Best way to secure videos and other content on membership site

by nipsyr
21 replies
I am creating a membership site where members will have access to certain groups of videos for a certain amount of time.

What are some ways to securely host the videos so only members can see them?

Are there ways to host the videos to keep people from saving the videos to their pcs?

#content #membership #secure #site #videos
  • Profile picture of the author Greedy
    There are a lot of ways.

    But it mainly comes down to what will work best with your membership software/CMS.

    What are you using?
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  • Profile picture of the author Marcus Rockey
    Using a platform like amember or nanacast is good for secure hosting...

    As for preventing downloading and keeping videos...

    If you are providing enough value and have the chops then subscribers will be retained I think. I assume this is your concern?

    You will benefit more from focusing on marketing and product creation while researching the platform that meets your needs best.
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  • Profile picture of the author igottheserupees
    If you're using wordpress there are several really affordable membership content-lock options (around $30).
    But we need to know what platform you're using.
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    • Profile picture of the author nipsyr
      Thank you. I am using Wordpress.

      i worry about my content being copied and all over torrents.
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  • Profile picture of the author threezerozero
    whats the template you're using? some templates have them included. i know for profits theme (what im using) they have a section where it secures videos and other media....there's a folder for free stuff that anyone can access and another folder that's protected for things that are paid for.
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    • Profile picture of the author nipsyr
      Originally Posted by threezerozero View Post

      whats the template you're using? some templates have them included. i know for profits theme (what im using) they have a section where it secures videos and other media....there's a folder for free stuff that anyone can access and another folder that's protected for things that are paid for.
      I will take a look at my template and see if it has any.
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  • Profile picture of the author Marcus Rockey
    I strongly recommend that you create an email signature as a matter of urgency. It will help with list building. You can do it easily in your profile area.
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    • Profile picture of the author nipsyr
      Originally Posted by Marcus Rockey View Post

      I strongly recommend that you create an email signature as a matter of urgency. It will help with list building. You can do it easily in your profile area.
      What do I say in my signature?

      I'm really new at this.
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      • Profile picture of the author Marcus Rockey
        Originally Posted by nipsyr View Post

        What do I say in my signature?

        I'm really new at this.
        What outcomes do your prospects want?
        What are their biggest frustrations?

        Your product or service must meet them directly and relieve their problems. Your email signature needs to be a condensed version of the biggest benefits of your service.

        Identify first and the rest is easy.

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        • Profile picture of the author nipsyr
          Originally Posted by Marcus Rockey View Post

          What outcomes do your prospects want?
          What are their biggest frustrations?

          Your product or service must meet them directly and relieve their problems. Your email signature needs to be a condensed version of the biggest benefits of your service.

          Identify first and the rest is easy.


          ok i thought you were talking about a forum signature for here. I already have an email signature.
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  • Profile picture of the author Bruce Wedding
    Originally Posted by nipsyr View Post

    I am creating a membership site where members will have access to certain groups of videos for a certain amount of time.

    What are some ways to securely host the videos so only members can see them?

    Are there ways to host the videos to keep people from saving the videos to their pcs?
    You can do all this with S2member and Amazon S3. To positively prevent them from being downloaded, they must be flash videos.

    s2Member® | Hiding the Address of Protected Video Files
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    • Profile picture of the author nipsyr
      Originally Posted by Bruce Wedding View Post

      You can do all this with S2member and Amazon S3. To positively prevent them from being downloaded, they must be flash videos.

      s2Member® | Hiding the Address of Protected Video Files
      Thanks. I will look at those.

      I am using Camtasia to record so I am good for the flash format.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Ten
    I think that a Vimeo premium account might allow you to basically lock down video. You should research it some more though before taking my word for it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ismael Zarruqui
    As you are using wordpress ,there are bunch of plugins for membership site as amember,WP eMember,wishlist member ..etc but as you want to add another layer of protection for your super secret videos ,if you host your videos on Amazon S3′s ,just choose the option where you can make a video file private,you can host your videos on youtube and make them private...

    The problem is embedding videos for streaming,don't protect you.your paid members can download the videos using the “View Source” option on the web browser .

