Zero To Hero In 30 Days Or Less Using Free Resources
I will go somewhat step by step but, due to length, I will not draw pictures.
Tools Needed.
Email Marketing Software & Autoresponder from GetResponse
Apache OpenOffice - The Free and Open Productivity Suite
Note Pad or the Mac equivalent
The ability to send emails and Google search.
Don't set up the free trial Get Response until the very end.
Pick a niche ...
This is not brain surgery. It is great to promote your passion but it is not mandatory. Get this right a few times and your new passion will become promoting in niches that makes you money.
I suggest picking a niche that is over saturated and teaming with competition. There is money there most of the time. There is products there to promote most of the time.
I myself will choose the three eared rabbit care niche.
Assure there is a niche willing to spend money.
I Google search three eared rabbit forums. Find some active ones and start an investigation into what makes this niche tick. There desires, wants, and needs.
Find some products.
Now I go back to Google and search for affiliate products to serve the niche. I pick the better of the products by checking the stats on each product. It is a good idea to try and get a review copy or buy a copy but if you are broke you may need to take a chance on going with just the stats.
With the three eared rabbit niche being so information hungry it takes only a few minutes to come up with 5 products.
I am getting tired of all the "I" so I (lol) will go back to teaching and give the case study a rest.
Get some bait.
Google search free "three eared rabbit" PLR. Find a PLR product with all the rights. Make sure it comes with a decent sales page and some decent graphics is always a bonus.
Idiot Check.
This is where many mess the nest. We are not selling the plr product. We will rewrite the product into a 10 page or less report. Cut out the fluff and get to the point. Your future customers will love you for this. Remember we are not selling the original PLR. We just need the sales page.
The email campaign.
By now you have read several threads and post from very targeted forum members. You have rewritten your PLR. You should know more about the niche than the average Joe. Take what you have learned about your selected niche and use this knowledge to market to your niche.
Since we are dealing with a thirty day trial .. type all emails into word pad and transfer just before launch.
The first follow up series will be thanking them for downloading your report. It is time to brand you not the products. Start a conversation with as many new list members as possible.
Go to the tool chest and get a good claw hammer. Any time you feel the urge to sell in this first series .. hit yourself in the head with hammer. It is better to hurt yourself than kill your new business before it gets started.
With the first followup showing your appreciation and building your own authority it is time for email two. I would email every day but my rabbit crowd could be a little more enthusiastic than your niche .... you should know how your niche will respond from the forums.
You second and third email should still be talking about your initial report and inviting one on one conversation. With the forth email we start setting the stage for the next product by creating a desire. By making them realize they need your next product.
Market to their desires for a couple of emails and then soft sell. After the soft sell it is time for the hard sell. Now many do not like to hard sell because of the fear of losing a list member.
Newsflash. You will lose some members any way you go. It is time to make some money. If they get offended by you selling them something they are not the ideal list member.
Follow this pattern for all five products. I do not have the time or the desire to get into funneling members or setting up full blown funnels but a OTO. .up sell, and down sell can significantly Increase your profits if done right or it can kill your list if done wrong. Funneling proven buyers to their own list is imperative.
Back to the PLR.
You have your plr typed up in word pad .. now you need to decide if you want to deliver via ebook or email. I suggest email as it pretty much demands they use a good email address to get the report but if your report is over 6 or 7 pages it may be more email client friendly to use open office and convert to ebook.
If you go ebook style deliver the ebook download link via email.
Remember The Sales Page?
Go over to Yola and set up a site. They have all the tutorials you need to get up and going in a few minutes to a few hours dependent on your skill set. I would name my site "three eared rabbit care" as Yola uses sub-domains and I usually get the name I desire.
Use the front page of your new site for the sales page you received with the free plr. There are also tutorials on how to do this. After download you can edit the page as if you wrote it yourself but most of those pages have been tested so we only change a few things like author name, any date, and other things that make it look like a PLR. THIS PAGE IS NOT MEANT TO SELL.
Set up a simple squeeze page and point the form to your AR series just in case this page is ever really seen by a customer. Now redirect the buy now button to the squeeze. This is where you load the autoresponder and set up the campaigns.
Why a sales page we do not sell with?
Simple .. this is bait. Now let's find the fish.
Put your squeeze page in the sig file at all forums that allow one. This is still not the main traffic source but get what you can where you can.
Do a Google search for every keyword and long tail you can find for your selected niche. Oh yeah .. you can find all you need keyword wise at SEO Book.com ~ SEO Training Made Easy
Find and make a contact detail list of every site, for every keyword on the first page search results.
Start contacting these site owners. Don't appear spammy but also remember everyone likes to be bragged on a little. Tell them you have a report that is priced at x amount of dollars and you would like to give it to their readers.
Send them to your sales page to prove it exist. Some site owners will never reply back to begin with. Some will but will not be interested. You could be surprised how many will love to offer it to their readers and their list.
Keep contacting .. be relentless in your pursuit. Make it a point to contact enough sites in a day to get at least 5 takers. When you run out of keywords (this should be a long way off) go out of the box and use demographics to find where else your niche would hang out and promote to those sites.
Now I wrote this on the fly and could have easily left something out or not explained something to your satisfaction so feel free to ask questions below.
Because it's not always what you say, as to how you're saying it
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