Are You A Teen Living At Home Involved In IM?

31 replies

If you are teenager or high schooler living at home, but involved in IM, I would be interested in dialogging with you on this forum (No PMs please).

Simply respond to my question in this forum.

I will hold my conversation with you here.

Thanks and I look forward to talking to you.


PS...As background, my wife and I lived and worked with teenagers (boys) for thirteen (13) years. I just retired in January.
#home #involved #living #teen
  • Profile picture of the author JamesFrancisIM

    I'm 19 if that counts?

    Still only just a teenager

    - James.
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  • Profile picture of the author Charles Harper
    Most parents in the United States are taught to look at their children as an economic liability. Since you are in business for yourself, you obviously don't view life that way, even though many of your friend probably do.

    Do you find that there are differences between you and your friends in high school in terms of what you value?
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    • Profile picture of the author Christian Sawyer
      Most definitely! Not saying that I do not fit in at school, I consider myself moderately popular.

      I think that I am more outgoing than most of my friends and this brings out the business part of me. The difference between most of my friends and myself is that I have a plan set out for my life. Obviously an interest in computers also is a bonus for me to work in the internet marketing "arena".

      This may seem a little arrogant, but I have a goal to never have a boss...Seems a bit far fetched, but it is something to start with.

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      • Profile picture of the author AlexTheMarketer
        Hey Nice post,

        The first post I will comment on and it really relates to me. I am 18 going on 19 and am in IM. Glad to see others are on here as well.

        As far as the value, I think there is definitely a different mindset between us teens in IM and our non IM friends. We are the ones that no one understands what we are doing and why.

        I am not sure if it is like this for anyone else, but my friends think I am the idiot for wanting to work for myself and have financial freedom.

        I think it has a lot to do with society only focusing in on education, and getting a J.O.B
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      • Profile picture of the author maxdog
        Hey dont give up I have a son that is a member on the forum here he started in IM at about 17 he is 18 now and in Jan he made 14k Feb 18k and so far in March 14k and today is the 17th I think next month he will clear 30k easy. No kidding your on the right road here. Lots of hard work...forget about the Lambo for now just learn.
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  • Profile picture of the author Buildingfutures
    Currently living at home, almost out of school two years now. I'd love to be free to live with my girl and move her here from Texas. But its been hard, since I havn't been able to make the money we'd need.

    19 years old, living in a basement of my parents. Super-success, haha.

    Simple Mission Statement "Under the Radar and Over the Top!"
    Sean's Guide To The Forum
    Thoughts of a 22 Year Old Marketer

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  • Profile picture of the author Eric Land

    I am 18 and a senior in highschool

    I started when i was 17 though

    I am looking for ad swaps pm me if you are too!

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  • Profile picture of the author learnfromthebest
    I agree with Christian, I have the same goal to never have a boss.

    I'm 19, and I've been researching, studying, and learning IM for quite some time now. I will make it big online or at least I will have a very stable income in the near future. I already have that mentality locked into my head. Failure is not an option for me. If something doesn't work, I'll learn how to make it work or find something better. I have a plan set out. Yes, doubts have crossed my mind in the past, from family and friends and myself...however, I washed away and now ignore those doubts. I smile when someone doubts me, because they will not change my mind. I fully believe that I am completely 100% destined to make it happen in IM.

    The traditional way of life is what sparked my fire. I didn't and don't want to live like everyone else, as in...getting a good degree, getting a decent job and living average. So many people talk about struggling through life, and the more people that talk about it, the more it sparks my fire and the more it pushes me towards my envisioning of success.

    As far as my relationships with my friends go, I prefer not to go into detail about IM with them. Most just call it a scam or not worth it, because they haven't done research and have no idea how profitable it really is when you look into it. I do know that I will be making more money with IM then any of my friends average, corporate jobs they will get.
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  • Profile picture of the author debra
    Originally Posted by Charles Harper View Post


    If you are teenager or high schooler living at home, but involved in IM, I would be interested in dialogging with you on this forum (No PMs please).

    Simply respond to my question in this forum.

    I will hold my conversation with you here.

    Thanks and I look forward to talking to you.


    PS...As background, my wife and I lived and worked with teenagers (boys) for thirteen (13) years. I just retired in January.
    Well...I'm not a kid but my daughter is. She just turned 14 and has recently started freelancing link building. She bids her own jobs off of freelancing sites.

