How to succeed in internet marketing

58 replies
One of the lure of internet marketing are the advertisements that says "internet marketing = making money effortlessly". While this is true if you have automation softwares or a targeted mailing list, many people in the beginning just buy into this hype.

The "Get Rich Quick" Hype
The truth is like everything else that are worthwhile and sustainable, there will be some amount of hardwork in the beginning. So be aware that there will be some work involved.

After all you need to learn some of the basics like terminology, how to register a domain, getting it hosted, etc, right?? For a newbie, this is hard work too.

By all means use automation software that will help you to "escape" the repetitive work but don't expect it to be the magic pill that will cure all things.

And yes, you can definitely make a living based on your IM income.

The Shiny Object Syndrome
As you get to be more experienced, the next hurdle is always looking for the next best tool or method to do the IM business. You would buy every other WSO from The Warrior Forum (sorry guys. I have to get this off my chest).

You would do something halfway and then you will move onto another method/tool. This process will be repeated many many times. And no wonder there are so many casualties by the wayside on road to IM financial freedom.

And this is known as The Shiny Object Syndrome.

So what should I do.....
Well the key thing is to maintain focus and persevere. Decide on a strategy and bulldoze all the way through. Or you will just give up later and say that internet marketing sucks. And you can't make money online.

Lastly have fun.......
#internet #make money advice #make money online #marketing #succeed
  • Profile picture of the author Tonylee93
    Thank you for all the wonderful tips you have put together for us! It's great to see some more helpful posts like this on Warrior Forum!
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  • Profile picture of the author mrozlat
    get rich slow by compounding your efforts... the quick part comes later once you've slogged it out at the start to get the momentum happening !
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  • Profile picture of the author michaelplies
    Great post. Specially I can relate to the shiny object when i was starting out few years ago, my had was spinning from info overload. )
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  • Profile picture of the author mrmarketer1
    I recall one author saying....

    "Its amazing that it took me ten years of writing every day, to become an overnight success..."

    The First Hosted Helpdesk designed for Warriors ***Create loyal customers with the 1st hosted helpdesk for Product Creators*** (Facebook Page)
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  • Profile picture of the author Riter Ric
    Just a small bit from me...BEWARE of all the internet scams, the slickly written offers and all those fake IM Gurus.
    Best wishes and regards
    Ghost Writer
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Ten
    True, true. The basics are important! Persevere and take action!
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  • Profile picture of the author MattStevens
    To Truly Succeed in ANYTHING, you have to put in EFFORT!

    Faith without works is dead!

    Anyone who can read and write and has the ability to learn, can succeed in Internet Marketing.

    Its the ones who take action that actually DO succeed however.

    So take Charge of your life and Put one foot in front of the other and Proceed to be the Master of your Domain
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  • Profile picture of the author paul nicholls
    best piece of advice i can give anyone is to choose "1 do able method" and stick with it until
    your making money

    the problem with this IM thing is that there are so many ways to get the same results that you get overwhelmed and dilute your efforts so much that you never get results from anything

    once you have a little system that makes you money and works, create a little product and build a list

    it does not have to be any more difficult than this :-)

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    • Profile picture of the author vger596
      Originally Posted by paul nicholls View Post

      best piece of advice i can give anyone is to choose "1 do able method" and stick with it until
      your making money

      the problem with this IM thing is that there are so many ways to get the same results that you get overwhelmed and dilute your efforts so much that you never get results from anything

      once you have a little system that makes you money and works, create a little product and build a list

      it does not have to be any more difficult than this :-)

      I totally agree with you, Paul. We just need to do it and stay the course.

      When I first started this post, it is actually a reminder to myself too. I think I am normal in that I am always looking for the next "magic pill" that will help grow my IM business exponentially.

      Therefore if those of you who are suffering from "Shiny Object Syndrom", don't be too hard on yourselves. This happens to the best of us.

      Quoting Nike "JUST DO IT".....
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    • Profile picture of the author moravian
      [QUOTE= the problem with this IM thing is that there are so many ways to get the same results that you get overwhelmed and dilute your efforts so much that you never get results from anything

      once you have a little system that makes you money and works, create a little product and build a list

      it does not have to be any more difficult than this :-)


      Totally agree, Paul.
      The idea is to find the way that you are comfortable with and stick with it until you get results.
      Building your list is building your income.

