Zero To Hero In 30 Days Or Less Using Free Resources

42 replies
Since many do not want to or are leery of creating their own product, I will us an affiliate reference for this thread. I will stay away from The MMO, B2B, IM niche.

I will go somewhat step by step but, due to length, I will not draw pictures.

Tools Needed.

Email Marketing Software & Autoresponder from GetResponse

Apache OpenOffice - The Free and Open Productivity Suite

Note Pad or the Mac equivalent

The ability to send emails and Google search.

Don't set up the free trial Get Response until the very end.

Pick a niche ...

This is not brain surgery. It is great to promote your passion but it is not mandatory. Get this right a few times and your new passion will become promoting in niches that makes you money.

I suggest picking a niche that is over saturated and teaming with competition. There is money there most of the time. There is products there to promote most of the time.

I myself will choose the three eared rabbit care niche.

Assure there is a niche willing to spend money.

I Google search three eared rabbit forums. Find some active ones and start an investigation into what makes this niche tick. There desires, wants, and needs.

Find some products.

Now I go back to Google and search for affiliate products to serve the niche. I pick the better of the products by checking the stats on each product. It is a good idea to try and get a review copy or buy a copy but if you are broke you may need to take a chance on going with just the stats.

With the three eared rabbit niche being so information hungry it takes only a few minutes to come up with 5 products.

I am getting tired of all the "I" so I (lol) will go back to teaching and give the case study a rest.

Get some bait.

Google search free "three eared rabbit" PLR. Find a PLR product with all the rights. Make sure it comes with a decent sales page and some decent graphics is always a bonus.

Idiot Check.

This is where many mess the nest. We are not selling the plr product. We will rewrite the product into a 10 page or less report. Cut out the fluff and get to the point. Your future customers will love you for this. Remember we are not selling the original PLR. We just need the sales page.

The email campaign.

By now you have read several threads and post from very targeted forum members. You have rewritten your PLR. You should know more about the niche than the average Joe. Take what you have learned about your selected niche and use this knowledge to market to your niche.

Since we are dealing with a thirty day trial .. type all emails into word pad and transfer just before launch.

The first follow up series will be thanking them for downloading your report. It is time to brand you not the products. Start a conversation with as many new list members as possible.

Go to the tool chest and get a good claw hammer. Any time you feel the urge to sell in this first series .. hit yourself in the head with hammer. It is better to hurt yourself than kill your new business before it gets started.

With the first followup showing your appreciation and building your own authority it is time for email two. I would email every day but my rabbit crowd could be a little more enthusiastic than your niche .... you should know how your niche will respond from the forums.

You second and third email should still be talking about your initial report and inviting one on one conversation. With the forth email we start setting the stage for the next product by creating a desire. By making them realize they need your next product.

Market to their desires for a couple of emails and then soft sell. After the soft sell it is time for the hard sell. Now many do not like to hard sell because of the fear of losing a list member.

Newsflash. You will lose some members any way you go. It is time to make some money. If they get offended by you selling them something they are not the ideal list member.

Follow this pattern for all five products. I do not have the time or the desire to get into funneling members or setting up full blown funnels but a OTO. .up sell, and down sell can significantly Increase your profits if done right or it can kill your list if done wrong. Funneling proven buyers to their own list is imperative.

Back to the PLR.

You have your plr typed up in word pad .. now you need to decide if you want to deliver via ebook or email. I suggest email as it pretty much demands they use a good email address to get the report but if your report is over 6 or 7 pages it may be more email client friendly to use open office and convert to ebook.

If you go ebook style deliver the ebook download link via email.

Remember The Sales Page?

Go over to Yola and set up a site. They have all the tutorials you need to get up and going in a few minutes to a few hours dependent on your skill set. I would name my site "three eared rabbit care" as Yola uses sub-domains and I usually get the name I desire.

Use the front page of your new site for the sales page you received with the free plr. There are also tutorials on how to do this. After download you can edit the page as if you wrote it yourself but most of those pages have been tested so we only change a few things like author name, any date, and other things that make it look like a PLR. THIS PAGE IS NOT MEANT TO SELL.

