BE Warned - Forget About Trying PLR on Kindle (KDP)
I know there have been many versions of what you should and shouldn't do on kindle - this just happened yesterday - so it's fresh info..
I, like many here have more than my fair share of plr stuff on my hard drive, so I decided to extensively rewrite and publish one of them....
I made a completely new cover, re did the contents, which were actually a compliation of seven reports and I added two more chapters...... the result...
Within a few hours I got a response asking me why I was publishing content which was freely available online, and asking me to prove what right I had to publish it.....
I responded suggesting that much of what is published is freely available online, and that someone has taken the time to research, compile, design cover etc. I also had to produce the licence I was given, you know - the pdf file with plr rights etc.... otherwise they wanted details of all the websites I had taken this information from!!
I posting the response below....
"Please be advised that you must hold exclusive publishing rights for books that closely match content that is freely available on the web. If your catalog continues to contain books that fail to comply with these conditions or do not meet our Content Guidelines, your account may be terminated."
they also gave me a link to their Content Guidlines....
"Public Domain and Other Non-Exclusive Content
Some types of content, such as public domain content, may be free to use by anyone, or may be licensed for use by more than one party. We will not accept content that is freely available on the web unless you are the copyright owner of that content. For example, if you received your book content from a source that allows you and others to re-distribute it, and the content is freely available on the web, we will not accept it for sale on the Kindle store. We do accept public domain content, however we may choose to not sell a public domain book if its content is undifferentiated or barely differentiated from one or more other books"
I hope you find this useful - and it keeps you on the right side of KDP - on the upside, at least they didn't shut me down
Jim M
"It's like if Einstein did SEO"
"Much shorter than Shakespeare"
"I would follow Pete over Jesus Christ himself"
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