Please Use Common Sense When Conveying "Rights" for PLR Products

10 replies
Here's another example of a bunch of mumbo jumbo being passed off as a legal document...

[YES] Private Label Rights
[YES] You can resell or republish anywhere
[YES] You can edit in any way
[YES] You can claim ownership
[YES] You can pass on PLR rights
[YES] You can give this report away
[YES] You can sell this report
[YES] To everything else

[NO] You cannot sell this report on websites
[NO] You cannot sell this report
[NO] You cannot claim authorship to this report
[NO] Cannot include in membership sites, free or paid
[NO] Pass on MRR
[NO] You cannot publish on a blog.
[NO] To everything else

So, basically...

I can "resell" it, but I can't "sell" it.
I can "republish" it anywhere, but cannot "publish" on a blog.
I can do "everything else", but I can't do "everything else".

I am starting to think that these ridiculous "rights" documents are just one big practical joke designed to frustrate downloaders.
#common #conveying #plr #products #rights #sense
  • Profile picture of the author nbsteuv
    Hysterical. I would almost think you made that up. More than likely though, they haphazardly copied and pasted a few rights statements together and probably have no clue whether there's a difference between "sell this report on websites" and "sell this report."

    Also, websites that sell PLR content should always print the rights in the listing. When they don't, it usually just ends up being a waste of a few bucks.
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  • Profile picture of the author waterotter
    LOL, looks like spun content!
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  • Profile picture of the author gcbmark20
    Brian this is FUNNY!!!

    But joking aside, you are helping people see that they are not the only ones who are suffering with this PHD REQUIRED in figuring what PLR rights you actually have!!!

    I have come across this kind of thing many times.

    Do the creators actually go around checking everyones usage after it has been downloaded millions of times and all over the web anyway?

    Thanks for the share & you have made my day Brian LOL!

    All the best you deserve a break my friend!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Tim Franklin
    Agreed, PLR is becoming a dirty word around a lot of places online, including Paypal, the thing is a lot of people just do not understand what PLR is really designed to do for the buyer, for many of us its just common sense but for a lot more it proves too much of a temptation to just publish the original product.

    Obviously its not easy to take PLR products and effectively use them unless you seriously change them so that they no longer resemble the original product.

    I can see how some of those license terms would and do look wonky, but a little text at the top of the do's and dont's and cans and cannot's would go a long way in creating a much more understandable and friendly product.

    Original documents should have controls and structures, derivative documents and products derived from the original subjects with at least 51 percent original unique products, would be a good target point for producing great products that belong to the author and or producer. The bad thing is that too many people are just taking the original document and trying to pass it off as a bonus product, (like everyone has not already purchased it in some form or another)

    Over all its a big swamp right now and unless something changes the probability of producing actual revenue from these products is not very good.

    The one thing that many PLR producers and or vendors do not seem to understand is that a buyer has real rights not just something that the seller made up off the top of his or her head but real rights that tend to very depending on the jurisdiction, you cannot take those rights away, you cannot change those rights just because you want to do that it changes nothing.

    It would be nice to have a structured inteligent deisgn for PLR license rights, but that is obviously not going to happen anytime soon, unless a standardized rights document is created for each jurisdiction represented, (also not likely to happen) so until there are some more legal guides created we have to go with what we know or find out to the best of our ability by consulting an expert.
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  • Profile picture of the author kindsvater
    Makes sense to those specializing in mumbo jumbo.

    [NO] You cannot sell this report on websites
    With the double negative this is consistent with the prior 'yes' about being able to sell the report.

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  • Profile picture of the author bwh1

    Did you pay for it, or did you got it for Free [sorry, no download rights] ?



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  • Profile picture of the author E. Brian Rose
    I wonder how long before we start seeing this in place of support desks...

    [YES] You can use this product as intended.
    [NO] You cannot bitch about buyers remorse.
    [NO] You cannot ask for a refund.
    [YES] You can buy more stuff from me.
    [YES] You can leave me alone forever.

    Founder of JVZoo. All around good guy :)

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  • Profile picture of the author onSubie
    Originally Posted by E. Brian Rose View Post

    Here's another example of a bunch of mumbo jumbo being passed off as a legal document...

    [NO] You cannot sell this report on websites
    [NO] You cannot sell this report
    [NO] You cannot claim authorship to this report
    [NO] Cannot include in membership sites, free or paid
    [NO] Pass on MRR
    [NO] You cannot publish on a blog.
    [NO] To everything else
    And people put these double negatives which, in effect says you CAN do those things.

    No = False

    You cannot claim authorship to this report. False. Great, I can claim authorship.

    Cannot include in membership sites, free or paid. False. Great, it can go on my free member site.


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  • Profile picture of the author Super Warrior
    That is a real internet marketing joke!
    Actually the seller of PLR is also confused about
    which rights he should pass and which shouldn't!

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