Set up a simple squeeze page and point the form to your AR series just in case this page is ever really seen by a customer. Now redirect the buy now button to the squeeze. This is where you load the autoresponder and set up the campaigns.

Why a sales page we do not sell with?

Simple .. this is bait. Now let's find the fish.

Put your squeeze page in the sig file at all forums that allow one. This is still not the main traffic source but get what you can where you can.

Do a Google search for every keyword and long tail you can find for your selected niche. Oh yeah .. you can find all you need keyword wise at SEO ~ SEO Training Made Easy

Find and make a contact detail list of every site, for every keyword on the first page search results.

Start contacting these site owners. Don't appear spammy but also remember everyone likes to be bragged on a little. Tell them you have a report that is priced at x amount of dollars and you would like to give it to their readers.

Send them to your sales page to prove it exist. Some site owners will never reply back to begin with. Some will but will not be interested. You could be surprised how many will love to offer it to their readers and their list.

Keep contacting .. be relentless in your pursuit. Make it a point to contact enough sites in a day to get at least 5 takers. When you run out of keywords (this should be a long way off) go out of the box and use demographics to find where else your niche would hang out and promote to those sites.

Now I wrote this on the fly and could have easily left something out or not explained something to your satisfaction so feel free to ask questions below.

#days #free #hero #resources
  • Profile picture of the author iRunThis
    Great post Troy!

    This should help out those that want to take action and are tired of spending money on WSO's that work for a day or two.

    This is actually almost exactly what I did when I first got started! Well, minus the yola... and the apache... and getresponse. lol I bought a domain name (.info when they were $1.99) Started with aWeber ($1 first month) and I turned the PLR into a Powerpoint, and turned the powerpoint into a video, instead of an Ebook.


    Sincerely ,
    JaVaun T
    "Grammar: The difference between knowing your sh*t, and knowing you're sh*t." -A Wise Man
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6973045].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Michael Harris
      Hey Troy,


      Thanks for sharing some REAL wisdom..

      Breaking things down like you have here, sure shows how
      easy it is to get caught up in the hype and over-complicate things..

      All the best..
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6973166].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author morsh
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    • Profile picture of the author stevebent
      It would have to some really useful PLR to sell as videos, excellent idea

      Originally Posted by iRunThis View Post

      Great post Troy!

      This should help out those that want to take action and are tired of spending money on WSO's that work for a day or two.

      This is actually almost exactly what I did when I first got started! Well, minus the yola... and the apache... and getresponse. lol I bought a domain name (.info when they were $1.99) Started with aWeber ($1 first month) and I turned the PLR into a Powerpoint, and turned the powerpoint into a video, instead of an Ebook.


      Sincerely ,
      JaVaun T

      Because it's not always what you say, as to how you're saying it

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7064592].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author wulfgar2012
      Originally Posted by iRunThis View Post

      turned the PLR into a Powerpoint, and turned the powerpoint into a video, instead of an Ebook.
      this is the route I plan to take , I've been looking for a good blueprint to follow and I believe I can make this plan work.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7528871].message }}
  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6973187].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author SamSebastian
    Tell them you have a report that is priced at x amount of dollars and you would like to give it to their readers.

    In this part did you mean you "would like to offer it for free to their members" (and then make money on the upsell) or did you mean you "would like to offer it for sale to their members"

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6973405].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Troy_Phillips
      Originally Posted by SamSebastian View Post

      Tell them you have a report that is priced at x amount of dollars and you would like to give it to their readers.

      In this part did you mean you "would like to offer it for free to their members" (and then make money on the upsell) or did you mean you "would like to offer it for sale to their members"

      Yes for free. The upsale part is niche specific. In some niches you will lose a list member if you upsale on first contact. I know many will disagree with me but I seldom use an upsale. I feel it shows a lack of confidence in one's ability to make the sale using more traditional marketing.