    I look over her shoulder and kind of chaperone her decisions and guide her through the process.

    She's got quite an impressive following in MySpace which I bribed her one day about 2 weeks ago to throw up a CPA offer on Raw Minerials. Work pretty good for her. She even setup a campaign using classified ads (CL alternative).

    I'm now working on her attention span. :confused:

    Oh...her motivation...a Dodge Ram. I guess she has 2 years to earn it.

    I guess I should let her start an account here.
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  • Profile picture of the author Charles Harper
    Was your choice to work for yourself at this young age influenced positively or negatively by family?

    Could you ever see yourself working from home with your family?

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    • Profile picture of the author Christian Sawyer
      My family usually stays neutral with my online ventures. They support me in whatever I do, although I am sure this varies from family to family.

      I could see myself showing my family the "ways" and have them working with me or doing their own thing with Internet Marketing.

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    • Profile picture of the author AlexTheMarketer
      Originally Posted by Charles Harper View Post

      Was your choice to work for yourself at this young age influenced positively or negatively by family?

      Could you ever see yourself working from home with your family?

      I would have to say positively. My parents always encouraged me to have an entrepreneurial spirit. I also got to see firsthand what a JOB can do to a hardworking individual.

      I definitely can see me working from home with my family because I already am. However it does get very frustrating at times.
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  • Profile picture of the author learnfromthebest
    My family wants me to go through the traditional way of life, getting a great degree to get a great job. Mostly because that's what they did and that's what everyone else does nowadays. They don't see the same potential in IM as I do. They don't think it's a "real" j.o.b.

    I could see myself working at home, but not for long. Too many distractions. I would need my own place to focus more and gain motivation.
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  • Profile picture of the author Buildingfutures
    I have never enjoyed having a job, EVER! My parents have always talked about how I should have one and be a successful person.

    I can't see myself working from home with my parents, maybe my wife and kids later on, but not as it is now.

    Simple Mission Statement "Under the Radar and Over the Top!"
    Sean's Guide To The Forum
    Thoughts of a 22 Year Old Marketer

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  • Profile picture of the author Charles Harper
    Does operating your own business change your perspective on high school?

    Does it change your perspective on college?

    Does it change your perspective on graduate school?

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    • Profile picture of the author Christian Sawyer
      I may be different from most people, but IM does not affect my high school, college, or graduate school plans in any way.

      I value education...

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    • Profile picture of the author CurtisN
      Originally Posted by Charles Harper View Post

      Does operating your own business change your perspective on high school?

      Does it change your perspective on college?

      Does it change your perspective on graduate school?

      I wasn't involved in IM until halfway through my first year in university (it's my second now). I've never really tried hard in school, but have always done relatively well. Now that I'm involved, my perspective on school hasn't really changed because I still don't try hard

      But I do know that I probably won't use my degree for anything except telling people that I have one. In fact, I may even go to grad school just for fun, the knowledge, and the experience I get along the way. I probably won't find a use for that either.

      The overwhelming majority of people go through school to find a job. This job will pay for a house that will be empty most of the time and a car that will be used to get to and from the job. No thanks I say. My perspective on school is that it is a great life experience, especially if you enjoy it, and even though I like it, I barely go to class anymore (I still do decently) because there are actually better things I could be doing (like making money).

      Curtis Ng (blog) - Product Launch Manager
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  • Profile picture of the author Buildingfutures
    Everyone thought I was crazy in high school trying to do this, and I'm not in college. But being my own man with my own business has been my goal for many years now. IT makes me a bit more open and mature than most others I know my age.

    Simple Mission Statement "Under the Radar and Over the Top!"
    Sean's Guide To The Forum
    Thoughts of a 22 Year Old Marketer

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  • Profile picture of the author learnfromthebest
    I'm a college student, and I swear that every class I go to...I ask myself, "why am I here? I don't need these skills." All I think about in classes is that I should be working on my biz online. Even if I were to get a degree in college, I'd be making chump-change to what I could be making online.
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  • Profile picture of the author AlexTheMarketer
    Yeah it did change my perspective. With so many people going to college and graduate school and earning a degree, I have found that a lot of them are either struggling to find work, or having to settle for less.

    Not that I do not value education, but I would rather educate myself in a field that I can teach myself and not have to spend a fortune on only to get trained into thinking like most of the people being hurt by the economy.
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  • Profile picture of the author Charles Harper
    The knock against your generation from older generations is that there is a lack of ambition and motivation, in general.

