How Do You Write Articles Without Giving Away All of the Value?

18 replies
Hey guys,
I came across this article on search engine journal discussing "understanding your backlink profile"
Understanding Your Backlink Profile | Search Engine Journal

The article basically gives advice on how to understand your backlinks and how to make them look natural, bla bla bla. The purpose of this thread is not to discuss backlink profiles.

I created this thread because I like they format the author uses to share the info and tips. He doesn't go into specific details, but instead makes his bullet points a series of questions that the reader must answer. If they are not doing what he is suggesting.

Many times I would like to write about a variety of SEO related topics but I want to do it in a way that will provide plenty of value, but at the same time leave the gold and detailed essence out. Basically I am looking to write articles that answer the readers question and provide some but not all the details. This way there is still a reason for the reader to contact me for details and for the to possibly become a client. Does anyone have any good article examples that answer my question or do you have specific strategies that you use when writing articles? I would love to hear them!
#articles #giving #info #method #seo #sharing #write
  • Profile picture of the author gcbmark20
    Trust me if you give away everything in your articles people will still have questions that need to be answered.

    You never know what level people are at:

    1. They may be complete newcomers looking for inspiration
    2. Intermediates desperate for someone to help them
    3. Experienced business owners who may just contact you and ask you if you would like to publish your content on their HIGH TRAFFIC BLOG in exchange for a link back to your website.

    I would always focus on providing EXCELLENT VALUE FIRST & then you will begin to build a great reputaion for yourself and people will grow to love what you produce.

    Hope this sheds some light on it for you all the best!
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    • Profile picture of the author CurtisSWN
      You can always do the "cliffhanger" method: "Now I've just told you a few important keys to (insert benefit) however there is much more to be told about (benefit), but this gives you a start."

      You can point to your site in the article (if the directory allows) and/or do so in the resources box at the end, which a lot of times is senselessly a part of the article
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    • Profile picture of the author fedor50
      Originally Posted by gcbmark20 View Post

      Trust me if you give away everything in your articles people will still have questions that need to be answered.

      You never know what level people are at:

      1. They may be complete newcomers looking for inspiration
      2. Intermediates desperate for someone to help them
      3. Experienced business owners who may just contact you and ask you if you would like to publish your content on their HIGH TRAFFIC BLOG in exchange for a link back to your website.

      I would always focus on providing EXCELLENT VALUE FIRST & then you will begin to build a great reputaion for yourself and people will grow to love what you produce.

      Hope this sheds some light on it for you all the best!
      This post says it all. Focus on delivering high quality FREE content because then your customers and readers will definitely purchase your paid products
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  • Profile picture of the author Tim3
    Originally Posted by jasonsluck View Post

    "He doesn't go into specific details"
    Don't you just hate articles like that?

    They don't go into specific details because they don't what they are, or they cannot be bothered to do the research and find out and write a 8000 word article explaining it, or there is a product for sale at the end of it, the half-assed article is the hook.

    No disrespect to the site owner here, I haven't looked at it so he may be a marketing ninja. I am just responding to your post.

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    • Profile picture of the author JohnGood
      I Have to say that I agree with gcb here.
      I have been researching for small business start up information this week ( for a 'real word' business). and the amount of generalized, re-spun rubbish that is out there is beyond belief!

      If you are looking to stand out you will need to provide quality, detailed, thoughtful articles. If you do this, and you are more that a one article wonder, then visitors will want to see what other material you have on the same, or related subjects. I know I did!
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      • Profile picture of the author myob
        There is a nuance in marketing that is commonly missed or omitted when writing articles. Beginning with the article title itself, you are setting expectations that must be delivered. Words have actionable, driving power that is realized when a targeted reading audience experiences fulfillment of expectations. Besides quality and relevant content, other expectations include right words in the right context, with proper grammar, flawless spelling, and engaging style; all of which combine in a synergistic effect that is nearly irresistible. If any of these elements are missing or significantly defective the reader may feel disappointment, reflected in low conversion rates or perhaps even non-response to your call to action.

        A number of things happen when you write articles containing compelling value and fulfillment of the implied promise within the title. Ideally, articles should position you as the expert in your niche. Providing valued content without any overt self-promotion gives you the best chance for wide exposure to real prospects within your target market. What this means, by providing readers with real value, is the potential power of distribution is unleashed; your articles are leveraged exponentially across wide swathes of targeted eyeballs - buyers.

        For example, if you sell security or alarm systems, position yourself as a security specialist by writing generic articles for businesses on crime statistics, how to secure their premises, protect their employees, internal procedures, community resources, etc. Having demonstrated your knowledge within this niche, you may be conferred by implication the title "security specialist", with subtle but very powerful credentials to your website for additional resources, tips, product reviews, etc. You'll know you've arrived when your articles spread virally and through syndication. That's how you beat the competition all-to-hell.
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  • Profile picture of the author trevord92
    It's highly unlikely that you'll give away everything in an article. After all, most subjects are capable of having whole books written about them.

    There's a school of thought in marketing that you should actually give away your best information on the basis that people will think that if you give that away, your paid for information must be really top notch.

    And, of course, the quick, glib answer is test it on one area that you offer.
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    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      The "giving everything away" problem with articles is one based on the fear that once people know the answer, they won't want more from you.

      That isn't true. Once you deliver real value...then they want more from you. The only time you need be concerned is if you only know one thing, and told it in the article.

