hours working for the man vs hours working for yourself

by nipsyr
17 replies
I've been without 9 to 5 work for a couple of months now and recently started my online business which I am quite excited about.

Monday, I got several calls setting me up for interviews for consulting gigs all this week. This is good because we need the money bad, but not good because I worry my online business will go to the back burner because of the time involved working for someone else.

Those of you who work full time day jobs, how much time do you spend on your IM activities after work?

Do you feel you make as much progress as someone who is devoted to IM fully?

How do you schedule your time and not get burnt out?

My day time job is quite brain intensive and it wear me out by the time I get home.
#hours #man #working
  • Profile picture of the author madelyndon
    I know exactly what you're talking about! My day is like this: I wake up at 6 - 7am, get the kids ready and fed, I get ready and off to my "real job" and then when I get home put the kids to bed and do my IM stuff from about 7pm to 3am. I catch up on sleep some nights and go to bed at midnight and try to sleep in on the weekends. I'm pretty tired but I just feel like I have to do this. I think if you have the mindset that this is just short-term and soon you will only do IM, then it makes it better. I hope in a year I will be able to get out of the corporate world and on my own!
    "The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it."

    A man asked Buddha "I want happiness" Buddha said " First remove "I" that's ego, then remove "want" that's desire. See now you are left with only happiness "
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  • Profile picture of the author fenomeno
    I would say that is the best that you have your 9am-5pm job until you reach enough average amount of monthly online income.
    If you work hard at your 9am-5pm job you cant giving 100% of you for your online job as you are tired. But if you work only online you should take that as your real job and do it everyday

    Contact me on PM if you are interested in extra affordable instructions about how to trade with domain names for serious profit. You could also just visit and check my website at http://www.honorarniposao.net/#!english/ctqd

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    • Profile picture of the author force5
      Having been full time online for years, then I went and got a job for nearly a year and now I am back full time in IM I can relate to the exhaustion.

      The thing I have learned is that if i do one thing for 2 or 3 hours and then go get some sleep I will get as much done as if I jump from one thing to the next for 6 hours.

      If you are constantly sleep deprived you are not working to your full potential, ok well maybe you are but I know I can't, so your work suffers anyway.

      Burn out is an very real issue and it is so easy to burn out when you are tired all day and then even more tired when you start your own work.

      Small batches of concerted action!
      Do the profitable things

      Good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author shane_k
    I work from 3pm - 11pm 5 days out of the week. Then once I get home I spend the next 2-3 hours working on my internet business. It is a bit easier for me because of my hours due to the fact that after 11pm on weekdays my friends are at home resting before they go to sleep. So I really have nothing else to do after work but work on my internet business.

    At first it was longer where I was doing 8 hour work days and then another 5-6 hours on the internet. But then once I started to get some money coming in I started outsourcing work. This way my outsourcers (employees if you want to call them that) are working while I am at my "day job."

    Finally having a day job and working on your internet business at the same time makes you more descriminate (don't know if that's the right word) more choosy about the actions you take.
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    • Originally Posted by shane_k View Post

      At first it was longer where I was doing 8 hour work days and then another 5-6 hours on the internet. But then once I started to get some money coming in I started outsourcing work. This way my outsourcers (employees if you want to call them that) are working while I am at my "day job."
      That's the way outsourcing should work for you. Outsourcing should help you get some work done even while you're away. Great tip, Shane!
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  • Profile picture of the author John J M
    In my experience, having more work "for the man" inspires you even more to work less for the man, and therefore work for your online business can become more focused and serious. You'll hear it over and over again, tons of people come online out of necessity.

    The important thing is to keep that motivation and hard work going in work for yourself after you have been able to cut down or cut out altogether the "normal" work.
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  • Profile picture of the author shane_k
    One thing that I did also that helped me out was I set a bunch of financial goals.

    I broke down my montly living expenses into fixed expenses and variable expenses.

    My first financial goal was to be able to have the income coming in from my Internet business cover all my fixed expenses, (except my rent).

    Then my second goal was to be able to have the income coming in from my internet business cover all fixed expenses including my rent. So I then knew that if I lost my job I could at least pay all the bills.

    Then my third goal was to be able to have the income coming in to be able to cover all my fixed expenses and variable expenses.

    I think that is what people should do before they even think about quiting their jobs. They should work on both a day job and their internet business and only when their internet business is at the point where the net income can cover your living expenses then it is ok to quit your job.

    This is what helped me stay focused. Try it, it might help you out.

    Oh and another thing I do is if I want a Flat Screen TV, which I have the current goal of purchasing a LED Smart HDTV, which is around $1,800. I focus on creating an income stream that will pay for that TV.

    So last month I setup a sight promoting a friends product and I want that income stream to get up to that $1,800 mark. Then once it is consistently putting out $1,800 I will buy that LED Smart HDTV.

    This way I will be able to have my TV, and still have that $1,800 income stream coming in.
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  • Profile picture of the author RedShifted
    Well I quit my job about 9 months ago because I couldn't find anything that paid much better than minimum wage. Towards the last year I switched my job about 3 times and hated all 3 of them. I just have a serious issue doing work that can easily be replaced by a machine.

    It took me about 3 weeks of no work before I realized I'd be much better off leaving the job applications to the side. I started selling postcards (direct mail marketing) and when I saw my first check for a little over $4,000 I nearly crapped my pants. My former job would have taken 3 months to make that money which I made in only 4 weeks. Eventually I started doing web design which I liked even more and now that provides a pretty stable income (for the most part that is).

