$265,800+ In 72 Hours...
Mr. Jonathan Budd here. It's been a
while since I've really shared in the
community and I wanted to write this
post today to give back in a BIG WAY...
I want to share some of the lessons
I've learned in LIFE and business that
allowed me very recently to earn over
$265,000+ in about 72 hours with my
first REAL product launch.
Now, I'm going to come right out and
say some things.
The first thing I want to say is that earning
that money had almost had NOTHING to do
with my knowledge of list building,
ppc or youtube advertising, product
creation, downline building, or really
almost ANY of the 'physical' know how
of marketing.
Hard to believe isn't it? Considering so
much of ALL the focus in our industry is
on all these 'physical' things... it seems
rather counter intuitive that they had
NOTHING to do with me earning that
much money in 72 hours.
Now, of course they SEEMED to have
alot to do with it. Of course I HAD
built my list, used PPC, used YouTube,
understand marketing and all that stuff...
But the reason why I will tell you they
had nothing to do with the success is
because there are about 10,000 other
people who KNOW the same 'physical'
knowledge I have about all those things...
Who have NOT created that success,
and may not even be anywhere close.
So what gives?
What's really going on here?
What is it that REALLY allows people
to create success?
These are all questions I think any serious
entrepreneur would have to ask them self
if they had a real THIRST for truth.
A real THIRST to understand this process
at a very deep level.
And I'll make a disclaimer real quick...
what I'm going to share with you is just
MY perspective. It's just how I did it.
It's probably not how most people do it.
It's probably not how most people teach
to do it.
I think clearly most of the successful people
in the world DO NOT follow the outline I'm
going to give to you.
Yet all that is irrelevant really. Because all
I'm going to do is share with you how I DID it.
All I'm going to do is share with you right now
the largest principles I EMBODIED to create
this success... and if it is meaningful to you
then thats awesome. if it's not meaningful
to you then thats cool too.
But I think if a 22 year old kid living out of
his parent's house... can build a multi million
dollar per year business on the Internet in
less than 2 and half years then there might
be something worth listening to.
So here's the deal...
There is one reason and one reason only
why I was able to build a business from SCRATCH
earning $0, with NO previous knowledge or skill
to making over $265k in a couple days.
Let me repeat...
Is what i believe single handedly to be the most
important characterstic and trait in business.
I believe that Authenticity itself can set you apart
from the MASSES, the CROWDS, and even the
'Gurus' in a way that NOTHING else will ever be
able to do.
And further more... since so few people really
ARE genuinely authentic in a lot of the things they
do... authenticity can provide an EXTREME advantage
in the market place when you DO garnish an audience
and have people actually paying attention.
Why do I say this?
BECAUSE its my exact experience.
Let me put it this way...
2 and a half years ago I stumbled onto the Internet
a TOTAL newbie. I was clicking in traffic exchanges
hoping that other people who clicked in traffic exchanges
would see my website and Opt it.
My site was a joke.
I was living at my parents house.
I was almost broke.
And I had no clue what I was doing.
That was the reality of the situation. Yet somehow,
the reality of the situation didn't matter to me at ALL.
I was following something I KNEW to be true.
I was following what my SELF was telling me to do.
I was LISTENING to my HEART, my intuition, to
everything telling me "THIS IS WHAT YOU'RE SUPPOSE
and I ignored all the blasphemy coming from all other
I was being AUTHENTIC, first and foremost, with
my SELF.
I wasn't selling myself out to other peoples ideas.
I wasn't conforming to what the world around me
wanted me to be. I was staying true to my self.
This is STEP 1.
Without this... you have nothing.
Step 2...
After you really DISCOVER who you are, what
you are, and start LIVING it in life... you are
then probably ready to take the next steps.
For me... these next steps were the physical
marketing steps. This was when I went out
there and started soaking up and applying ALL
knowledge as I learned it.
When I learned about social media marketing...
I IMPLEMENTED and tested it asap.
When I learned about PPC, I immediately started
testing keywords asap. Same thing with articles,
seo, squidoo, etc, etc.
I IMMEDIATELY took action in just about every
medium I could to continue to build my list, and
what was originally just a few leads a day turned
into 10-20 leads a day.
Then 10-20 leads a day turned into 40 leads a day.
And that turned into 70. And that to 150. And now
its Hundreds of leads daily... flowing in from all
over the industry in totally automated campaigns.
