much ado about nothing.
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  • Profile picture of the author JoshClick
    Since it sounds like SEO is important to you, I would highly recommend going for a .com domain, but it's not required to become successful. In the future, when you do find success, you will be able to buy that .com domain you've been hoping to get.

    Otherwise, in the meantime, you can settle for that .org or .net or find a similar .com domain name.

    And remember, don't become so fixated on this one piece of your business. There are so many other things that you can pool your focus into to become successful.


    Edit: GMD's post came in right before mine and I totally agree with him!
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    • Profile picture of the author cjreynolds
      It used to be conventional wisdom that you try to use a .com whenever possible, because that's the extension most people remember (even if you tell them it's .org or .net). However, in most of our online marketing efforts nowadays, our customers almost never have to type in an address to get to your website - they're usually clicking on a link, so it doesn't make any difference.

      If your .com domain is parked, buy the .org or whatever, build your business, and check back from time to time. The current owner may eventually give up on the domain and let it expire, then you can buy it and re-direct your .org to the .com.

      I had a similar situation with a .com that I lost (due to no fault of my own... not bitter... not angry... really...). The domain was bought and immediately parked, and the asking price was $1200 (much more than I was willing to pay). I just waited it out, and eventually the domain went back on the market and I registered it for $10 - good things happen for those that wait....

      I just added this sig so I can refer to it in my posts...

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  • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
    The .org is just fine. Go with it.
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  • Profile picture of the author contentwriting360
    Go ahead and build your domain to whichever extension is available. You're also a content writing service provider. Content will handle it for you. You have access to inexpensive content by letting your team write your own content.

    The belief that .com domains are easier to be ranked than non-.com domains because that's the belief that's been going on in unison for a while now. Not all crowdy places are best places to go.

    Content is king!
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  • Profile picture of the author Madrona
    There are two options, you can choose other similar domain with .com extension or you can negotiate price with the seller if you find affordable..
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  • Profile picture of the author phuongle
    which keyword you chose ? i can look closer in the adword to find relevent domain based on keyword

    New!!! Get Free Online Marketing Tools

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    • Profile picture of the author Adie
      Originally Posted by phuongle View Post

      which keyword you chose ? i can look closer in the adword to find relevent domain based on keyword
      It's not about the keyword here as I do not after for traffic that can be generated by the exact keyword search. I consider it a brand name so the keyword relevancy is not an issue.

      Anyway, the domain is cloneyourself.org and I'm planning to build a VA-related business around it. I can't tell the details but that about cloning your self with VAs... Does it makes sense?

      I already have another domain registered before this one but after reading a very good article about virtual outsourcing, I found this domain (about cloning yourself)..

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  • Profile picture of the author ArielT
    Don't go with the .org, maybe when you has the site created the owner could want to take advantage of this (not sure but would be provably)

    The alternatives are:

    1- If you are very sure that domain will be great, buy it, try to negociate the prize, but first think very well if you are right, many times I thought a domain name was great but after a time I change my mind or found another better

    2- Look for an alternative .com

    My opinion is that It could have better alternatives, that name is very specific, maybe a more general name with the word clonation would be better

    But buy the .org anyway, hurry up!
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  • Profile picture of the author GeorgiaB
    If you want to brand your name, go only for .COM
    If your domain is a good keyword, you can go for .ORG too.
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  • Profile picture of the author Adie
    jarycu, if I can only hit the thanks button a million times, I will do it.
    It never crossed in my mind that I can have a .me domain as I am not really a big fan of it but having a virtuallyclone.me is like asking someone to hire me and is perfect!

    I grabbed it immediately at namecheap for $8.99. Check this domain after 4 to 6 months and you'll see the result. I invested more than $1,000 on custom script for this website and I'm sure I will give my best shot at promotion. I'll give you a very big credit once the site is running... I can't promise what it is but I will... Thank you very much....

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  • Profile picture of the author TheArticlePros
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    • Personally, I wouldn't sweat the scenario of the owners of the .net or .com cloning your site, replicating your business model, and ranking above you. That is a highly unlikely outcome indeed, and would require a lot of unlikely occurrences to synergistically combine. Not to mention that if someone duplicated your content exactly after yours was ranked, it would not be viewed favorably by Google, and they'd likely get slapped back to no man's land.

      So proceed, build your site and model, make it profitable, then my guess is a year from now you'll have the opportunity to buy the .com for cheaper if you want it. From experience, that's usually how it goes down.

      Best of luck!

      Mark Stone
      Samurai Marketing Club (SMC)

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  • Profile picture of the author thatkeywordguy
    My own website is a .org

    Yes i'd always prefer the .com of course. But as long as you stick with the Classic Top Level Domains you should be ok. And if your site gets big, you can always "Drop the The" like TheFacebook.com did.

    Get Keyword Reseacher at CleverGizmos.com.

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  • Profile picture of the author 0oo0
    Get the .org register a trademark and send them a trademark infringment cease and desist letter to give up their rights because it will be illegal to profit off you trademark by selling it.

    So they have to let it expire then buy it for $10 once they let it go.

    Here's an example letter Example Trademark Cease & Desist Letter | Patent Trademark Copyright Law
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  • Profile picture of the author Austin80ss
    If you manage to build quality resource it's really doesn't matter will it be .net or .com or. org.
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