      Now I understand if you are paying for the traffic being sent you probably need to upsale but if you have really targeted your audience .. you can still make the sale and not appear desperate on first contact.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6973440].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Jon Sullivan
        Thanks for the advice and gameplan.

        Nice to get it simple and step by step sometimes.
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        • Profile picture of the author kenmorgan
          Excellent advice from Troy. I only wish I started with this method. I would be a lot more successful now than I am.

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  • Profile picture of the author Troy_Phillips
    Originally Posted by jtommy178 View Post

    A little confused. Your giving away your free plr to people who give an e address and then promote an affiliate product?
    No. You are giving away a totally rewritten report with just the meat and non of the fluff. You are then actually marketing to your new list. Creating cures for ills. It is a lot smarter to sell cures than products.

    Think about it.

    Say you sign up for a free report on traffic generation. I know you think you want traffic. It is my job as a marketer to plant a seed in your mind that learning to convert traffic is more important than huge traffic numbers. In reality you really want sales and you think traffic is the answer.

    I have gave you the traffic generation product and planted the seed that conversions is what you are really after. Low and behold, once I hit some emotional triggers a little, I just happen to know where to learn how to ramp up your conversions.

    Now that you have been convinced conversions is the ticket, and purchased and found success at conversions.... it is my job to convince you that since you now are a conversion ninja .. you really need to target traffic.

    Remember I know you were already convinced more traffic was the key. You now know for sure that you can convert that traffic. It is just a natural progression for me to plant the seed that targeted traffic is much better than general traffic.

    I know some marketers get so good with this that the list member is positive they came up with all these new needs on their own.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6981071].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Jon Sullivan
      Originally Posted by Troy_Phillips View Post

      No. You are giving away a totally rewritten report with just the meat and non of the fluff. You are then actually marketing to your new list. Creating cures for ills. It is a lot smarter to sell cures than products.

      Think about it.

      Say you sign up for a free report on traffic generation. I know you think you want traffic. It is my job as a marketer to plant a seed in your mind that learning to convert traffic is more important than huge traffic numbers. In reality you really want sales and you think traffic is the answer.

      I have gave you the traffic generation product and planted the seed that conversions is what you are really after. Low and behold, once I hit some emotional triggers a little, I just happen to know where to learn how to ramp up your conversions.

      Now that you have been convinced conversions is the ticket, and purchased and found success at conversions.... it is my job to convince you that since you now are a conversion ninja .. you really need to target traffic.

      Remember I know you were already convinced more traffic was the key. You now know for sure that you can convert that traffic. It is just a natural progression for me to plant the seed that targeted traffic is much better than general traffic.

      I know some marketers get so good with this that the list member is positive they came up with all these new needs on their own.
      That is very smart thinking. Obviously, since you know it works.

      Now the question is to learn how to press those buttons, write that amazing squeeze page and stuff. For me I mean.

      I really like your plan and starting next week I'm planning to implement it.

      Try and get my share of that three eared rabbit money.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6981114].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Troy_Phillips
        Originally Posted by Sully4071 View Post

        That is very smart thinking. Obviously, since you know it works.

        Now the question is to learn how to press those buttons, write that amazing squeeze page and stuff. For me I mean.

        I really like your plan and starting next week I'm planning to implement it.

        Try and get my share of that three eared rabbit money.
        Success is there for the taking. Go get yours .. tell em Troy sent ya!

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6981148].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Jacqueline Smith
    From now on whenever I see a post starting with, "How do I get started making money online?"....guess where I'm sending them????

    Right here!!!!!

    Excellent post!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6981490].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author CalinDan
    Great stuff Troy,

    This will surely help a lot of folks trying to 'grow themselves' in a specific marketplace.

    Have a great day,
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  • Profile picture of the author JimDucharme
    If you're new here, let me tell you that Troy is one of the most down to earth and insightful nice guys I've met here. I know he mentions GR, but I'm saying this not as a rep from GR, but as a person who's had the pleasure to interact with Troy online.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6983479].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Troy_Phillips
      Originally Posted by JimDucharme View Post

      If you're new here, let me tell you that Troy is one of the most down to earth and insightful nice guys I've met here. I know he mentions GR, but I'm saying this not as a rep from GR, but as a person who's had the pleasure to interact with Troy online.

