Is There A Legal Way To Use Copyrighted Music in Youtube Videos?

5 replies
I have a lot of non copyrighted music I can use, but most of it sucks.

So I've been using copyrighted music in my videos. Well what happens is youtube gives you that notice that says the music "matched 3rd party content". What I do is click on it and accept that it is in fact copyrighted music.

It says afterwards that my account is still in good standing, and that I haven't been penalized for anything.

So my question is, can I use copyrighted music? Or does pressing that button eventually get you in trouble?

I see tons of other people using copyrighted music, and it seems the only thing they're doing different is actually promoting the music. With an itunes/amazon link. So if I throw up an itunes/amazon link under the video (not sure how yet) will that allow me to use copyrighted music?

Thanks - Red
#copyrighted #legal #music #videos #youtube
  • Profile picture of the author Michael Shook
    The easy and legal way is to pay the composer to use it, or to have some written for you to use. I would imagine that if you wanted to, somebody would write a piece just for you to use.

    Perhaps I have misunderstood your question?

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  • Profile picture of the author JoeyXoto
    Originally Posted by RedShifted View Post

    I have a lot of non copyrighted music I can use, but most of it sucks.

    So I've been using copyrighted music in my videos. Well what happens is youtube gives you that notice that says the music "matched 3rd party content". What I do is click on it and accept that it is in fact copyrighted music.

    It says afterwards that my account is still in good standing, and that I haven't been penalized for anything.

    So my question is, can I use copyrighted music? Or does pressing that button eventually get you in trouble?

    I see tons of other people using copyrighted music, and it seems the only thing they're doing different is actually promoting the music. With an itunes/amazon link. So if I throw up an itunes/amazon link under the video (not sure how yet) will that allow me to use copyrighted music?

    Thanks - Red
    I have a background in music.

    Using music on youtube that is owned by a label is annoying. EVEN when you go through the right protocols to get it licensed, Youtube can still screw you.

    My advice? Go to; post an advert these for an artist to create music for you, they will do it for very cheap, and you will find some people who will be willing to do it for free.

    Other than that, you can get premade music from places like primeloops and loopmasters and just use some of that stuff; which is allowed to be commercially used and is of good standard. I recommend GearSlutz though. You could also try Indaba music.

    Hope that's of help.

    Hope that helps.
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  • Originally Posted by RedShifted View Post

    I have a lot of non copyrighted music I can use, but most of it sucks.

    So I've been using copyrighted music in my videos. Well what happens is youtube gives you that notice that says the music "matched 3rd party content". What I do is click on it and accept that it is in fact copyrighted music.

    It says afterwards that my account is still in good standing, and that I haven't been penalized for anything.

    So my question is, can I use copyrighted music? Or does pressing that button eventually get you in trouble?

    I see tons of other people using copyrighted music, and it seems the only thing they're doing different is actually promoting the music. With an itunes/amazon link. So if I throw up an itunes/amazon link under the video (not sure how yet) will that allow me to use copyrighted music?

    Thanks - Red
    You really aren't supposed to be using the copyrighted music. When you're accepting that you're using copyrighted material, you're acknowledging that you're stealing the music for your own personal gain - regardless if the video is of your 2 year old kitty playing with a ball of yarn or you promoting your multi-million dollar business proposal.

    You nailed it on the head with your last paragraph. If you want to use the music, you have to cite:

    1. Name of song and artist.
    2. The links to iTunes/Amazon that is usually seen on the bottom right corner of the screen.

    Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author Paul Gram
    Originally Posted by RedShifted View Post

    I see tons of other people using copyrighted music, and it seems the only thing they're doing different is actually promoting the music. With an itunes/amazon link. So if I throw up an itunes/amazon link under the video (not sure how yet) will that allow me to use copyrighted music?

    Thanks - Red
    That is built into Youtube. They actually have a section where you can choose from available copyrighted music that they allow to play in your videos. Those iTunes/Amazon links are Youtube's, not something that you put there.
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  • Profile picture of the author RedShifted
    /\ Thats exactly what I was looking for thank you!
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  • Profile picture of the author Odegard
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