Facebook posts - content

6 replies

I have a facebook page about gifts - Gifts for friends.
Please can you tell me if I can post my affiliate links (amazon, wallmart...)
in to my posts also?..or is prohibited by Facebook?


Have a nice day.
#affiliate links #content #facebook #posts
  • Profile picture of the author Michael Shook
    I have seen this sometimes I think, but truthfully you are probably better off putting the link to the product on your site in an article or a review and then posting that link to your facebook page. You probably won't lose so many friends so quickly then. People tend to get tired real fast of buy me now links in the feeds.

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  • Profile picture of the author FirstSocialApps
    You can post the links to your fanpage this is fine. Something to keep in mind though is that links with an image under them generally are viewed by many more people than just a normal link. So if I were you what I would do is post an image of the product .. and then in the description (which will show above the image have a little text about the product and a link to it)
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  • Profile picture of the author threezerozero
    you're allowed to posts links on your fan page, but as mentioned before....your friends might not appreciate it.

    my suggestion is to create an article or a page on your website and post your affiliate links there. you'll be able to drive more traffic to your site in the process as well as make money through your affiliate links.
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  • Profile picture of the author serekesh
    I have 1.27 mio fans..i usually post review+link+image about product and get 1500+ clicks to this affiliate link..conversion rate is 0.94%..do you have any recommendation what to advertise to get higher commisson becouse amazon...pay low commission.

    Thanks for all replays.
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    • Profile picture of the author charlesmurphy
      Originally Posted by serekesh View Post

      I have 1.27 mio fans..i usually post review+link+image about product and get 1500+ clicks to this affiliate link..conversion rate is 0.94%..do you have any recommendation what to advertise to get higher commisson becouse amazon...pay low commission.

      Thanks for all replays.
      1.27 million?! Wow
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  • Profile picture of the author threezerozero
    you could join some some affiliate junctions like commission junction or clickbank. also take a look at doing some joint ventures as some guys offer 75%-100% commission.
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