eBook or Video Course

by 13 replies
Good Morning Warriors,

I have a marketing question for for some of you more experienced Internet Marketers. In exchange for an email address, is it better to give away an entire ebook for free all at once or break down the book by chapters and call it an eCourse? I am in the real estate niche.
#main internet marketing discussion forum #ebook #video
  • I'd say full ebook to get the email, and have more advance info to give away and stay in touch from your autoresponder emails.

  • It varies....

    Both ways are good. Just make sure you have a good back-end set up so you can start segmenting your list between the buyers and freebie seekers.

    In fact why not give the subscriber two options on the download page for either the full download or an eCourse in exchange for them telling more people; using an invite feature. Just a suggestion.

    PS: Some people like to read and some like to watch videos, TEST TEST TEST!
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Split test different offers to find the best performer with a free plugin like:

    WordPress › MaxA/B « WordPress Plugins

    I use this one and it's very straightforward.
    • [ 2 ] Thanks
  • i would do a split test to see which gets the most responses. if you dont want to do that, you can always throw up a poll to get your customers to interact with you. you could also host both of them and allow the user to choose....go through the eCourse at their own pace, chapter by chapter or just grab the full ebook and have everything at their disposal all at once.

    lots of ways to about this, but the main thing is to try and figure out what your visitors/customers want.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • I would personally say video course because you can inject a lot more brand and trust in a video than an ebook. My two cents
  • free ebook for their opt in, video course for their continued membership
  • I have always had great results with giving videos away to build my lists

    videos provide way more value than just an ebook as long as you include plenty of stuff within your videos of course

    Most people in my opinion prefer to watch videos to learn than to just read an ebook

    It does come down to personal preference as well though

    A great combination is to offer say 5 free videos and then sell an additional say 10 as your main product

    This can be a kind of an upgrade

    This is what i did to build my first list and it worked great for me and people loved my free videos because they were packed full of tonnes of value

    The more valuable your free stuff the more trust and credibility you will build and thats the key to having a good list

  • If they are on the same remote subject, use the ebook for the opt-in. Then use the video course for the upsell after they opt-in. People see more value in a video course(usually) than an ebook.

    Like the people above posted - Just split test it. See what works best for you. However, I have found that a video course is more valuable.
  • What's more important than wondering what format you're going to deliver your content in, is knowing your prospects burning desire and giving them exactly what they want.

    In regards to what's the best format is, I believe video has a higher perceived value than an ebook. That doesn't mean video is better than an ebook.

    The question I like to ask is...

    How can I deliver the solution my prospects want, in a way that they can easily consume and apply it and get the results they're after.

    If I was creating a product teaching golfers how to improve their swing, I would create a video teaching them a swing, and an ebook with bonus tips and tricks.

    So, based on the outcome your prospect want is how you determine what format to deliver the solution in.

    I'd recommend having a video after optin teaching them something they can do or use right now, then a call to action to buy a cheap front-end product.

    Kris Mainieri
  • In my opinion a video course would be much more effective in building that all important initial relationship with your subscribers. An eBook is obviously fine, but a video course will give them more reason to open up your continued emails from the beginning. After a couple of videos in, they should have a better understanding of what you're all about. You would not be wasting ANY of your time if you decided to test both and monitor your open rates over the coming weeks.
  • I'd say make a video course. Sometimes reading is a major turn off for a lot of people, just don't make too boring.
  • Banned
  • You can give any of them, until its a good one. The aim is to make a good opening relationship with your leads. Therefore as long as you are providing something quality info, it doesn't matter.
  • I also think its a good idea to offer a free E-book for opt-in and then give them the option to buy video courses.

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    Good Morning Warriors, I have a marketing question for for some of you more experienced Internet Marketers. In exchange for an email address, is it better to give away an entire ebook for free all at once or break down the book by chapters and call it an eCourse? I am in the real estate niche.