Getting rid of dates at bottom wordpress

5 replies
Hey, any ideas how I get rid of the dates at the bottom of my site. I've managed to clear all comments sections but dates still there?? Please click signature if viewing site helps. Also what do you think if you do end up viewing?
#bottom #dates #rid #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author CalinDan
    Originally Posted by diehardtwo View Post

    Hey, any ideas how I get rid of the dates at the bottom of my site. I've managed to clear all comments sections but dates still there?? Please click signature if viewing site helps. Also what do you think if you do end up viewing?
    Hey mate,

    It really depends on what theme you're using. It's usually dealt with by adding or removing some code lines from the style.css file.

    Other themes have an option for that in their Option menu.

    Try searching "remove dates [theme name]" or something like that. And you can check Wordpress's knowledge base to.

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  • Profile picture of the author Dr MaxIM
    It sure does depend on the theme, but as you are talking about bottom of your site, you could look at footer.php file on your theme to get rid of it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kerry Finch
    I know a lot of people remove dates from their posts in an attempt to make them evergreen, but I really dislike reading undated posts. I do a lot of online research and need to know that what I'm reading is current and therefore relevant information.
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    • Profile picture of the author Will Edwards
      Originally Posted by Kerry Finch View Post

      I know a lot of people remove dates from their posts in an attempt to make them evergreen, but I really dislike reading undated posts. I do a lot of online research and need to know that what I'm reading is current and therefore relevant information.
      A good compromise is to use a theme that displays the date at the foot of the post rather than at the beginning.

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