2 replies

I'm looking for a site to host the download files where buyers will come to retrieve the files after buying. What's the best site in price, download time and secured that you would recommend?

#download #price #sites #storage
  • Profile picture of the author mrmarketer1
    Why not just use your hosting service and give your customers a url for download? or if you want it really secure, add the file to a page in a members area. Not sure why you are looking for a 3rd party service.
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    • Profile picture of the author ipixeli
      Originally Posted by mrmarketer1 View Post

      Why not just use your hosting service and give your customers a url for download? or if you want it really secure, add the file to a page in a members area. Not sure why you are looking for a 3rd party service.
      Thank you mrmarketer1. Saw people using Amazon S3 service prompted me the question.. . Besides most of my files are quite very big - 500M min. for each file and total would be around 4G of data that buyers will download.
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