WarriorPlus issue anyone else have this problem?

7 replies
Today I received a dispute in paypal from a product that I dont sell. I am simply an affiliate and the payment was directed to me instead of the seller through Warrior+ and the dispute shows up in my account.

How is this possible? How can I prevent this?

Anyone else have an experience like this?
#issue #problem #warriorplus
  • Profile picture of the author rankingconsult
    submit there product delivery id .paypal will close the dispute in your side.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan Smith
    How do I find that information?

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  • Profile picture of the author Martin Avis
    Originally Posted by Jonathan Smith View Post

    Today I received a dispute in paypal from a product that I dont sell. I am simply an affiliate and the payment was directed to me instead of the seller through Warrior+ and the dispute shows up in my account.

    How is this possible? How can I prevent this?

    Anyone else have an experience like this?
    It happens because the way WarriorPlus works is that you are the vendor for that transaction. The money came to you so you have to deal with the refunds/disputes.

    Simple solution: give an immediate and full refund.

    Martin Avis publishes Kickstart Newsletter - Subscribe free at http://kickstartnewsletter.com
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    If you sold the product as an affiliate and received commission, then you are the seller. Just refund them and it will go away
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  • Profile picture of the author Ken Strong
    If this is a Warrior Plus issue, then contact Warrior Plus support. They're not connected to the Warrior Forum.
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