      Awe blush .. blush .. You and your team are the reason I am so gun-ho about GR. Above and beyond is an USP I am always honored to promote .. even when no money for me is involved. I know if my list members need anything .. I have left them in good hands when I send them to you.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7007049].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author MissTerraK
        I also join with Jim in saying that Troy is a down to earth guy and the real deal.

        But let me also add that is he is one of the most kind hearted people that I've had the pleasure of meeting and interacting with online. Not only does he truly have a desire to help people, but he also has an awesome sense of humor that makes learning all the more easier. Some of his conceptualizations and parables he's used still are in the forefront of my mind.

        Thanks Troy, for once again reaching out to help people succeed freely.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
    Originally Posted by Troy_Phillips View Post

    I myself will choose the three eared rabbit care niche.

    Google search free "three eared rabbit" PLR. Find a PLR product with all the rights. Make sure it comes with a decent sales page and some decent graphics is always a bonus.

    Now I wrote this on the fly and could have easily left something out or not explained something to your satisfaction so feel free to ask questions below.

    The three eared rabbit niche is so new that I can not find any PLR - let alone free PLR on the topic.

    What do I do now?

    "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6983513].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Troy_Phillips
      Originally Posted by Jill Carpenter View Post

      The three eared rabbit niche is so new that I can not find any PLR - let alone free PLR on the topic.

      What do I do now?
      I suggest all my list members get acquainted with this writer I know. She goes by avenue girl. An amazing writer and person.

      Jill, you remember that little Yellow Root rewrite you did for me 3 or so years ago .. it is still number one on YT for 12 or so major keywords .. and I no longer work the niche lol.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7007018].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
        Originally Posted by Troy_Phillips View Post

        I suggest all my list members get acquainted with this writer I know.

        That only has to do with the quality of the initial content the writer has to work with.


        "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7007245].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Auggie Tsai
      Hey Troy,

      Great information. Thanks for putting this out there for people who are just starting out. When will you bundle this into a WSO? j/k For the newbies out there, Troy just laid it out step-by-step. Not sure why newbies overlook list building but it's always easier to market to existing customers than trying to find a new customers. It's that way with brick and mortar operations and it's the same with online businesses. Go forth and take action. You won't regret you did.

      Troy - I don't know you but this is a very generous thread that you've created. May you receive positive karma in response to your kindness and generosity. Peace

      Jill - thanks for the laugh. I can actually picture some newbie taking Troy quite literally and doing a search for three-eared rabbits. Next thing you know, they'll be looking for snipes.

      Originally Posted by Jill Carpenter View Post

      The three eared rabbit niche is so new that I can not find any PLR - let alone free PLR on the topic.

      What do I do now?
      What??? You mean you actually have to work at this? It isn't plug and play?

      Originally Posted by IMSince2003 View Post

      Hey Troy, your system is seriously flawed and will not work for 90% of the people reading your very informative thread. The fatal flaw? It requires work, and is not a plugin.

      PS - My apologies for being a cynic.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7013152].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author IMSince2003
    Hey Troy, your system is seriously flawed and will not work for 90% of the people reading your very informative thread. The fatal flaw? It requires work, and is not a plugin.

    PS - My apologies for being a cynic.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7007076].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author danysh
    Troy, thanks for this system.
    It is simple and it works
    Never heard of Yola, but I will usually prefer my own domain (I like my own real estate
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7008913].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Troy_Phillips
      Originally Posted by danysh View Post

      Troy, thanks for this system.
      It is simple and it works
      Never heard of Yola, but I will usually prefer my own domain (I like my own real estate
      I normally use my own real estate also but in this instance there is really no need to. This entire thread actually started as another thread dedicated to a case study I was doing on using all free resources. Because it dealt with product creation some stated I was cutting 95% of the WF out of being able to use it .. so I wrote out this plan for affiliate marketers.

