How can i convince this wholesaler to sell to me?
I was talking to the manager today, "we can't just give out details to anyone to be honest" so requested an email from me to explain who i am and WHAT my plans are.
The problem is that he was talking about already having loads of retailers (including his own websites) in Ireland, Europe and even USA so i don't know if he was trying to say we don't need any competition so be careful how enthusiastic you are OR he was trying to say we don't need small guys so unless you're serious we're not interested, can someone please advise me on how to proceed in the approach.
I'm a sole trader and in the process of getting my e-commerce website going so i appeal to the more experienced for a little help. Thanks.
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The aim of marketing is to make selling superfluous. The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well that the product or service fits him and sells itself.....