Is it okay to make CRAPPY content if you make a million dollar?
I've been around for a while now, making a steady stream of income every month from my IM adventures.
Like 15 minutes ago (yes I probably should have spent more time on this post, but I'm curious) this idea
smashed into my head, and I want to know what you think about it.
Listen up........
Like most people around here, I occasionally buy a WSO, just to get a sniff of the latest stuff.
While most of the WSO's I buy are pretty much rehashed content (which is okay if it's
personalized and tweaked, and is awesome ofc) I have come across really shitty stuff over the years!
I'm talking products with shitty costumer service, shitty content, but with a $100k sales letter.
A sales letter that would trick my finger into clicking the buy button (which I got to admit happens
every now and then)
Then a few days, weeks or months later I learn that the product owner earned 7 figure in the first
few weeks, with a product that never should have seen the light of day... it could have been a
PLR for all I care (some PLR's are actually decent)
Is it okay because he has a HUGE list?
Is it okay because he's affiliates worship him?
Is it okay because he climbed "Internet Marketing Success Ladder"?
More Scenarios
Is it okay to make a 1000k a day from spamming youtube with 10 sec videos telling you to click the link
in the description?
Is it okay to sell a product you personally made only a few cents with, and say you made thousands just to
become a millionaire?
Is it okay to make a Membership site/ Facebook Group charging a 100$ without making 100% sure that your students are making money?
I'm sure you got more scenarios, but I'm curious on what you are thinking.
Are you making money on methods providing Minimal Value?
Do you think it's wrong?
Write your thoughts below!
I've spent the last 59 months building 412 MFA sites. Each site averages 8 cents per day...I said average, some make up to 17 cents per day, PASSIVE INCOME! This income allows me to live comfortably and buy ANY flavor Jolly Rancher or Skittles I desire. Don't give in to fear, it CAN be done!
I've spent the last 59 months building 412 MFA sites. Each site averages 8 cents per day...I said average, some make up to 17 cents per day, PASSIVE INCOME! This income allows me to live comfortably and buy ANY flavor Jolly Rancher or Skittles I desire. Don't give in to fear, it CAN be done!
Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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