But again!! Why does this have NOTHING to do
with how I created the success?
Because it's MEANINGLESS without 'Authenticity'.
Authenticity was single handedly the LARGEST
contributor to me building a relationship with my
list, and establishing a unique brand in my market
The fact that I was saying things OTHER people
weren't saying. Doing things other people weren't
doing... and just being MYSELF really...
made me different from my competition.
It made a 22 year old NO ONE, lost in the sea,
into someone just a bit 'Different' in the eyes of
all the people who got to come across my messages.
And as my marketing expanded... that expanded into
more and more people.
And again... Authenticity is what single handedly
CARVED me out into most peoples minds as someone
who they can TRUST.
There are some AWESOME pros and cons of using
the Internet to create fortunes.
Pro's: There's millions of people at your fingertips.
Con's: There's millions of people trying to do the same
Who do you trust?
I am telling you this right now... no matter WHAT you
are doing in business... the more authentic you are,
the more people are going to trust you, follow you,
and want to work with or BUY from you when you share
something with them.
This is a fact.
But the problem is... I don't think most people really
understand what Authenticity is.
I don't think most people really GET the difference
between those who are genuinely authentic, and
those who aren't.
And the reason why is... it's not something you just
get to Choose. You just can't say... I'm going to be
Authentic today and then you are.
Authenticity is a PROCESS.
Authenticity is a JOURNEY.
Real authenticity, is REAL self discovery.
To be truly authentic... you have to KNOW who you
are. You have to LOVE who you are. And you have
to be able to SEE the truth in other people... not just
what appears on the surface.
How many people can say they actually feel that way
and you might begin to get an idea of why so many
people APPEAR the same on the Internet... and lack
this essential ingredient of authenticity which could
truly transform their lives and business over night.
So how do you get it?
Well, this is why I was VERY lucky.
I was lucky enough to already START this process,
before I ever came to the Internet.
I was lucky enough to have been SICK of living in
the world of 'Ego'...
living in the world of MUNDANENESS, to the point
where I began a search for more meaning in life
at an early age.
This search, ultimately brought me back to my self.
It ultimately pointed all fingers back to ME, and said...
you need look no further my friend!
You ARE what you're looking for... and you've simply
yet to discover it. Took me a while to really understand
what that meant.
But when I DID...
I realized, "wow, I am already COMPLETE."
I am INHERENTLY satisfied.
I do not need money to be happy.
I do not need love to be happy.
I do not need Toys or Things to be happy.
My TRUE self... is naturally happy, all the time.
(So is yours)
But the problem was... I was hanging on to too
many FALSE beliefs about what would make me
I was chasing TO many things... as 'the way to
satisfaction' and because of that, was never
When I STOPPED all that. I became very simple.
I learned to appreciate the VERY simple things
in life. And find joy and peace in the SIMPLE things
in life. I realized something much deeper...
I realized the shallow things in life would actually
NEVER bring me happiness. And so I stopped going
after them.
Now, what does this have to do with business and
authenticity? Well, A LOT actually.
Remember, this is just how I DID IT. I am very aware
most successful people do not reach success by this
process. But this is how it happened for me.
Once I "Let Go" of so much of the pain, suffering, and
illusions that controlled my life...
I naturally had A LOT more energy to actually create
I don't think most people understand how tiring it is
to be in mental and emotional states of negativity.
If you're constantly mad, or sad, or jealous, or
scared, or in any ANY negative state really... it
is CONSTANTLY draining your energy.
When you are FREE from all of those states... you
can work like a MACHINE. And that's exactly what
happened to me. I just began to work like a MACHINE.
And consequently, since I had already been dedicating
myself to REAL growth, knowledge, and wisdom in life...
I had SO MUCH MORE TO SHARE with all the people
who crossed my path. I had so much more to share
with all the people on my list, or prospects I was
calling, or whoever.
This focus I had on 'TRUE' self discovery, authenticity,
and GROWTH as my primary objectives...
radically changed my life.
All of a sudden, it was meaningless to me whether
I failed or didn't fail. Succeeded, or didn't succeed.
Made the exact income goals i wanted or didn't
make them.
All of it was meaningless.
I wasn't living from some 'False' illusion state in
my head... I was just FOLLOWING what my intuition
was telling me what to do. And since I had connected
to deeper things within my self all my WORK was
much more powerful.