      >>> Reach More People And Increase Revenue, Using The Power of INSTAGRAM! Get your FREE eBook now,while it is available ...
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  • Profile picture of the author dwivid
    Thanks for this I like to read you more post on internet marketing so please keep posting.
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  • Profile picture of the author webbusineses
    Internet Marketing provides a long way to those who have made good long term and short term strategies to market their product or services. Don't stick with one method of IM even if you are getting good results from it, because the ever changing trends of Internet Marketing.

    Email Marketing & Lead Sourcing

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  • Profile picture of the author retsced
    How hard can it be if we ignore B.S and rise above the noise. You only need one or two strategies to earn a full time income online. Anyone can master 1 or 2 strategies.
    Strong Men and Women put themselves in harms way
    for the freedoms weak people give away for safety
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  • Profile picture of the author CurtisSWN
    Seek to serve others in the way you would like to be served. Do you like spammy-hyppey or do you like honest and sincere?
    Simple Two Step Formula
    Earns Me Over $146.72 in 12 Hours. This is Weird, But it Works!
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    • Profile picture of the author vger596
      Originally Posted by CurtisSWN View Post

      Seek to serve others in the way you would like to be served. Do you like spammy-hyppey or do you like honest and sincere?
      Totally agree. As they say "Do unto others as you would have them do to you".

      Though I like the honest and sincere way of selling on internet, it is often seen as amateurish. And that the product is done by a noob.

      The spammy-hypey type on the other hand, is often seen as professional. And so we fall into the trap.

      So in my mind, if we selling products online or promoting an affiliate product, we have to walk the middle path. Enough hype to allow the other person to consider our recommendation and yet staying true to ourselves (without cheating and lying).
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  • Profile picture of the author shawno2012
    this is so true and vary helpful not just to me but for anyone just starting out
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  • Profile picture of the author giant90
    Really amazing words you shared here.
    Thanks for taking time to it.

    I am Jyoti Chauhan,SEO Expert and blogger at having two years of experience in Internet Marketing. I’m familiar with all the on-page and off-page strategies.
    Connect With me at Google+, Facebook, Twitter & Linkedin.

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  • Profile picture of the author timb98133
    Originally Posted by vger596 View Post

    Well the key thing is to maintain focus and persevere. Decide on a strategy and bulldoze all the way through.

    Lastly have fun.......
    I totally agree with this. Most people fail because they give up!
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Good advice. But need to do WAYY more than this to have success with internet marketing and having an online business.
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    • Profile picture of the author WriterWahm
      Originally Posted by Randall Magwood View Post

      Good advice. But need to do WAYY more than this to have success with internet marketing and having an online business.
      Sorry Randall, but I'm going to have to disagree with you here. I quickly discovered that for me, writing was my way to internet marketing six figures (or whatever it's called these days). But I tried different things; writing articles, writing reviews, PLR marketing etc etc ... one would think that as a service, writing is pretty straightforward and there are no shiny new objects; one would be wrong.

      But I was consistent with one thing though, writing. And when I found the type of writing that brought me enough to live on and then some, I quickly dropped the rest and stuck with that particular form of writing.

      So I have decided on my strategy and I am focused on it. You might mention marketing and all that but I think they are all just part of the strategy. If I were asked the recipe for IM success in one sentence (and I'm no guru) I would agree with the OP

      ... maintain focus and persevere. Decide on a strategy and bulldoze all the way through.

      PM me if you want a romantic fiction ghostwriter.

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  • Profile picture of the author Daddy2
    learn all that you can from successful people already in the industry,create value from what you learned and then help others...the success will come
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  • Profile picture of the author Allissa
    I would add to that "Find a Personal Coach to help you learn the ropes and avoid roadblocks"!
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  • Profile picture of the author Evocess
    Definitely true!
    What a great tips from you vger596.
    Reading this thread reminds me one of the best quote from Bruce Lee it says that
    "Absorb what is useful, Discard what is not, Add what is uniquely your own."

