Autoresponder Hosting

11 replies
What companies offer the best Autoresponder sevices?

I have heard of aweber and getresponse but am unsure who offer the best

does one company offer additional extra's that we actually need???

any help as always much appreciated
#autoresponder #hosting
  • Profile picture of the author Ashley Wright
    Hi, personally I use aweber, but both aweber and getresponse get the same results, aweber is explained with tutorials not sure if you get the same with getresponse
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    • Profile picture of the author maverick17
      I use aweber too and i think it is good easy to use and the help there is great.
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      • Profile picture of the author New Life
        thanks for the speedy feedback..

        just want too sure with the choices....

        who is the cheapest or shouldn't i sacrifice service for a couple of bucks??
        Free WSO To Come!!
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        • Profile picture of the author Steve Johns
          I've used aweber for 2 years now and have had zero problems with their service.
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  • Profile picture of the author Zubair Zm
    Recently I had to take similar decision for myself and after that I decided to go for getresponse. The reason was cost. Getresponse and Aweber gives almost similar results and Getresponse is much cheaper then Aweber. You can compare the cost and features at their website and then make he decision.

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    • Profile picture of the author knmrwarrior
      The majority of marketers use either Aweber or GetResponse. You can't go far wrong with either one. I used to use a self-hosted solution (listmailpro) which I was happy with but as my lists grew I decided to make the move to aweber. It has worked out well so far. Aweber changed their prices recently so that may be a factor for you.
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      • Profile picture of the author New Life
        thanks 4 all the info

        much appreciated!!
        Free WSO To Come!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Heimir Finnson
    I recommend Aweber, been using their service for 3 months without any problems.
    It's worth the price.

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    • Profile picture of the author New Life
      thanks everyone for yor help

      seems aweber is definently the way to go!!
      Free WSO To Come!!
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  • Profile picture of the author marketingmonster
    I use aweber. Not complaints and very reliable.

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  • Profile picture of the author stevenh512
    I've had good luck with both aweber and getresponse, both as a marketer and as a subscriber to many lists. As far as email deliverability goes (at least in my own gmail and yahoo inboxes) both are about the same, most messages don't end up in any kind of spam trap. Aweber does seem to get the confirmation message to my gmail inbox a good 20-30 seconds faster than getresponse does, but that's not too big a difference so go with whichever one offers the right price and features for you.

    In the past I've also had good results with Email Aces, but I couldn't tell you if they're still worth using, it's been a few years.

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