      Don't tease. Curiosity is the weakest appeal out there. Tell them as much as you can in an article, and you'll be the authority to them. They will come back to you...because you delivered.

      Just my experience.
      One Call Closing book

      “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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  • Profile picture of the author Chri5123
    The best way IS to give away quality info.

    I had a well performing article that described the exact steps to building a chicken coop.

    All for free.

    My link went through to a product that shows you how to build a chicken coop with video.

    So it was an awesome add-on.

    "Still too difficult? See this top video guide and get your chicken coop built today..."
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  • Profile picture of the author Paulz
    quality counts. Create value and it will sell
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      You seem to think that everyone who reads your articles is interested in doing everything themselves, and by 'spilling the beans' you'll just help them cut you out. There is a sector of your market where this might be a legitimate concern.

      There's another sector that doesn't really want to do something, they want to make sure you know how to do that something. They want to hire someone, and do so with confidence that the job will be done right. For these people, giving away all of the value - in excruciating detail - is one way to establish yourself as a technician they can trust.

      The place to do this is on your website.

      Use your articles as myob lays out above. The purpose of your articles is not to sell your services. It's to create a mindset and a click to your website.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Limit the size of your article. Tell people what to do AND how to do it. Break up your "secrets" into different articles.
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  • Short answer: "Tell them what to do, but sell them how to do it."
    Longer answer: A good article can stand on its own when its filled with tons of information that could still be considered "educational" to your intended audience, such as covering a topic with fresh ideas and brilliant advice. One that for example makes a reader say: "thank you, I never considered creating a product, and selling it on the warrior forum, your article opened my mind with ideas". But later the reader will realize, "wait, how do I do that?" And that is where you come in by selling the "step by step system" in a course, or provide the service to do it for them. Hopefully you are able to relate the above to writing educational articles on SEO with some new tips etc, without giving away the "step by step", thus giving the reader a reason to contact you for details and for the possibly to become a client.
    Arnold Stolting - Stolting Media Group
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  • Profile picture of the author alllyc
    Make bullet points and summarize each of them. Then give links to the detailed articles dedicated to the each bullet points. This way, you don't need to give everything in one article and still keep providing the quality.
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  • Profile picture of the author plongmire
    One way is to give the What...and then in the follow up you give out the how.

    But I will say that the more effective article marketers today deliver crazy content. Matter of fact a lot of postings are now getting close to pages long filled with videos and how to articles...

    I am also getting into carnival blogging...providing links to other articles I find and doing an entire post on a single subject. An example would be this post... The One Social Media Platform I Can not Live Without

    The deal is today's market it is not always to entice someone to want to know more about a subject. But to allow people to know you as an expert in that subject.

    The difference between the two is profound. When they want more on the subject you wrote about, your ability to make sales is short lived.

    However, if you are an expert that is trusted and delivers great content, then you make sales over and over again.

    When you do this you begin to build the single most important thing in your arsenal...your list

    here are some suggestions I have on writing articles that connect...

    1. Emotional Engagement
    I recently wrote an article titled "Tap Into Their Emotions" The idea is that we need to be engaging people at some level of emotion. If you get people hooked at some level of emotional attachment, then you have a winner.

    2. Your Personality

    It has to be you. For years I tried to be someone I wasn't, and it never works out. Make sure everything has your flair.

    3. Realign your Mind
    Great Content will cause people to look at things differntly. Make things clearer, or even change someones perspective of a topic or belief.

    4. Deliver Every time
    This has changed for me over the years. I now try to post the most complete videos, article series, and products that I can. I do this because I want to deliver the goods. You need to find ways to do this in a fun and entertaining way.

    5. passion
    I use to preach or teach every week as a pastor. I was passionate about what I taught and it came out in the way when I delivered my sermons or lessons. I think passion needs to ooze out of everything you do. Be passionate about the things you communicate and talk about.

    6. Connect
    You need to connect your writing to people. One thing I do is write to myself...I imagine myself sitting across the table and I write to that person. I can only imagine that the people who will read this, will be like me in some way.

    If anyone has never really found a good formula for writing is a video I did on exactly how to structure a simple article.

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  • Profile picture of the author Shellyannr
    That's a good question that comes especially to a marketers mind... how much info is enough to arouse interest while maintaining suspense. To me it all comes down to knowing your audience. What do they want/need to hear? How do they feel? Will to much or too little info cause their reaction? When you know WHO your specific audience is then you will know what, when, where and how to communicate to them. If what you additional offers is just as helpful as what you've said, they will buy oblige. So I think knowledge of the audience will help there...

    Shelly-Ann Roper is a Translator and multi-lingual Marketing/PR professional for SMEs. She specializes helping small businesses integrate their products and services into foreign markets. She is CEO/founder of Neue Medien PR/Marketing Inc and the Smart-Up Business Guide.Direct link to her blog here.

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  • Profile picture of the author jasonsluck
    All I can say right now is wow, everyone that made an effort is simply awesome! I really appreciate the feedback thus far! Everything makes a lot of sense and its always good to read perspectives outside of my own thought patterns.
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  • Profile picture of the author wayne60618
    Is it a shallow subject? Even a 1500 word article will leave thousands of words left to complete a topic...Shoot, try to write a short book and keep it to 30000 words and you'll still have two other books in you to write. Just write, provide value, and get them to your squeeze page. Don't worry about giving too much...the real problem will be giving too little.
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