Pat Flynn: My Monthly Income Report - July 2012

5 replies
Pat Flynn runs a very successful blog that I can highly recommend. One of the things he does is a monthly income report. In his monthly reports he also mentions some of the highs and lows for the month in question.

Something to whet your appetite, his affiliate income from was $24,900 last month.

Have a look.

My Monthly Income Report - July 2012

Joe Mobley
#2012 #flynn #income #july #monthly #pat #report
  • Profile picture of the author John J M
    Wow! That's a crazy stat. Thanks for the share. Maybe it's time to look into Bluehost hah.
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  • Profile picture of the author edwinkoh
    wow, the bluehost stat is amazing man.

    Have you got any idea how he's generating the traffic to bluehost, besides youtube?
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    • Profile picture of the author Taniwha
      Originally Posted by edwinkoh View Post

      Have you got any idea how he's generating the traffic to bluehost, besides youtube?
      His affiliate link on his website. Remember, he has A LOT of traffic coming in.
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      • Profile picture of the author David Hooper
        I've known Pat for a while and used to be in a mastermind group with him. The "traffic" helps, but the reason he's making so much money is a lot more than that!

        What I feel contributes to his success:

        1. quality content that helps people
        2. he loves his readers - I know he turns down A LOT of opportunities to make even more money, because he is looking out for them
        3. he is honest about his experiences - So many of the IM and "blog" guys try to be big shots. Pat is honest about what he knows (and doesn't).
        4. he is always trying new things, while continuing with what works
        5. he is always testing
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  • Profile picture of the author roach98ST
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    • Profile picture of the author Chris Silvey

      I learned a few things going to his site. It showed me that one of my sites I have made a major oversight and should have known better. eek! well 2 actually.

      I also got his ebook while I was there. Hope it helps on my own projects. I need some structure on those as well.

      Thanks for the link. It is an eye opener and gives hope.
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