EMAIL MARKETING - Aweber vs. Getresponse - Who Wins & Why???

4 replies
So I'm trying to get into the whole email marketing and "building my list" with the smartest plan possible. I would like for some experienced email marketers to throw their opinions on "Aweber vs Getresponse". I see that Getresponse is cheaper overall, but we all have to consider the quality of the service as well. Which is best & why? Thanks...
#aweber #email #getresponse #marketing #wins
  • Profile picture of the author PublishingMadeEz
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        There's a link upper right labeled "search."

        Here are the 59 results it produced for "Aweber vs Getresponse"

        I guess I'm just tired of seeing the same posts over and over.

        Please search before posting.
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  • Profile picture of the author JasonParker
    I'm using both.

    I used to use only AWeber then only GetResponse.

    But now I actually use AWeber, GetResponse, eBizac, and ARP3.

    So maybe I'm in a good position to tell you what I like about them.

    Both GetResponse and AWeber are awesome.

    They both have great deliverability.

    They're both easy to use.

    What more could you ask for?

    I had a problem once with GetResponse because my list had too many spam traps... After generating over 100000 single optin subscribers, you're bound to get them.

    This caused my account to go down for a couple weeks.

    But I got in touch with some of the higher ups and the solution was that they'd scrub my list and only keep subscribers who have opened emails.

    This got rid of spam traps because spam traps are email addresses that don't belong to actual people.

    But since it scared the living crap out of me by having my account go down for that long, I decided to not put all my eggs in one basket and I started building lists on other autoreponders.

    So AWeber, eBizac, and ARP3 got a new customer.

    I now build my buyers lists on AWeber and build my freebie lists on the other ARs.

    I like Jim Ducharme, the community manager at GetResponse (he is an active member here and easy to get in touch with) and I like the owner of GetResponse.

    But I've had no problems with AWeber so I like them too.
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
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    • Profile picture of the author Chris W. Sutton
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  • Profile picture of the author kdbbdk
    aweber is really easy to use, i love it, i'm usin it
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  • Profile picture of the author Adrianeong
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    • Profile picture of the author MarketingAce
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  • Profile picture of the author JimDucharme
    Originally Posted by Chris W. Sutton View Post

    There are a lot of these threads comparing the different autoresponders; particularly GetResponse and Aweber. Some say Aweber is better and some say GetResponse is better. The truth? BOTH are very good! It is simply a matter of preference!

    I have used both of them and I don't see that big of a difference. Loyal followers will swear by each one and both of them are good.

    I use GetResponse and I find it to be an excellent product and I am very pleased with it. What, in my opinion, gives GR the edge? Jim Ducharme! I'm not sure what he does with GR but I have gotten to know Jim and he is a top notch guy. He has helped me any time I needed anything pertaining to GR. To me, customer service is everything.

    Let's say I have a choice of getting gas at either of two gas stations. At one of them the attendant comes out, says "Good Morning" and pumps my fuel. At the second one the attendant comes out, says "Good Morning" pumps my fuel, checks my oil, checks the air pressure in my tires and cleans my windows. Which one do you think I am going to go to? I am going to go to the second one and GR is like the second gas station to me!

    Now, let's solve the next question. Which is the best color... blue or green?
    Relationships matter. My dad used to drive 15 minutes out of his way everyday just to go to a specific corner store because the owner treated him right. If someone thinks of me the same way about me, then I can't think of higher praise. I'm very grateful for those kind words Chris!

    MA - LOVE the cartoon! LOL

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