    So if you want to ensure the video is never downloadable, be sure to use only the type “flash”, where there is an RTMP stream. RTMP streams are the only way to prevent direct downloads, and hide the actual video URL. Anything else will make your video downloadable, one way or the other.
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    • Profile picture of the author nipsyr
      Originally Posted by margenia View Post

      As you are using wordpress ,there are bunch of plugins for membership site as amember,WP eMember,wishlist member ..etc but as you want to add another layer of protection for your super secret videos ,if you host your videos on Amazon S3′s ,just choose the option where you can make a video file private,you can host your videos on youtube and make them private...

      The problem is embedding videos for streaming,don't protect you.your paid members can download the videos using the "View Source" option on the web browser .

      So if you want to ensure the video is never downloadable, be sure to use only the type "flash", where there is an RTMP stream. RTMP streams are the only way to prevent direct downloads, and hide the actual video URL. Anything else will make your video downloadable, one way or the other.
      Thank you for the additional detailed information.
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      • Profile picture of the author David-JP
        Ultimately, its impossible to totaly protect digital content from being pirated- but you can make it more difficult.

        Most membership systems now have some sort of folder protection (amember wishlist). This prevents 'hotlinking', and you cant download the video directly from the site.

        If using wordpress, you would use the protected url in the video url setting.

        If using amazon s3, amember 4 now has build in s3 support, or you can use a wordpress plugin like s3flowshield. This also prevents direct downloads.

        Free Report: How IM Gurus Pull in 100k-$2mil A Year (Its Not What They Teach You)
        The Nuts and Bolts of Starting-Up and Running a Successful Membership Site
        ==Membership Academy== aMember/Wishlist Hacks and How To Videos
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  • Profile picture of the author nipsyr
    Thank you. I have made a list of some options and will test them out.
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  • Profile picture of the author Walter Parrish
    Originally Posted by nipsyr View Post

    I am creating a membership site where members will have access to certain groups of videos for a certain amount of time.

    What are some ways to securely host the videos so only members can see them?

    Are there ways to host the videos to keep people from saving the videos to their pcs?

    There was a wordpress theme out there I was thinking of using in the long term. It's named Moviepress do a search for that. It sound's like something you would be interested in. It had a basic youtube like look to it, but was also customizable. It allowed you to show teasers and offer memberships, it also could show vids from youtube or you could upload your own. Check it out.
    Use Feeder Sites, Articles, And Social Media Sites To Generate Unstoppable Traffic, FREE! Click Here Now To Get It For FREE
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    • Profile picture of the author nipsyr
      Thank you. I will have to do some tests and see which one work wok the best for what I am doing.
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  • Profile picture of the author buri
    Hi All,

    My idea to protect all your content, especially when we talk about WSOs, is if you store your content on a separate server other than where your sales page is located.

    Let's say you have a product called "Hot to protect your digital content".

    For example you can advertise your product on whatever. Upload your files (pdf, video, etc.) on file sharing sites such as Mediafire (you can have your own account there) with a different name and not including WSO in the file names.

    And one more clever thing: password your files. If someone has paid for the product, you can give the password for that archive in the PayPal message after the payment for instance.

    There is no 100% safety because once someone bought your product, he can share it all over the net but it's a certain level of safety.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tim Franklin
    As other Warriors have mentioned there are many different method of reducing the level of open access to the videos, however, there is only one way to actually completely control access to the video and its not by using a membership website accessed by a web-browser.

    Any time you view a video using your Web Browser, the video must be first downloaded and or streamed into a place on your computer it might be called 20827892y2/temp but its there, anyone that wants to can obtain that video and view it anytime they want.

    Most will of course not realize this but a few will, and those are probably the very ones you hope to keep from doing that very thing.

    There is no perfect method, because when you see the video it exists somewhere on your computer, there are methods of "flushing" the video once it has been seen, or perhaps you could even set a date where it would be flushed, but over all unless your video is of some exceptional value, beyond that of Gold I would not worry about it at all.

    If you do absolutely want as much security as you can get and money is not an issue, then you need a secure container, (APP) to distribute your video, now the video would still be in memory, but that can also be flushed, so perhaps one out of 10,000 people could access the video after the date you set.

    Then there is always screen recording software, (opps) yes, they can do that too so over all I think you could make it more difficult but not impossible, most probably 74 percent of your customers will not care one way or the other.

    just a few thoughts.
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