Where To Get A Paraliminal/Binaural Beats Audio Developed?

4 replies
Hi Warriors,

In a new niche I am about to enter I am thinking of getting a Paraliminal/Binaural Beats relaxation Audio created.

Does anyone have any experience in creating these?

Where do you recommend looking for a developer and what price should I realistically expect to pay?

Best Wishes,

#audio #beats #developed #paraliminal or binaural
  • Profile picture of the author Josh Anderson
    You could create your own:

    Gnaural: A Binaural-Beat Audio Generator

    Make Your Own Binaural Beats | HealingBeats.com Blog

    How to create binaural beats at home

    There really is no industry standard pricing for outsourcing this type of thing. Pricing will depend on tools used, experience, expertise and licensing agreements you work out with the individual.

    Years ago, when we had the Warrior Alliance private group here Allen outsourced some for us to resell. Also there have been PLR offered by various creators in years past.

    The thing you need to be careful of is that if you do decide to outsource them that you work with someone who understands basic concepts such as that they should NEVER be encoded as an MP3 because it removes certain frequencies in the encoding process to compress the file and that to be the most effective they must be uncompressed.
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    • Profile picture of the author Kenneth L
      Originally Posted by Josh Anderson View Post

      You could create your own:

      Gnaural: A Binaural-Beat Audio Generator

      Make Your Own Binaural Beats | HealingBeats.com Blog

      How to create binaural beats at home

      There really is no industry standard pricing for outsourcing this type of thing. Pricing will depend on tools used, experience, expertise and licensing agreements you work out with the individual.

      Years ago, when we had the Warrior Alliance private group here Allen outsourced some for us to resell. Also there have been PLR offered by various creators in years past.

      The thing you need to be careful of is that if you do decide to outsource them that you work with someone who understands basic concepts such as that they should NEVER be encoded as an MP3 because it removes certain frequencies in the encoding process to compress the file and that to be the most effective they must be uncompressed.
      Thanks for the advice Josh.

      Really appreciate it.

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  • Profile picture of the author Josh Anderson
    I thought I would add something else to this thread...

    Years ago I purchased distribution rights to several bi-naural beats packages. Sadly I trusted that the creators advertising these packages actually knew what they were doing. Unfortunately they had blended the beats instead of keeping the beats separated to the left and right ear.

    So be careful if you do decide to outsource it or license from someone. Check to ensure they are actually binaural.
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  • Profile picture of the author intuitive john
    Thanks for putting this up...I found a couple of experienced producers on Elance...but wanted to produce my own...Great stuff. PS I would be interested in knowing which packages you bought that weren't really binaural...I had bought some over the years too
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