    1) Do you think that is true in general?

    2) Are you different since you are in business for yourself?

    3) Are you de-motivated in any way by the lifestyle of most Americans (9 to 5 job, house, car, kids, etc.)?

    4) Who do you look to outside of IM as a role model?
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  • Profile picture of the author Charles Harper
    Do you have role models in IM?

    Are those role models based on their business success only or is there anything else that you see in them that you admire?
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    • Profile picture of the author AlexTheMarketer
      Not sure if I have any role models in this industry. I have never really been the type to look up to people other than family. I also don't tend to look up to people in an industry because of status or success. It really makes no difference to me.
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    • Profile picture of the author CurtisN
      Originally Posted by Charles Harper View Post

      The knock against your generation from older generations is that there is a lack of ambition and motivation, in general.

      1) Do you think that is true in general?

      2) Are you different since you are in business for yourself?

      3) Are you de-motivated in any way by the lifestyle of most Americans (9 to 5 job, house, car, kids, etc.)?

      4) Who do you look to outside of IM as a role model?
      Originally Posted by Charles Harper View Post

      Do you have role models in IM?

      Are those role models based on their business success only or is there anything else that you see in them that you admire?
      First off, I'm a 19 year old in university (aka college), living on residence. Now to answer some of these questions (in order)...

      1) I find the older generation tends to be conservative, so they misconstrue our "odd" behaviour as a lack of motivation and ambition.

      2) Different from whom? Other people my age? Different from who I might have been? If you mean others, then yes. I do not subscribe to the mentality that jobs are a fact of life.

      3) Why would a house, car and kids de-motivate me? Sounds like good stuff to me. If I find a 9-5 job that I love, I don't think I'd have a problem doing that in addition to IM. Then again, who loves their 9-5?

      4) Nope.

      5) Yep.

      6) The role models from my previous answer are my role models because of their genuine desire to help out others. They do not send me email templates that say "buy now". They send me emails which I look forward to reading. I tend to judge marketers by their emails and most of the time, I'm right.

      Curtis Ng (blog) - Product Launch Manager
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  • Profile picture of the author testaccount9998
    I a 21, and in college. Though I am not a teen or living at home, I still very much relate to all of these guys situation.

    Now days I go to class just to learn for the joy of learning. I take classes that I am interested in. I am going to graduate just fine but I plan on working my butt of on IM between now and then, and even after I graduate so I can have some steady income. Then I can concentrate on finding a job that I only do for the joy of it, not for the money.
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  • Profile picture of the author AlexTheMarketer
    1. I do think it is true for the most part. Kids now a days are slack offs for the most part.

    2. Not really, I have always been the more serious, goal oriented type of person

    3. Hell YEAH! I don't think anyone here wants a 9-5 job, the rest sure. lol

    4. I look up to my parents, and grandparents as role models.
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  • Profile picture of the author learnfromthebest
    1) Absolutely. It seems everyone going to school are in school, simply because they are "supposed to be." Students know that they will graduate college and get a normal job. No motivation really, just that's what the "norm" is.

    2) Very different towards IM and my business. However, the same towards the traditional way of life and basic college education. I have motivation for learning about IM and a lot of it. I actually have a great time learning about it, because I know there is potential.

    3) That 9-5 job is what I dislike the most. I DO NOT want to live the average life working the average 9-5 job for any part of my life, period. And I know that IM will take me away from it.
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  • Profile picture of the author learnfromthebest
    Role models in IM...Mike Dillard and Jonathan Budd. So motivational, so successful and have that positive or "do whatever it takes" mentality.
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  • Profile picture of the author Buildingfutures
    I'm not sure about role models, there are people I would love to talk to and learn from, but they are out of my price range to learn from .

    All the guys I knew were real slackers, only wanting their bands or skateboarding take them where they want to be.

    I'm not de-motivated, I'm just doing what I've always wanted to.

    Simple Mission Statement "Under the Radar and Over the Top!"
    Sean's Guide To The Forum
    Thoughts of a 22 Year Old Marketer

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  • Profile picture of the author Charles Harper
    Interesting, responses, gentlemen. Thank you.

    Should we think anything of the fact that there are no teenaged females who responded?

    Are there high school/college girls involved in IM?

    Very interesting responses so far....

    Charles Harper
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