Can someone deliberately have you kicked off Amazon?

7 replies
I had a meeting earlier in the week with a web designer who was giving me some SEO tips and signed me up to a small wholesaler site. During the meeting i told him i sell on Amazon also, and he looked at me and said "oh you didn't mention that, because i actually use that also" and asked to have a look at my account, during looking he told me again how he also sells on there and that he didn't know i was intending on using the wholesale supplier he gave me for selling on Amazon.

The overall tone i got from it was that he didn't want me selling these things on Amazon in addition to my site at all and i told a few people and they agreed completely. At first i thought well too bad it's competition for him and i paid him, but then i was thinking.. he has my name and address and Amazon username etc... if he wants he can just search for me (or get others to find me, or from different accounts) and report me or give deliberate bad ratings?

Because i am in the early stages, should i start fresh with a new seller account to try and remain somewhat anonymous, what would you do? Thanks.
#amazon #deliberately #kicked
  • Profile picture of the author quesquaya
    I guess the question I have, if you're getting a bad vibe from the guy on starting a business, why would you continue to deal with him? I would just go to him and ask him why he is having trouble with you having an amazon account and is this going to jeopardize your business relation with him. that way you get either get an answer from this guy, or not, and just use the experience, that if someone in the future is giving you bad vibes when you're starting to do business with them, just walk away. Your money will still be good with someone else, and the world is full of website designers. Just throw a brick in any direction, you'll hit one...
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    • Profile picture of the author JerryFB
      Originally Posted by quesquaya View Post

      I guess the question I have, if you're getting a bad vibe from the guy on starting a business, why would you continue to deal with him? I would just go to him and ask him why he is having trouble with you having an amazon account and is this going to jeopardize your business relation with him. that way you get either get an answer from this guy, or not, and just use the experience, that if someone in the future is giving you bad vibes when you're starting to do business with them, just walk away. Your money will still be good with someone else, and the world is full of website designers. Just throw a brick in any direction, you'll hit one...

      Thanks and you're right, but this was a once off one to one meeting you see.

      But if it wasn't a once off, i would not go back to him, just worried of his intentions now. But sure just have to see what happens.
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      • If you try to open a new seller account, you'll be suspended.

        Just FYI.

        Amazon is very good about finding these things. They check IPs. Don't even have another seller log in on your computer, ever.

        Look, if this guy tries to sabotage your sales you can report him to Seller Central. Then he'll be the one getting the ban hammer.

        I'm just wondering why you'd want to sell the same things as other people. There are lots of market opportunities on Amazon -- don't get into a race to the bottom with other sellers.

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        • Profile picture of the author Kay King
          You had a meeting with someone who "gave you tips" and "signed you up" for a wholesale site. Was that a paid service?

          Did you know the person you met with sold those products on Amazon? Did you mislead him in any way to get access to the wholesale site?

          Your story is not clear but you seem to assume the other person will be a problem - and that makes me wonder what part of the story we don't know.

          If you paid for the information about the wholesale site - you can do what you want with it.

          If it was a tip given to help you out - competing with that person in the market where he sells is not a good reflection on you. That said, you'll do yourself more damage trying to hide from the other seller than by proceeding in an open and honest way.
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          My ducks are absolutely not in a row. I don't even know where some of them are...
          ...and I'm pretty sure one of them is a pigeon.
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          • Yes, the OP needs to provide more information. There's a wealth of knowledge here on the WF, you just have to be straight with us.

            I'm thinking the web designer signed him up for a dropshipping site. I'd certainly never share my actual wholesale sources with anyone -- that would be crazy and self-defeating.

            Fiverr is looking for freelance writers for its blog. Details here.
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  • Profile picture of the author favoured111
    Do not open a second account with amazon. They frawn at that.

    You can research other products to sell.

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  • Profile picture of the author StingGB
    Its unlikely he can do anything.

    I've run a book business on Amazon for years, still do, and although the feedback system is a bit draconian for sellers, its nearly impossible to manipulate against competitors.

    An autorepricier software supplier pis*ed me off a few years ago and I threatened to ward people off his company on the boards. He retaliated by namedropping an Amazon executive as a personal friend, so I thought better of it. I doubt though in retrospect if even that connection would have got my account closed.

    If there is any funny business from your competitor report him, Amazon take a very dim view of that sort of thing.

    Don't worry, you'll be fine, hope this is of some help.

    Edited to say: Favoured111 is right, never open a second account. They are brilliant at sussing them, and it will get you banned for life.

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