18 replies
I've noticed more and more threads mainly from newcomers asking if building a list is really that important.

Admittedly when I started out, building a list was not a priority and I wasted the first 5 months focusing on presell content for Clickbank products...

Not wasted time because I learnt a ton of skills but equally it wasn't the best use of time either.

If making money online is important than building a list is even more important.

Even the big boys can go broke...

In the last couple of months a multi million dollar company in the U.S lost 95% of its sales revenue because it didn't focus on growing it's email list. Instead they depended on their organic ranking in Google. All was sweet for them until Google introduced another algorithm change.

The result...

You guessed it. Almost all of their sales revenue disappeared in 24 short, spiky and blunt hours. Business growth was replaced with traction to near bankruptcy.

They did not focus on their email list and only derived a tiny percentage of their sales rev through a list.

Have control or give it away

Depending on SEO and Google is an elaborate way of putting your business on the line and ceasing to have control over the outcomes of your business...

Having your own list and building it continually both day and night is the number one factor that determines the level of control you have of your online outcomes.


It seems that the holy grail of IM is traffic, more traffic, more targeted traffic...

You can never have enough!

Unless you have a substantial email list.

If you do have that precious list and you love it like you would a new born baby then traffic can become less important. Retention is the real currency of the online world. Retaining your prospects and customers builds your authority in their eyes and you can command bigger prices as a result.

I don't care about that - I still need more traffic!

Okay so even if you have a list and you still want more traffic what about the traffic you are already getting.

Let's say I have 100 visits a day to my main blog but I only have one opt in a day. Potentially that could be a ratio of one in a hundred. So what about the other 99 visits?

Is traffic really my problem or is my lead generation pages (opt in page) not the real problem?

Imagine that I was generating leads at a rate of 50% (which I should be) that would be 50 opt ins a day or 350 a week or 1400 a month...

Yes traffic is important but email list building and retention are my first priority and I would love it for newcomers to realize this too...

Building an email list is the number one factor to online success (in my eyes at least) and newcomers must know that their efforts should be focused here. Or you can be like the fish that is looking for water!

Wow just needed to get that off my chest.

To Our Success

Marcus Rockey
#emails #how to earn money online #how to make money online #important #list
  • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
    It's funny - I see all the time people coming here and proclaiming how building a list is the holy grail of IM.

    I generally don't bother. Never really have done. Sure I have lists, but I don't like sending a lot of emails because I hate the amount I receive.

    So - I have adopted the less popular strategy of building a massive network of sites that generate traffic on tap for me so that I never need to spend time writing emails to a list.

    My network is diverse enough that it's almost impossible for any generic changes to kill it and turn of my traffic tap, so I still don't really focus much on building a list.

    Maybe I should - but it's definitely NOT essential like everyone makes out. It's just a popular model that I certainly wouldn't disagree with the value of, but just not as important as some people make out.


    nothing to see here.

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    • Profile picture of the author JoeyXoto
      Definitely agree. List building should be a major element to your list of tools. I'm not saying it's the holy grail; but you got to admit, having 20,000 people waiting for you to market to is a cool feeling, rather than asking for the traffic to come to you...

      There's loads of ways to do things efficiently I guess, just depends on what the individual feels he/she is best at.

      Great post I enjoyed it.
      Are You A Struggling Newbie Trying To Make Money Online? If You're Not...

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      • Profile picture of the author Shaun OReilly
        It's possible to succeed on the Internet without a list,
        but I would NOT advise it.


        With a list you effectively own a traffic source.

        Without a list, you're more dependent on getting your
        traffic from somewhere outside of your direct control.

        Building and communicating with a list of your prospects
        and customers for your products and services is one of
        the most important activities you can do - online and

        Sure, you can not bother to build a list but it's like trying
        to win a fight with one hand tied behind your back.

        List building is one of the highest leverage activities that
        I use in my business.

        Dedicated to mutual success,



        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7011853].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author DarioMontesdeOca
          Originally Posted by Shaun OReilly View Post

          It's possible to succeed on the Internet without a list,
          but I would NOT advise it.


          With a list you effectively own a traffic source.

          Without a list, you're more dependent on getting your
          traffic from somewhere outside of your direct control.

          Building and communicating with a list of your prospects
          and customers for your products and services is one of
          the most important activities you can do - online and

          Sure, you can not bother to build a list but it's like trying
          to win a fight with one hand tied behind your back.

          List building is one of the highest leverage activities that
          I use in my business.

          Dedicated to mutual success,


          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7011907].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author theory expert
          Originally Posted by Shaun OReilly View Post

          It's possible to succeed on the Internet without a list,
          but I would NOT advise it.


          With a list you effectively own a traffic source.

          Without a list, you're more dependent on getting your
          traffic from somewhere outside of your direct control.

          Although, your point was not directed towards anyone. I sure as heck would like to hear Andy's response to this statement.
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    • Profile picture of the author Marcus Rockey
      Originally Posted by Andyhenry View Post

      My network is diverse enough that it's almost impossible for any generic changes to kill it and turn of my traffic tap, so I still don't really focus much on building a list.

      Maybe I should - but it's definitely NOT essential like everyone makes out. It's just a popular model that I certainly wouldn't disagree with the value of, but just not as important as some people make out.

