Question About Blog Commenting

11 replies
I've been commenting on about 20 different blogs and posts for the past 6 days or so for backlinks, leaving no more than 2 comments on any given blog and more than half of my blog comments still haven't been approved. Any suggestions?

I generally do leave valuable feedback and comments that I feel do add value to the posts. They are generally a paragraph or so long and left on blogs that are highly targeted for my target niche and my target demographic.
#blog #commenting #question
  • Profile picture of the author vCr8
    One possible answer to that is... The blogs you have been commenting on have too many pending comments to be moderated. Or they just simply have not logged back to check on their queue. If your posts ads value to their blogs there really isn't anything you should be worried about. Be patient
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  • Profile picture of the author hebsgaard
    Patience is key as javajunkie said.

    The simple fact is that many bloggers get a ton of comments they have to go through. Most of them are spam comments which akismet or other spam detection tools should catch. Even with anti-spam plugins in place it might just seem too time consuming to go through all the comments.

    If you are truly adding value to the blog through your comments you have nothing to worry about. If you do that I wouldn't think you had to stick to a two comments per blog rule. Personally, I love commentors who add value and don't mind more comments from the same person if they are good.
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  • Profile picture of the author easternodyssey
    I think the view is some you win and some you lose. I normally do the commenting and find no matter how relevent the comment is sometimes its just not ever added, even when pointless comments get added. Normally its just a matter of waiting and not getting annoyed. Normally i just go straight on and find another blog instead of waisting time checking back. One that i have found before was a .edu blog that had clear spam on the comments. However, they would not except my comment. Normally i would not mind but taking into account it was a political blog on vietnamese politics and i studied international relations and have an Asian focused website and relavent comment, you would think my comment would be relevent than a person with an insurance company, commenting, "how very informative".
    Eastern Odyssey | The Definitive Guide to Asia
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  • Profile picture of the author David Sneen
    Broderick, I think you have a right to expect quicker responses than you have been getting. I usually get my blog comments approved in a couple days.

    If someone can't approve your comment in a reasonable time, I would look for a different site to comment on.

    Why? Commenting is for links....and for direct traffic for your blog. After a few days, the owner of a good blog would make a new post or two. And, the more current posts push the older posts down. People will often read the top post or two...and then move on. If they don't get to the post that you commented on, you don't get new traffic.

    So, if a blog owner takes a long time to OK your comment, you are losing valuable traffic.
    David Sneen
    It's what you do when no one is watching
    that determines what you will be able to
    do when everyone is watching.
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    • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath

      1. In the case that I am a blogger and you comment on my blog... you do NOT have any rights there - not even to expect me to approve or anything. It is MY web property and you cannot claim any kind of "rights" to it. Sorry, it just doesn't work that way.

      2. Commenting is NOT for links. Yes, I know: spammers do it for links. I kill all those comments

      3. Commenting for traffic - could be a valuable resource, IF you add really something that makes the visitors of that blog curious to see what else this smart/witty/kewl guy has to say on his own web site/blog.

      So, when you start going around and commenting on blogs... humility (a.k.a. 'you don't have rights!'); adding value; not spamming and just good old common sense will take you far.

      just my $0.02

      Originally Posted by David Sneen View Post

      Broderick, I think you have a right to expect quicker responses than you have been getting. I usually get my blog comments approved in a couple days.

      If someone can't approve your comment in a reasonable time, I would look for a different site to comment on.

      Why? Commenting is for links....and for direct traffic for your blog. After a few days, the owner of a good blog would make a new post or two. And, the more current posts push the older posts down. People will often read the top post or two...and then move on. If they don't get to the post that you commented on, you don't get new traffic.

      So, if a blog owner takes a long time to OK your comment, you are losing valuable traffic.

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  • Profile picture of the author pauljohnny
    Hello Broderick, just put yourself in their shoes. I know you're a blogger as well right? There's lots of reasons why a comment is getting that long to be approved and if you're doing it right, there's no reason to be worried about.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Keep blog commenting, but dont bet the farm with this technique. Find other ways to get traffic. While you're doing this, you probably wont even think about the speed at which your blog comments get accepted.
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  • Profile picture of the author cbader
    Find new blogs! There are still a lot out there that are decent that will automatically post your comment. At least I've seen a few.
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  • I agree with JavaJunkie. Not all bloggers moderate their comments on a regular basis. This may be what the delay is. If you continue this way, you will see the benefits over time. I know that I have had many times when a blogger does not approve my comments for a couple of months. In the grand scheme of things it should work. You should definitely focus on a variety of avenues when getting backlinks.
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  • Profile picture of the author mosthost
    Low approval rates means bloggers have identified you as uninteresting and there for a backlink. Your comments have not added enough value to pass their sniff test.
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  • Profile picture of the author Guru4u
    They probably have dozens of other comments similar to yours and all with links. Social media commenting is a little more effective, IMHO.

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