[Part 2] 0 to 1000 F'ree Targetted Visitors In 30 Days
Below is the second installment of my little series on how to add 1000 visitors per month to any website even if you're starting from scratch.
If you missed the first part, you'll want to read that first - it's here:
Now for Part 2:
Part 2: Creating Content
The next part of the 30 day plan is to create content.
Warning, the next part of this plan contains... writing!
Here you're going to want to do one of two things. First if you're a writer or like writing, get ready to do some. Second, if you're not a writer and hate writing, get ready to go to getafreelancer.com and hire a writer.
If you haven't already, you should take a moment now to realize that if you want to get search engine traffic, you're going to need content. For that matter, if you're going to have an online "information" business, whether you're selling a product online, making an Adsense site, promoting your offline business, or what... you're going to need at least SOME content.
Let me say also that there are ways to get content outside of writing articles, some of which can be successful. However I'll also say that you'll find it difficult to have long term success without at least some content that's yours and only yours.
If you're in the "hate writing" group, it's not a problem. $3 for a 300 word article over at getafreelancer.com means you will be able to complete this plan for about $150, since we're going to get some articles and some rewrites of those articles.
Let me be brutally honest. If you don't have $150 to invest in the success of your website, I don't think you should be trying to make money online yet. If you have $150 spare no problem but you don't WANT to invest it in the success of your website, I also don't think you should be trying to make money online.
Now that those pleasantries are out of the way, let's get down to business.
First thing you need to do is get an article written on each of the keywords you just found.
So if you pick the first keyword on your list, say it's "stop snoring", that means writing an article that has:
1.The keyword in your article title.
2.The keyword at least once in the 300 word post body.
That's it. Forget keyword density or even LSI - they can be helpful but we're trying to keep this simple.
If you're writing the articles yourself, you need to produce one of these bad boys per day, one one each of the keywords on your list. If you're doing it with a writer, just have them write all thirty as soon as they can so you can make use of them.
Next, when you've written the 30... Uh oh, I can hear the groans coming...
You gotta create rewrites of each of the 30 too.
Don't worry it's not that hard. You can pay a writer $1.50 to rewrite the original 300 word version of it, or you can use a software like Power Article Rewriter to do the job for you.
The rewritten article should have the same principles - based on the same keywords.
Now you've got 60 pieces of content and some potential to really make some impact in your niche in the search engines.
Next we'll look at how you're going to use this content to generate that 1000 visitors.
First step.
First thing you have to do is start establishing some content on your own site. You should now post these articles to your blog (or website), one per day. (feel free to do more if you want to speed up the results)
If you're using a blog (which I think everyone should, but hey that's just me), and if you can excuse the self promotion, check this link for some free videos (no opt in) on how you should make each of the posts so they are maximally SEO friendly:
For a basic overview, all you want to do is post them so the keyword is in the blog post title. Use All in One SEO Pack so that your keyword is also in the meta keywords and description, and make the keyword bold at least once in the blog post content.
That's about all. Just one more thing!
Each post you make (excluding the first one) you want to make one link in the blog post, that links back to the previous article (or just another article) on your blog/site. This makes sure each piece of content has one extra internal link and helps in the SEO particularly for the pages competing for really long tail keywords.
Furthermore, you want to make the anchor text of that link, the keyword that the previous article was trying to rank for.
Say your second article is on the keyword "exercise to stop snoring" and the first article is on the term "stop snoring". In your second article somewhere you'd include a sentence, relevantly placed that says:
"while it's possible to use exercises to stop snoring there are many other alternatives."
The word Stop Snoring, would link to the last post you did which was on the keyword "stop snoring". You'd then do the same thing in the following 3rd post, with a word that linked back to your "exercises to stop snoring" post. Make sense?
Then by the time your 30 articles are up, they'll all have at least one extra backlink.
I suggest you make this a daily task and do it one post per day. Or if you have a spare day, or just an hour or so, go through and queue up each of the posts in your wordpress, so that one new one will appear on your blog each day.
This will start to build you a base of content that you can increase by...
Here's an extra step thats easy and can help give your traffic a small boost.
Make a habit to each day, add at least one article to your site... from an article directory! That's right, go to an article directory, grab someone else's content, and slap it up on your site... that's what those articles are there for!