      If you decide on list building you just got your first subscriber!
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      • Profile picture of the author Joe R Piercey
        I would argue that it's not mandatory.

        However, I can't think of a better asset in my business than my customer list.

        It offers me sustainable and predictable income, and if you like emailing your subscribers and getting personal with them then its also a lot of fun. I love getting emails back from my subscribers after I tell them what's going on in my life etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author DarioMontesdeOca
    This is absolutely true. PREACH IT.
    I've seen it time and time again through personal experience: Sending an email = making $$

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  • Profile picture of the author chiwawa
    The thing about building lists and sending emails is that is is time consuming especially if you don't want to use automated tools. Personally i don't like sending emails because the ones i receive, i usually don't read them i just delete.
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  • Profile picture of the author shane_k
    Originally Posted by Marcus Rockey View Post

    Even the big boys can go broke...

    In the last couple of months a multi million dollar company in the U.S lost 95% of its sales revenue because it didn't focus on growing it's email list.

    While I agree with you that a list is important, I think that your hypothosis is completely wrong.

    I wouldn't say that the reason they lost 95% of their business was because they didn't have a list, the reason that they lost 95% of their business was because they were relying on just Google for traffic.

    if they had banner ads out there on blogs, and forums, and other sites related to their site then Google can change it's algorithm all it likes but they will still be getting traffic from these other sites.

    or if they had access to a network of friends who had their own lists, and they were doing JV's with those friends, again Google can change their algorigthm but the person can still get traffic through those JV's.

    My point is if you just rely on Google for your traffic, then yes when they make a change to their algorithm it can have a very dramatic effect on your business.

    if you have a variety of traffic sources along with Google then you won't be as affected as much.

    The other thing that you weren't talking about is what was this business doing wrong or that Google didn't like that caused it to drop so drastically from it's original rankings?

    It's easy to blame the big bad "Google" but alot of times it's the site owner's who are doing this to themselves by trying to "game the system"

    And you have to ask yourself, if they weren't trying to "game the system" would they have been affected at all or as much by Google's algorithm changes?

    Just some thoughts
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7032643].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Marcus Rockey
      Originally Posted by shane_k View Post

      While I agree with you that a list is important, I think that your hypothosis is completely wrong.

      I wouldn't say that the reason they lost 95% of their business was because they didn't have a list, the reason that they lost 95% of their business was because they were relying on just Google for traffic.

      if they had banner ads out there on blogs, and forums, and other sites related to their site then Google can change it's algorithm all it likes but they will still be getting traffic from these other sites.

      or if they had access to a network of friends who had their own lists, and they were doing JV's with those friends, again Google can change their algorigthm but the person can still get traffic through those JV's.

      My point is if you just rely on Google for your traffic, then yes when they make a change to their algorithm it can have a very dramatic effect on your business.

      if you have a variety of traffic sources along with Google then you won't be as affected as much.

      The other thing that you weren't talking about is what was this business doing wrong or that Google didn't like that caused it to drop so drastically from it's original rankings?

      It's easy to blame the big bad "Google" but alot of times it's the site owner's who are doing this to themselves by trying to "game the system"

      And you have to ask yourself, if they weren't trying to "game the system" would they have been affected at all or as much by Google's algorithm changes?

      Just some thoughts
      You have made some great points here...

      In terms of control over their business they didn't have very much. Other forms of advertising are also essential too.

      The company was turning over millions but that doesn't necessarily mean they were running profits to match.

      The great news of having a significant list is that you don't have to spend mega money to build a relationship or promote a new product or service.


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  • Profile picture of the author jiantastic
    if we had no list to send our offers to our 7 figure company would not exist. having a list and sending the right offer (valuable offers) to the list can make serious $
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  • Profile picture of the author Vadimarket
    I still fail to understand why there is such hype abound building your list. Yes, yes I understand that you absolutely need to have it if you're serious about IM, yet, the majority of the sales I made was because of my marketing strategies, and all the people are making me sales at the start, i barely have anyone buying anything or signing up after a period of time.

    I don't know, maybe I'm not doing it right. Building list IS important, it's just not a holy grail to me.
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    • Profile picture of the author jiantastic
      Originally Posted by Vadimarket View Post

      I still fail to understand why there is such hype abound building your list. Yes, yes I understand that you absolutely need to have it if you're serious about IM, yet, the majority of the sales I made was because of my marketing strategies, and all the people are making me sales at the start, i barely have anyone buying anything or signing up after a period of time.

      I don't know, maybe I'm not doing it right. Building list IS important, it's just not a holy grail to me.
      hit the key point,
      any business or individual who wants to really succeed anywhere.
      you have to know how to position yourself to sell.

      it can be automobile, houses, tvs, boats, ad space on your website, etc - it all comes from sales and marketing
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  • Profile picture of the author RPaige
    I agree with list building. I think it is a very important tool when handled properly. Value is key here. If you are always bombarding your list with junk, just trying to sell, then your list will not be valuable to you, however, if you nurture your list and provide constant value to them, then you may have loyal followers.
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  • Profile picture of the author rmolina88
    List building is the lifeblood of not only online marketers, but ANY business in general.
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  • Good post. I made the same mistake when I started out. I actually built a list but I didn't bother using it and it went stale. All part of the learning curve.

    PM Me Now!

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