    Justin Durano
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  • Profile picture of the author jamesrich1
    How to succeed with internet marketing?

    Become very good at two things

    Getting ALOT of Traffic
    Converting the traffic into sales

    Repeat process over and over...
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  • Profile picture of the author milliondream
    thanks for sharing
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  • Profile picture of the author Dimitris Skiadas
    This is one of the best advices i've been given and i will give to all of you.

    F -- Follow
    O -- One
    C -- Course
    U -- Until
    S -- Successful


    PS Thanks Nightengale for the advice.
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    • Profile picture of the author Pindich
      Originally Posted by Dimitris Skiadas View Post

      This is one of the best advices i've been given and i will give to all of you.

      F -- Follow
      O -- One
      C -- Course
      U -- Until
      S -- Successful


      PS Thanks Nightengale for the advice.
      Wow, I like this one. It embodies the whole truth. Focus meaning choose one, then "follow one course until successful" implies being persistent. As we all know many people give up just when success is around the corner. So make sure you focus, persist and reap the fruit of all your hard work. Persistence breeds success!
      Could This IM Magazine Be Just What We Have Been Missing In The Industry?

      For Marketers Who Want To Take Action But Just Can't Start! Click Here
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      • Profile picture of the author discrat
        Really ?

        You go back and search the Archives to post to a Thread that last saw action a year ago ??
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        • Profile picture of the author Pindich
          Originally Posted by discrat View Post

          Really ?

          You go back and search the Archives to post to a Thread that last saw action a year ago ??
          Yes, from time to time I teach myself by reading past post and when I find something that speaks heaps to me and I know it is relevant even today to fellow marketers and I have something to add to it, I do add to it. Someone joining the forum today will find this thread helpful to them. At least that was my thought pattern. I hope that clarifies things a little bit.
          Could This IM Magazine Be Just What We Have Been Missing In The Industry?

          For Marketers Who Want To Take Action But Just Can't Start! Click Here
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        • Profile picture of the author georgia01
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          • Profile picture of the author discrat
            Originally Posted by georgia01 View Post

            Basically you think to have better communication and good convincing skills. At the same time you can also have to gain experience in early days you need to proceed with pre-sales and then gradually you gain the way to approach in internet marketing ,,,
            Originally Posted by thewrighttouch View Post

            Thanks to shared your thought about internet marketing.and i agreed but Today is the bests way for online promotion of any brand and business awareness .Internet marketing not depends on single way .
            Online many way we can make a money .only we need a some knowledge about its.

            Wow, the Spam Bots are out in droves today
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  • Profile picture of the author JOESBSTAT

    I am new to this forum so forgive me if I am posting this in the wrong section.

    I just want to ask a simple question to see if anyone has the answer. Does anyone know which country buys the most business opportunities?

    I am trying to target particular markets but it would be good to start in a country where people love the stuff.

    I know the likes of the US and GB love genuine bus opps, but which other countries are partial to a bit of extra money making opportunities?

    By the way, this Warrior Forum is fantastic. It is my bible for all things bus oppy.

    Thanks in advance guys :-)
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    • Profile picture of the author Anthony Gibson
      Originally Posted by JOESBSTAT View Post


      I am new to this forum so forgive me if I am posting this in the wrong section.

      I just want to ask a simple question to see if anyone has the answer. Does anyone know which country buys the most business opportunities?

      I am trying to target particular markets but it would be good to start in a country where people love the stuff.

      I know the likes of the US and GB love genuine bus opps, but which other countries are partial to a bit of extra money making opportunities?

      By the way, this Warrior Forum is fantastic. It is my bible for all things bus oppy.

      Thanks in advance guys :-)
      I would say you hit the nail on the head with those two. You can also try Canada and Australia. Be careful with "biz opp" as the FTC is cracking down, and for good reason. Good luck!

      As for the OP topic...I would say, it's the same as every aspect of life: 1. Establish the "Winning Edge" (Bulletproof Psychological Framework) 2. Set Goals 3. Persevere through adversity and take massive action (Using PROVEN methods 4. Monitor, learn, and optimize...once you have the right mindset, you can be successful at ANYTHING!

