Keyword Research quote marks

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Hi Everyone

Im New to this forum so thought I would start with a nice little tread about Keyword research.

I wanted to put this thread in let those people who are interested in Keyword Research know about the quote marks (" ").

When we speak of Keyword research we are generally interested in making a website and finding some good keywords which will help rank our webpages in Google.

A keyword is basically anything you type into a search engines search bar. (like Google)
So for example..."how to make money online" is a keyword.
It's globally referred to as a keyword but I much prefer the term "Keyword Phrase".


When you type in a keyword phrase Google then goes off and finds all the web pages it knows about with those words in it.

Now this is the part which can cause confusion.

The number of results that Google returns if you type in...
how to make money online

is about 1,670,000,000 (1.67 Billion)

the thing is what Google has come back with is all the web pages it knows about with a mix of the words how to make money online...

So for example

"make money" or "money" or Make Money Online" or "Money Online" or "to make money online"

To actually find the TRUE results of the keyword phrase how to make money online
All you need to do is put quote marks either end of your keyword phrase.
So instead of just typing in Google

How to make money online

You actually put in the quotes so you end up typing this...

"how to make money online"

What this does is tells Google to go and find web pages with that exact keyword phrase.

The result is it will almost certainly reduce the amount of web pages it finds.
in actual fact for the keyword phrase "how to make money online"

Google comes back with only 7,700,000 (7.7 Million)

What does all this mean?

Basically if you are interested in keyword research then it's important to understand this because the number of searches Google returns once you have put the two quote marks in is actually the true amount of competition you have for that keyword.

So in the example above if you wanted to get a website to page one of Google for the keyword phrase "how to make money online" you have to compete with 7.7 million other websites.

Basically you have next to no chance

If you are trying to make money online using keyword research then one of the keys is to find a keyword which is being searched a few thousand times a month (use Google Keyword Tool to find out how many times a keyword gets searched)
then check that keyword in Google search WITH the quote marks to find out the competition.

Your aim is to find a keyword with around 10-50 thousand search results.
If you manage that then you are on the right track.

But you would still have to produce a good website with allot of good content and of course there is the backlinking which is another story

Anyway I hope this has helped some of you.

If anyone has anything to add it would be good...times chance fast on the internet so someone might have some other things to add.

#how to make money online #keyword #keyword phrase #keyword research #marks #quote marks #research

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