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  • Profile picture of the author cgilbert
    Great stuff, and thanks for sharing. But you lost me at the last bit.

    "Find and make a contact detail list of every site, for every keyword on the first page search results.

    Start contacting these site owners. Don't appear spammy but also remember everyone likes to be bragged on a little. Tell them you have a report that is priced at x amount of dollars and you would like to give it to their readers.

    Send them to your sales page to prove it exist. Some site owners will never reply back to begin with. Some will but will not be interested. You could be surprised how many will love to offer it to their readers and their list.

    Keep contacting .. be relentless in your pursuit. Make it a point to contact enough sites in a day to get at least 5 takers. When you run out of keywords (this should be a long way off) go out of the box and use demographics to find where else your niche would hang out and promote to those sites.

    Now I wrote this on the fly and could have easily left something out or not explained something to your satisfaction so feel free to ask questions below.

    Troy "

    So you offer the re-written report to the other site owners list. But where do you send them? To a squeeze page where they need to enter their email address to receive the report and thus get them into your auto-responder series?

    Have a telescope? Now you need eyepieces.

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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7013065].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Troy_Phillips
      Originally Posted by cgilbert View Post

      So you offer the re-written report to the other site owners list. But where do you send them? To a squeeze page where they need to enter their email address to receive the report and thus get them into your auto-responder series?
      I actually try to get a banner on their site and a mailing to their list. A squeeze page is one option but sometimes I use the report as the squeeze and offer them step two for the email address.

      I have even re-branded the report to look like it came from the site owner themselves. The ultimate end goal is to get them on my list .. be it an automated follow up or a real time broadcast type list.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7013283].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author cgilbert
        Originally Posted by Troy_Phillips View Post

        I actually try to get a banner on their site and a mailing to their list. A squeeze page is one option but sometimes I use the report as the squeeze and offer them step two for the email address.

        I have even re-branded the report to look like it came from the site owner themselves. The ultimate end goal is to get them on my list .. be it an automated follow up or a real time broadcast type list.
        Gotcha, thanks again

        Have a telescope? Now you need eyepieces.

        Find the Top Telescope Eyepieces

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7013357].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Les Blythe
    Excellent post Troy. I think one of the things that is often missed in IM (particularly when people are just beginning to list build) is that:

    1) It's a numbers game to a great extent - you won't make a living with a list of 100 subscribers

    2) Subscribers can be fickle and stupid - I recently got a spam complaint for sending a very useful FREE IM resource (how does that work?)

    And following on from your point:

    Originally Posted by Troy_Phillips View Post

    Newsflash. You will lose some members any way you go. It is time to make some money. If they get offended by you selling them something they are not the ideal list member.
    3) Get used to it - 20 out and 50 in is still progress!

    Find out how I've made $1,000s every month since 2011
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7013478].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author kstavert
      Originally Posted by Les Blythe View Post

      Excellent post Troy. I think one of the things that is often missed in IM (particularly when people are just beginning to list build) is that:

      1) It's a numbers game to a great extent - you won't make a living with a list of 100 subscribers

      2) Subscribers can be fickle and stupid - I recently got a spam complaint for sending a very useful FREE IM resource (how does that work?)

      And following on from your point:

      3) Get used to it - 20 out and 50 in is still progress!

      Subscribers may be stupid...

      and, your email may have arrived just after the
      tenth crappy, stupid, useless, time sucking message
      from someone trying to sell them something...

      or, more likely, from someone writing "hey, I've got
      this FREE gift for you.... just click this link"...
      and sending them on a wild goose chase through
      more sales pages ... each asking them to put
      in their email address...

      I clicked through no fewer than 5 sales pages
      on the way to the proffered FREE gift... and
      arrived at the end... only to be told that I'd
      get the free gift only if and after I referred
      5 of my friends....

      so, every email after that for quite some time
      was just unsubscribed from because I"m fed
      to the teeth with all of the garbage and misleading
      useless crap that's being thrown at me...