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  • Profile picture of the author cashp0wer
    Thanks for posting some great Internet marketing tips on this forum. Most people can use all the help they can get.
    My Internet Marketing Blog - Warts And All!
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  • Profile picture of the author LiftMyRank
    In any niche or business you just gotta stick to it.....never ever give up and you will eventually succeed...
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  • Profile picture of the author kazim
    I know something about internet marketing. But from your posts I get some new tips about marketing.
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  • Profile picture of the author sdentrepreneur
    Get Rich Quick Schemes don't work. Think of learning as going to Internet College.

    How many hours do you spend learning each day? (webinars, ebooks, WSO)

    Who is your teacher/mentor?

    Pay for training, I don't know any college that is free.

    Then....find a niche or strategy that makes you happy. You will be much more motivated if you are doing something you like.

    Learn Digital, Internet and Social Media Marketing For Your Business
    Click here to learn more - Digital and Social Media Marketing Training Course

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  • Profile picture of the author bigdaleln
    Great information from all of you. I need to keep reminding myself to not look for the shiney object and just work hard and stay focused.
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  • Profile picture of the author HajimeAnne
    I like your SOS description. What I would add to that is that marketers have become so skilled at writing sales pages. About a month ago I figured out what I'm going to focus and work on: it's taking a lot of work, consistently keeping on task. And yet when I foolishly open those emails and begin to read the enticements I am again tempted to buy yet another thing. You think it takes discipline to do the work; it takes mega-discipline to quit buying the next shiny object. It takes discernment to figure out what you can do without. Thank you for an excellent thread.
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  • Profile picture of the author JayCununk
    This man speaks the truth
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    • Profile picture of the author Ian Jackson
      Sometimes the "Shiny Object Syndrome" cannot be avoided, and in best light, should be considered a rite of passage.

      Newbies often need to find out which niche or service would suit their abilities more or less than others, and a cheap(ish) way to find out it to go through a few shiny object purchases. The trick is being able to educate newbies before they get too burnt.

      If this were not the case, then all those $million "Gurus" (yep, those we respect) who claim to have "wasted" 1000's on bright shiny objects, before they "woke up and smelled the coffee" are perhaps being economical with the truth... !
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  • Profile picture of the author trump7
    It is common for webmasters to rely mainly on SEO and other marketing methods that are tried and true, though you do not need to do so to the exclusion of Internet Marketing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Les Blythe
    I agree with most of what the guys have said here - pick one course of action, one idea - make a solid plan and stick with it till you get results.

    You definitely need to avoid shiny objects but, of course, don't be afraid to spend on products or information that will enhance your knowledge or assist with your one core project.

    Once you've got just one income stream running correctly, then move on to the next - BUT ONLY THEN!

    Many successful IM'rs make up their income from several smaller projects but the absolute key to it is to build steadily, one block at a time
    Find out how I've made $1,000s every month since 2011
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  • Profile picture of the author Justin Ford
    Thanks sir. That's a great information about internet marketing tips. When i start my business that time i did not understand about internet marketing. As a result i was fail in marketing area. It is my own experience. I think without internet marketing we are not succeed in our all internet related business. I hope i will gain success as soon. I am very appreciate about your post. Very very thanks sir.
    Less is more. Keeping it simple takes time and effort.
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  • Profile picture of the author JtxTop
    Using the right tool is critical, if not you will tire yourself doing so many manual repetitive work like scraping urls etc, it's just not a smart and practical way to achieve results, remember, in addition to the above points, in order to produce substantial results, you must put in massive effort and in order to be massive, your effort must be effective and efficient, that's where using the right tools and method matter...
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  • Profile picture of the author stews
    There are so many opportunities that I wouldn't recommend one in particular. But, the one piece of advice is could share is:
    Once you find your path, stick to it and don't be enticed by every invitation you get from other internet folks. Stay determined and centered on your task. Good Luck1

