The internet marketing niche has to start taking responsibility
Some people in the market get very defensive when this is brought up, but here is one of the big reasons for this that the internet marketing community must start taking responsibility for.
The "deadline" that is not real.
Going through my emails recently I checked some that I hadn't opened for weeks.
There were some new product launches going on recently by bigger names in the market and many of the emails had deadlines in them of differing types.
You know..."last chance" - "Closes in 12 hours" etc.
Then, sometimes the "re-open" emails come for another "limited time only" are sent as well.
Well, when I went to the order page days, if not weeks, after the supposed deadline the offer was still available and I could have ordered the products.
If I could order after the deadline that was emphasized so much, I am left to conclude that the deadline was not real. Either that or the marketer just happened to forget to change the page or put the "sold out" sign on the page.
I could believe the latter....if it happened once.
But, this is not an isolated incident. It happens - from the same people - over and over again.
When people see a deadline, and after the deadline passes the offer is still available, people can get the impression they have been lied to or manipulated, and rightly so.
Until people in the niche start to take responsibility for this - the niche will suffer with a bad reputation and have problems with things like bans from google adwords, merchant accounts putting tighter restrictions on sites like these and so forth.
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*Philippa Willitts: Freelance Writer and Content Creator*
"If one advances confidently in the direction of his own dreams and endeavours to live the life which he has imagined - he will meet a success unexpected in common hours"
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