Provided you know why you're doing it and what to expect, this CAN result in extra traffic for you.
I know a lot of times, I get stuck in the mindset of producing as much of my own content as possible, so it's unique, so it can target the keywords I want, get ranked for the phrases I want, and be used however I want. When I'm in that frame of mind, if someone said to me "hey why don't you add some good articles to your site, from an article directory for example", I'd be like umm no - why would I? How is that going to rank in the search engines when competing against all the article directories and other websites that publish it.
What this post is about, is how that thinking misses a vital point... yes, you guessed it... adding value for the reader... NOT just the search engine.
If I add 5 articles to my site today, from Ezinearticles.com let's say... I know those aren't going to get ranked well in the SE's without some serious link building on my behalf... but if those articles are high quality, having them in my "recent posts" could certainly draw some attention and have someone click them rather than leaving my site upon finishing one of my own unique posts.
Why is that important?
Well, besides the obvious fact that keeping the visitor on your site for one page longer means an extra opportunity to convert them into someone who makes you money... the number of page views per user is something seen by Google Analytics and by logic, noted by them as an indication of the quality of a site. As by the way is time spent on your site per user, all things that are becoming increasingly believed to influence your search rankings.
It shouldn't take much convincing that a little of other people's content can provide value to your readers and hence be a good idea.
The important part is monetization.
If I slap the other person's article straight up and do nothing else, sure, I'm racking up another page view, but I'm also not doing more than giving this other person's link in their author bio a bit of extra exposure, and killing any opportunity to make money from this extra piece of content myself.
Here's some measures I like to take to ensure that doesn't happen.
1. Never Add An Article Straight Up, As Is.
I like to add articles to a site but with an introduction from me. So I'll start out like:
"Surfing around the web this week I was thinking a lot about XYZ (some issue in my niche) and I found an interesting article that talked about ABC. It was rather informative and made me realize how LMNOP is in fact important and worthy of attention. I've pasted this article below for you to check out yourself. Just make sure when you're done, you come back up and check out this link"
This way, I get the full benefit of the other person's content and idea but I make it a unique post, that I can call whatever I want, make it target whatever keyword I want, and so on. I'm also doing what I can to make sure that if they do read all the way through, they still come up to check out my link rather than the author's link.
2. Beef Up The Monetization
Since you can't go editing another person's article if you're republishing it, you've gotta do what you can to make sure if people are leaving that page, it's going to make you money.
You can't edit an article, but there's nothing wrong with sticking an advertisement in the piece of content. Whether it means wrapping the text around an Adsense block or a banner for something, you're putting another piece of "bait" out there (if you can excuse the sleazy marketing analogy) that may get taken rather than the author bio link AND without committing the unscrupulous act of changing around the author's content and inserting your own links.
3. Be Picky With The Articles You Choose
You want to pick from the cream of the crop of the articles at whatever directory it is. While so much article directory content resembles a regurgitated dog's breakfast, some of it is in fact profoundly informative. You want to pick both quality content, and content that is light on the author bio links.
You'll see certain articles with author bio's that you know have been written by a marketer and others that you know have been written by a real "expert", who does it for the passion and enjoyment. The latter is likely to be better quality and have one humble link in the author biography rather than 3 links with a super enticing offer of some kind. You know which ones to pick.
Ok, is it all making sense?
So to recap, here's what we've done or committed to in part 2.
1.We've created 30 unique articles based on the keywords we found in step 1, or committed to creating one per day.
2.We've created 30 rewrites based on those articles or committed to creating one rewrite per day. We will use these rewrites in step 3 of our 30 day plan.
3.We've either queued up the 30 blog posts and are having them appear one per day on our blog, or we've committed to adding one of the articles to our blog per day based on the SEO videos that appeared above.
4.We've committed to grabbing one or two articles per day from an article directory and adding them to our site to make sure that we're becoming the authority on the subject.
The result of all this? Here's what we want to achieve:
Eventually we want to have a piece of our content, ranking as highly on the front page for the keywords we originally chose, as possible. Simple right?
Part 3 is going to show us how to go about obtaining those rankings and picking up visitors from a number of other free sources while we're at it!
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