    Its still not enough to satisfy me though so I have many other things I'm focused on atm (almost too much tbo). Plus I don't have insurance so I've been avoiding things like the dentist for a while now which is stressing me out. I've began switching things over from web design to running PPC campaigns for my previous clients along with SEO.

    The main issue right now is automating everything. That really has been the hardest thing for me. Outsourcing SEO is fairly simple for me its the PPC I'm not having luck with. I still like it better than working a 9-5 but when I need to go to the doctor/dentist thats when I really get stressed out about things. I can technically just pay for insurance but I tend to be a bit ignorant when it comes to my health... which obviously causes problems. Like 2 weeks ago I came down with a horrible fever and wound up being bed ridden for a week, missed a ton of work, got behind on my bills, and am now I'm starting to reorganize things so I can avoid this in the future.

    Apparently I think I'm immortal but its really just immaturity. I don't want to pay for insurance cause I'm a cheapass and would rather put that money in the bank "encase something bad happens". Its a bit twisted to think about because if I do ever need serious medical attention I'm going to hate myself with a passion.

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  • Profile picture of the author Todd Pedersen
    I try to set a daily Goal of at least 45 minutes to work on my sites. I find I am sharp for that amount of time.

    You would be surprised how even that small amount of time every day adds up!
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  • Profile picture of the author Todd Pedersen
    The main issue right now is automating everything. That really has been the hardest thing for me. Outsourcing SEO is fairly simple for me its the PPC I'm not having luck with. I still like it better than working a 9-5 but when I need to go to the doctor/dentist thats when I really get stressed out about things. I can technically just pay for insurance but I tend to be a bit ignorant when it comes to my health... which obviously causes problems. Like 2 weeks ago I came down with a horrible fever and wound up being bed ridden for a week, missed a ton of work, got behind on my bills, and am now I'm starting to reorganize things so I can avoid this in the future.

    Apparently I think I'm immortal but its really just immaturity. I don't want to pay for insurance cause I'm a cheapass and would rather put that money in the bank "encase something bad happens". Its a bit twisted to think about because if I do ever need serious medical attention I'm going to hate myself with a passion.

    I hope it is just something minor!! Get better soon!!
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    • Profile picture of the author nipsyr
      Thanks everyone for sharing your experiences. It is very helpful hearing how others handle their situations and make the best of the time you do have.

      @RedShifted, definitely take care of you health and look after yourself because health is very important as you saw to make things happen. Having a setback and being ill can put things behind.

      I had 2 interviews today and it is so depressing. I am in a golden handcuff situation from my own making. I did what was expected to achieve success in this society. This one contract last 6 weeks so I imagine it will be very intense and stressful. With my spouse not working, I have to do something. It would be idea if he got a job so I can focus on my online business.

      I hate this career so much. I'm really in pretty bad burnout and depression now.

      Financial goals. I say it would take around $2500 a month to pay the regular bills; gas, electric, car payment, insurance, food, debt, etc.... and adding $2770 for the mortgage payment, means I would need to make around $5500 net per month each and every month to cover those things. It would be great if I could get rid of this anchor of a house. It would be a miracle if we got more than $300,000 for this dump. It would be great to live somewhere for free lol.

      I am pretty certain if I rest for an hour after work, I could spent 1-3 hours on the business each day and then more on the weekends. When I look at that number it doesn't seem like it would make much of a difference at all.

      I fear i would do the focused work on the IM and nothing would happen because it would take so long.
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  • Profile picture of the author KingPop
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  • Profile picture of the author eugenedm
    While you're just starting on your IM business, I would suggest that you make sure you have an income. The only time people should quit their jobs is when their really earning money from IM until then keep your job even if it's difficult.

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  • Profile picture of the author fixie
    I've never been a fan of working for other people. I like to have control of when I have to work and who I have to work with.
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    • Profile picture of the author JonVinci
      I tried getting into AM while I was between jobs and had literally pennies to left to spend on this. I would read and learn the best I could about how internet marketing works and how to push my sites/offers to the top of google.

      It wasn't until I got a job that I actually had money to spend on outsourcing gigs and really starting to grow a brand.

      As for the hours, I work about 30 hours a week so I have one extra free day besides the weekend to really hit my IM stuff hard. Staying positive and motivated is what really gets me going. Like someone mentioned above, having this office job (while I appreciate having it) only pushes me to strive for something better.
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  • Profile picture of the author BloggingPro
    I started my internet marketing adventure to try and fund a film making career.

    Next thing I know I'm falling in love with marketing online, and the beauty of making conversions.

    That said, I do have a 40 hour week job. I work from 4pm to 1am, which is A) a perfect schedule for me, and B) is a physical job that I enjoy doing.

    I do most of my internet marketing work between the hours of 1am and 6am, often later if I am on a roll.

    I currently run several standalone sites and a few services. I generate a solid "hobby-like" income that not only keeps my beer fridge full but pays the car and insurance payment.

    I enjoy what I do at work, and I enjoy what I do online.

    You're going to fail. If you're afraid of failure then you do not belong in the Internet Marketing Business. Period.
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  • Profile picture of the author nipsyr
    Thanks again. Everyone. I am feeling more positive. The gig will provide money to invest in the business. I am so busy writing and researching and enjoying that so much.

    I should make a carrot list. That always helps me stay on track.

    I really can do this.
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