      Maybe, before thinking/saying that subscribers
      may be stupid, it wouldn't hurt to take a look
      at what is being offered?

      Just my two cents worth
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7064573].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author greenowl123
    One of the most helpful threads and useful advice I have read in a long while....

    Thanks for sharing !
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7022659].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kayoz
    Thanks Troy! I've been spending money on products and quite frankly, returning most of them because they are total crap! It's like selling someone a piece of a puzzle and then telling them they didn't build the puzzle because they didn't focus. Focus on what??? There isn't anything of relevance to focus on that is actually going to generate income! Every product has 3 to 5 upgrades, which is total BS. Just put out a decent product at a decent price that actually does what you say it will do and people will buy it. Most of these jokers don't even know how to use their own software. They're getting some geek in the Phillipines to write it, and they flog it then disappear to flog another piece of junk. I'm a bit fed up with the way the forum allows this. Their so called 30 or 60 day guarantees are worthless. On some product I've had to file a dispute with Paypal in order to get any response at all. Sure they're making millions, selling useless junk...and rip off software. Some of them don't even know the difference between a mobile site and an app, yet they have the latest and greatest software that you can create an app without any coding experience...WHAT? will NEVER do what a programmer can do...not in this lifetime...which is why a custom designed app costs $3000 plus to code.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7029147].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author kstavert
      Originally Posted by kayoz View Post

      Thanks Troy! I've been spending money on products and quite frankly, returning most of them because they are total crap! It's like selling someone a piece of a puzzle and then telling them they didn't build the puzzle because they didn't focus. Focus on what??? There isn't anything of relevance to focus on that is actually going to generate income! Every product has 3 to 5 upgrades, which is total BS. Just put out a decent product at a decent price that actually does what you say it will do and people will buy it. Most of these jokers don't even know how to use their own software. They're getting some geek in the Phillipines to write it, and they flog it then disappear to flog another piece of junk. I'm a bit fed up with the way the forum allows this. Their so called 30 or 60 day guarantees are worthless. On some product I've had to file a dispute with Paypal in order to get any response at all. Sure they're making millions, selling useless junk...and rip off software. Some of them don't even know the difference between a mobile site and an app, yet they have the latest and greatest software that you can create an app without any coding experience...WHAT? will NEVER do what a programmer can do...not in this lifetime...which is why a custom designed app costs $3000 plus to code.
      I couldn't have said it any better... thanks for speaking your mind.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7064552].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kstavert
    Thanks, Troy.... I have copied your post and am going to
    put it into action...

    It looked pretty "step by step"... Karen
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  • Profile picture of the author reneSmilez
    Hi Troy,

    I've clicked the "thanks" button but I want to write this message to thank you again. So many people just say find a niche, build a list... but you actually took the time to detail the process step by step. Kudos to you.

    I will take action and report to you my progress, if you are interested to know.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7149204].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Troy_Phillips
      Originally Posted by reneSmilez View Post

      Hi Troy,

      I've clicked the "thanks" button but I want to write this message to thank you again. So many people just say find a niche, build a list... but you actually took the time to detail the process step by step. Kudos to you.

      I will take action and report to you my progress, if you are interested to know.


      I am always interested in progress reports. If you hit any snags along the way let me know and I will try to help you past them.


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  • Profile picture of the author The Herm
    Use the front page of your new site for the sales page you received with the free plr. There are also tutorials on how to do this. After download you can edit the page as if you wrote it yourself but most of those pages have been tested so we only change a few things like author name, any date, and other things that make it look like a PLR. THIS PAGE IS NOT MEANT TO SELL.

    Set up a simple squeeze page and point the form to your AR series just in case this page is ever really seen by a customer. Now redirect the buy now button to the squeeze. This is where you load the autoresponder and set up the campaigns.

    Why a sales page we do not sell with?

    Simple .. this is bait. Now let's find the fish.
    First, thank you for posting this. I got alot out of this post and its really got my wheels turning. However, this part I quoted here has a me a bit confused.

