Show me everything...
I've just read another thread about Guru's telling you only a certain amount of info and that there is missing info that you need.
This is a core belief for so many struggling marketers.
The truth?
There is no secret piece of information or knowledge that will bring success and this includes the "do what I do not what I say" lingo too.
I simply don't know the exact steps and behaviours of success that my mentor/coach takes. I can watch his product launches, research all his content and gather my own conclusions but that's as far as it goes.
A core reason for failure is due to so many expecting to be show the exact steps from beginning to end that guarantee some kind of success. It's almost as if they refuse to take responsibility for their business and put the entire process in the hands of others.
If you're struggling then this can be difficult to hear because it points to the truth and puts the needs of your business back on to you.
Expecting a secure, well laid out plan to sure success is a myth and a path to failure?
1. Expecting others to provide all the answers...
2. Relying on resources (others) rather than thinking through problems and coming up with unique solutions to those problems is just a symptom of a bigger problem...
I started out online attached to this idea of an "internet marketing lifestyle." I would be sat by a pool, soaking up the sun, watching the children play, sipping a cocktail before opening up my laptop and earning a quick 30k; right after I would quietly congratulate myself and get back to relaxing.
I would also be revered by my family, friends and peers...
Five months into my IM life I had made one sale $0.56 as an Amazon affiliate.
And what was I doing to create this so called IM lifestyle? What were my behaviours, attitude and approach?
Buying products and services that promised such a way of life...
Golden bullets...
"Get everything wrong and still make it big" kinda promises that I bought into hook, line and sinker!
I was relying on other people to provide the magic and I was giving up on the one thing that separates me from every other person, website, product, idea, thought and approach...
And that one thing is me.
My own unique style, abilities, loves skills and drives.
I believe this is the root problem for most struggling marketers. They want to be show the entire process from bow to stern. They don't want to think through and idea or concept, or expel the energy or face the fear. They would rather others done it for them.
And they too give up on their own uniqueness and in turn isolate themselves from the one big opportunity they ever had.
After 5 months of pain, frustration and confusion (not to mention the ton of money I had spent on businesses in a box and other info products) I realized the core reason for my mistakes.
All this failure came after building a successful offline business years before, but adapting those principles and strategies to an online business had not occurred to me. I wanted success and I wanted it NOW. I certainly did not think that disciplined effort, thought and uniqueness were needed.
Instinctively I would usually spend the rest of this post informing newcomers and struggling marketers of what they should do for the necessary change to come about.
Instead I have decided not to list all the things that I've needed to do to make money online. This forum is teeming with a lot of it and it's no one man's responsibility to give all the answers. Besides, my answers probably wouldn't fit into your success. The best that can be hoped for is signposts...
But one thing is necessary.
A goal.
When I stopped buying products and created a goal that was more than the "IM lifestyle" daydream (which was just a fuzzy mental image,) I began to taste success.
But not just a financial goal but more like...
"If it turned out to be an amazing success and everything I hoped it could be what would my online business look like?"
How many hours would I work?
How would I provide value?
What would my prospects look like?
How would I generate leads?
How would I convert leads into paying clients?
What activities would I do in my business?
And on....
Once we know what we want to achieve we can go about creating some daily commitments that will get us there in the shortest time possible.
We can clearly understand the obstacles that stand in the way of where we are right now (point A) to where we want to be (point b.) Then devise some daily core commitments that we know or believe will take us to where we want to go.
If we don't know what we are trying to achieve how are we going to know the path to get there?
Forming a clear goal means we no longer rely heavily on others to tell us what we should do. We can take direction but ultimately the buck stops with us.
Most struggling marketers are stuck in way of thinking and attitude that I call Basemetal thinking.
Their only criteria (like mine was) when buying products or services is "will this make me money?"
Almost every product promises it does and so it is bought.
But if we are somewhere other than Basemetal thinkers and have transended this opportunistic/primal stage of marketing we begin to have a very different criteria when viewing products or services.
"Will this make me money" becomes "does this product or service fit in with the overarching goals and principles of my business?" "Will it take my business further towards its goal or will it just act as another distraction?"
One of the biggest problems struggling marketers have to deal with is managing the huge "to do list". There is so much going on...
Articles and blogging...
Building an email list...
Forming a relationship with that list...
Product creation...
Social Media...
Affiliates and resources...
Site creation...
Managing payments...
Other content creation including...
This is just a regular list and by no means exclusive... We all know it can go on and on.
Struggling marketers then go about buying more products and services to add to the pot.
Sounds insane doesn't it? This is what I used to do and it's the way for so many today.
Is it any wonder people fail and ultimately give up!
Who could manage that lot?
Expecting the answers to be given you on a plate to eat up is unrealistic and make believe.
Perhaps this thread is a little unhelpful cause I'm not providing concrete answers to real problems, only really highlighting the problems.
But this was the first step for me...
Recognizing the real problem meant I could finally do something about it. It beats chasing my own tail, not really knowing what I am doing or what the best use of my time is.
The other main lesson I've learnt is around restraints. Instead of working 12 hours a day, every day (like I did when I began) it's been good to limit the number of hours worked and limit the number of hours worked on a particular area...
This has helped to maximize my time and squeeze every bit of productivity out of the window of opportunity I've given myself.
Beats the hell out of feeling uncertain, not really knowing what the next step is, checking emails 10 times a day, surfing the net or spending too much time on the forum...
Marcus Rockey
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