Is it safe to put your website on Warrior Forum?

10 replies
I really want to put my website in a thread so you guys can give me some feedback. I'm really nervous about doing it, because of the type of forum this is. It may sound crazy but is there any threat to doing it? I mean, I'm sure most warriors are good but what if there are hackers lurking and wanting to F with newbie website? Does that ever happen? Sorry if I'm a bit paranoid but I'm new to this so I think about things like that. :confused: I even read about people copying other websites (not that anyone would want to copy a website from this newbie lol) but still, I'm wondering about possible issues that could come out of it? Thanks!
#forum #put #safe #warrior #website
  • Originally Posted by madelyndon View Post

    I really want to put my website in a thread so you guys can give me some feedback. I'm really nervous about doing it, because of the type of forum this is. It may sound crazy but is there any threat to doing it? I mean, I'm sure most warriors are good but what if there are hackers lurking and wanting to F with newbie website? Does that ever happen? Sorry if I'm a bit paranoid but I'm new to this so I think about things like that. :confused: I even read about people copying other websites (not that anyone would want to copy a website from this newbie lol) but still, I'm wondering about possible issues that could come out of it? Thanks!

    I understand your concern but I think you are overreacting.

    Unless, you are in a very profitable niche, I wouldn't worry about.

    Internet marketers, love to copy ideas, but only the really really good ones.

    As for someone hacking anything, that would be extremely rare. It would be just as likely to happen from someone at this forum as any other forum.

    Honestly I don't see the value a marketer would gain from hacking a forum.

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  • Profile picture of the author obin94
    If you don't put your site out anywhere how are you ever going to get traffic to it?
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  • Profile picture of the author madelyndon
    I'm sure I am overreacting! I actually have my website in different forums, blogs, yahoo answers BUT all related to my niche. It is centered around kids and not IM at all. I'm sure it will be fine and I'm thinking this forum will actually help me, since I was new to WP and just kind of did what I could to create the website.
    "The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it."

    A man asked Buddha "I want happiness" Buddha said " First remove "I" that's ego, then remove "want" that's desire. See now you are left with only happiness "
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  • Profile picture of the author BiggyJ
    There is and always will be risk, but the matter is, do you think this forum can help you more than you actually risk.

    But generally, unless it is a micro niche site, or some really profitable niche you are quite safe asking for advice.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Ten
    I think that as long as you are only doing white hat stuff, and not being grey or black hat... then you should not have cause to be concerned.
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    • Profile picture of the author madelyndon
      Originally Posted by Michael55555 View Post

      I think that as long as you are only doing white hat stuff, and not being grey or black hat... then you should not have cause to be concerned.
      Well, I am barely getting through the white hat stuff, let alone having to try and understand any grey and I think I'm ok there. Although, black hats look way better on me than white!
      "The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it."

      A man asked Buddha "I want happiness" Buddha said " First remove "I" that's ego, then remove "want" that's desire. See now you are left with only happiness "
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Take the plunge and list your site. How else are you gonna get feedback?
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  • Profile picture of the author Joseph Robinson
    It's a definite risk/reward situation, at least in my point of view. For websites that you operate under a pen name, obviously you won't want to share it. Then the persona is destroyed. For sites that you operate under your name, it comes down to a simple question: is the potential benefit of sharing my site (critiques, possible sales and exposure) higher than the risk of the site being attacked (content stolen, hacker attack, etc.).
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  • Profile picture of the author DubDubDubDot
    Problems arise for the people that act like pimps. There's a lot of newbies out there looking for proven money makers. So they think of that one guy on the forums who says he makes all this money and they copy his site.
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