    Get LIFETIME HOSTING for one LOW PRICE.. For more info follow this path

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  • Profile picture of the author SittinPerty
    Good Stuff, I'm not on that step yet but its great to know a little and what direction one should head in. I just got my website published and I'm currently in the process of driving traffic to it and all the ways I can. Thanks for this post!
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  • Profile picture of the author IMProductReviews
    There are very few things you need to succeed online, a good offer, a system that helps you sell that offer and then the main one is TAKE ACTION. Most people fail because they don't take action. It's frustrating because 98% of people are failing because they don't take action

    [B]~Louis Betts~

    Discover: “Here’s How YOU Can Start Making Money Online Today Using a Fool-Proof “Done For You” Digital Franchise System“

    Click Here To Find Out More
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  • Profile picture of the author niloydaemons
    nice tips bro thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    I had a message from one of my students who said he has bought 57 WSO's..... yes that is NOT a TYPO...57 and only made 3 sales in clickbank.


    I asked, "none of them worked did they?" he responded "NO!"

    Then I said "Its cause you keep buying em!"

    Most WSO's are OK, but the principles are similar to back in the 1800's nothing has changed, except we have the inter-webs.


    All of these steps are important especially the firs two. Most people do not realise if they start offering immense value in their NICHE, instantly they will start getting recognised as a good GO TO guy in their niche, as there is lots of crap out there in the IM world, and other niches! If u offer value, you can stand out from at least 90% of the other competitors in your niche.

    I find it funny not many people even get to the first step that I gave above. That is why they fail.
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  • Profile picture of the author Trey Morgan
    If you're suffering from shiny object syndrome or looking for fast riches, you need to read this.

    Imagine if you tried to learn how to play the piano, play a trumpet, and play a saxophone all at the same time.

    What do you think would happen?

    - You would be overwhelmed
    - You would suck at everything
    - You would be wasting your time
    - You would quit before you begin to develop the skills necessary to play those instruments properly

    So why do you think if you buy wso after wso, you will somehow magically start making money out of thin air.

    It doesn't work like that, and if you continue to buy product after product you will just stay in a trap and never get anywhere.

    The best thing to do, is just pick a method or business model from one of the wsos that you like, and focus solely on mastering that one business model for six months.

    Sounds like a long time?

    Well, it's better to focus on one thing for six months and get good at it, than to try 100 different things for 10 years and never get good at anything.
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  • Profile picture of the author thewrighttouch
    Thanks to shared your thought about internet marketing.and i agreed but Today is the bests way for online promotion of any brand and business awareness .Internet marketing not depends on single way .
    Online many way we can make a money .only we need a some knowledge about its.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nisip
    Or save your time and your efforts, and use what really works the best in this field: Twitter
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  • Profile picture of the author Joe Benjamin
    Consistency is key.

    Remember riding a bike and giving it all your time
    and energy until you made it a full block without
    scrapping a knee?

    Did you give up on it to learn skateboarding in the
    middle of learning how to ride a bicycle?

    You were insistent and persistent and achieving
    your goals.

    For some reason as adults we lose the desire to
    push through problems that WILL arise from
    doing anything unfamiliar. We give up on it and
    call it "scam", ineffective or not working as it's

    Staying consistent with a daily routine is what
    keeps a man his job, puts food on his families
    table and gives peace of mind.

    Inconsistency is hoping from one opportunity
    to another with no passion or zeal to master
    any one.
    **How I FLIPPED $80 into $690 Pure Profit With ONE EASY Method...2 to 3x Per Week...Only 30 Minutes Per Day (and how YOU can COPY my RESULTS, too!) **CLICK HERE FOR VERIFIED VIDEO PROOF**
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  • Profile picture of the author ammywilson
    Thanks... for great information this will help many people..
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  • Profile picture of the author LesterRussell
    The "Shiny Object Syndrome" is often the biggest challenge you will face as a beginner. Even if you learn about that, it is very hard to keep yourself tied down to a single niche and resist change when trying to break through the barrier of your first sale.

    IMO, its a rite of passage everyone will face as they start their journey in IM but just know what this is not a solution for breaking through on your first sale.
    Updated With All The Internet Marketing Tips I Find
    => Check Out My Internet Marketing Blog <=
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