starting online info. marketing business
I am finally getting my information marketing business off the ground.
I am well-versed in copyriting...studied Dan Kennedy, Gary Halbert, Ted Nicholas for years. In fact, I have used copywriting for my main business and accompanying website for many years now.
I have studied email marketing as well.
I have particularly studied some of Bob Bly's internet marketing business products. I love Bob. He gives you the real stuff without the hype.
My question: is there any other internet marketer or information marketer who I should closely follow or study to build my internet information marketing business? My info. marketing business is not the internet marketing niche.
Thanks in advance for your advice.
marciayudkin -
[ 1 ] Thanks - 1 reply
SignatureCheck out Marcia Yudkin's No-Hype Marketing Academy for courses on copywriting, publicity, infomarketing, marketing plans, naming, and branding - not to mention the popular "Marketing for Introverts" course.{{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6996798].message }}-
JohnMcCabe -
[ 1 ] Thanks
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