And believe me... people can feel that.
So here's the MAIN point today.
They key to TRUE success is being unbelievably
happy with who you ARE already.
The key to true success is letting go of everything
you "Think" you need... and becoming irreversibly
satisfied with all that is already at your fingertips.
In truth... this moment, this very one right here...
Our world is SUCH a mystery its unbelievable.
And to "hang out" in this place of mystery, to
be AWARE of the mystery, to immerse yourself
in this mystery is one of the most exhilirating
things you will ever feel in life.
What brings us the most happiness has nothing
to do with our business or money.
What brings us the most happiness is sitting in
front of our faces ALL the time.
It's the gentle knowing and understanding of
who you REALLY are. It's the soft under current
of LOVE that runs through your life, and around
all the people you know.
These things... are the things that REALLY matter.
And if you don't know what I'm talking about right
now... That's the problem.
It's not ppc. It's not ad copy.
It's the fact you still think those things will make you
When you come into a TRUE understanding of success,
you'll realize you could be successful or not successful
and you'd STILL be just as happy with yourself.
If you're happiness is dependent on some "$$" amount
you've set inside your mind as a goal... then that is
a FLIMSY happiness indeed.
It's these teachings I've embodied, and used, to actually
EMPOWER me to build my business.
Because in truth, I think most of us are building businesses
because we want MORE in life.
We're obviously not in this just for money, cause green paper
is USELESS in and of itself.
We all want FREEDOM. We want to EXPERIENCE things.
We are all really searching for what it is that makes US
happy. That's why we do this.
And I know the reason why I do it... is because I have
HUGE goals and visions for what I want to do with my
life while I'm here on this planet.
And I KNOW the things I've shared today are some of
the REAL reasons why I have been able to move closer
towards these goals.
It's staggering how much farther I have to go. I really
feel like I haven't skimmed the surface of what's possible
yet, and If I'm measuring success by how much I've
actually created what I WANT to create in life...
Then I'm pretty darn unsuccessful still!
And thus have more work to do.
But I wanted to share this message today because
I feel like a lot of people can get sidetracked in life.
A lot of people can get caught up in the things that
don't matter as much.
And I think its VERY important to just bring ourselves
back to a deeper understanding.
In the least... it will allow you to ENJOY where you
are at right now. It will allow you to FIND more
peace and happiness in your life and business right
And in the most... The process of true 'Self Discovery'
might do for you what it did for me.
It transformed me into an UNSTOPPABLE Entrepreneur...
and made me a force to be reckoned with in probably
any market I enter for the rest of time.
It's unbelievable what YOU are capable of... when you
really understand just how POWERFUL you are.
Seeing this, changed my life.
Hopefully it can change yours too.
Thanks for reading this if you're still here, and I'll
catch you all on the flipside!
Yours In Genuine Success,
Jonathan Budd
P.S. Some of my favorite books...
The Power Of Now - Eckhart tolle
Book Of Secrets - Deepak Chopra
Emptiness Dancing - AdyaShanti
There's no business books on here because
I honestly barely ever read any of those.
It's strange to think so much money is at
your fingertips if you really just focus on
developing your SELF and know all else will come...
Tracy S
Morningdove Jewelry - Unique and Fun!
Internet Content Proofreading/Editing
How I Built A Million Dollar Business In Less Then 2 Years... http://OnlineMLMSecrets.com
The Extra Paycheck Blog | Extra Paycheck Podcast
How I Built A Million Dollar Business In Less Then 2 Years... http://OnlineMLMSecrets.com
Tracy S
Morningdove Jewelry - Unique and Fun!
Internet Content Proofreading/Editing
How I Built A Million Dollar Business In Less Then 2 Years... http://OnlineMLMSecrets.com
PS my PM system is broken. Sorry I can't help anymore.
PS my PM system is broken. Sorry I can't help anymore.
"One Man's Ceiling is Another Man's Floor"
Eric's Tips
Roger Davis
How I Built A Million Dollar Business In Less Then 2 Years... http://OnlineMLMSecrets.com
Roger Davis
How I Built A Million Dollar Business In Less Then 2 Years... http://OnlineMLMSecrets.com
"One Man's Ceiling is Another Man's Floor"
How I Built A Million Dollar Business In Less Then 2 Years... http://OnlineMLMSecrets.com