    So, if I read this correctly: the yola site is a one page site that is set up with a sales page that has a buy now button that actually sends the visitor to a squeeze page with an opt-in form, not to paypal or where ever, correct?

    Are we setting it up this way to pre-qualify the prospect? Or, have I read this incorrectly?

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  • Profile picture of the author brittlesnc
    Question for Troy or anyone else about this method/strategy for building a list...

    When it comes to the keyword phrases that you should be using to find websites what keyword phrases should you be targeting in a particular niche that will more than likely result in the website owner/list owner agreeing to give your ebook to their audience?

    For example, in the acne market wouldn't targeting you need to avoid keyword phrases in which websites rank for phrases that could be perceived as your competitors, websites ranking for keyword phrases such as:

    - acne treatment
    - get rid of acne
    - acne solutions
    - how to clear acne
    - how to cure acne

    Wouldn't websites that rank for the above keyword phrases be your direct competitors if you were trying to build a list in the acne market? Wouldn't those website owners/list owners be less likely to say yes to giving their readership your free ebook/infoproduct?

    And if the above keyword phrases aren't the type of keyword phrases I should be targeting in the acne market, what sort of keyword phrases should I be targeting?

    I was going to PM you with these questions but I figured that posting my questions here would be beneficial to others as well as myself...also maybe some other people could provide some useful answers that might be a bit more creative/out-of-the-box...
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    • Profile picture of the author Troy_Phillips
      Originally Posted by brittlesnc View Post

      Question for Troy or anyone else about this method/strategy for building a list...

      When it comes to the keyword phrases that you should be using to find websites what keyword phrases should you be targeting in a particular niche that will more than likely result in the website owner/list owner agreeing to give your ebook to their audience?

      For example, in the acne market wouldn't targeting you need to avoid keyword phrases in which websites rank for phrases that could be perceived as your competitors, websites ranking for keyword phrases such as:

      - acne treatment
      - get rid of acne
      - acne solutions
      - how to clear acne
      - how to cure acne

      Wouldn't websites that rank for the above keyword phrases be your direct competitors if you were trying to build a list in the acne market? Wouldn't those website owners/list owners be less likely to say yes to giving their readership your free ebook/infoproduct?

      And if the above keyword phrases aren't the type of keyword phrases I should be targeting in the acne market, what sort of keyword phrases should I be targeting?

      I was going to PM you with these questions but I figured that posting my questions here would be beneficial to others as well as myself...also maybe some other people could provide some useful answers that might be a bit more creative/out-of-the-box...
      Some niches are better suited for this than others. MMO and most health related niches are stubborn lol. You are better off having a deal with them .. and not just an affiliate deal .. make them a JV partner and help them get affiliates to promote it like it was just you benefiting.

      JVZ seems to be as good a place as any I have found to split payments after the affiliates d their job.

      Use the freebie to build your list but also make sure it points to an OTO that is beneficial to you and the site owner. Even dedicate your first email series to selling the OTO.

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  • Profile picture of the author wulfgar2012
    thanks for this excellent thread Troy.

    I'm still a newbie , but a thread like this is sure to shorten the learning curve. I will post a progress report in 30 days.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7528859].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Troy_Phillips
      Originally Posted by wulfgar2012 View Post

      thanks for this excellent thread Troy.

      I'm still a newbie , but a thread like this is sure to shorten the learning curve. I will post a progress report in 30 days.
      Please do. If you get hung up let me know and I may be able to help


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      • Profile picture of the author wulfgar2012
        Originally Posted by Troy_Phillips View Post

        Please do. If you get hung up let me know and I may be able to help


        I will , thanks for the offer. I'm sure there will be something along the way.
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  • Profile picture of the author streetwise99
    This is my 2nd post on WF, and probably only the 3rd thread I have read.

    Troy, you are clearly a well respected IM'er, I a greatly appreciate you parting with some of your years of wisdom.

    I'll use the guide and let you all know how it turns out for me.
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