Is this a good sign for my site?

15 replies
Hi, I just did my first BTF site and I been doing some backlinks. Now when I go to google and type the keyword I use with "" on my keyword, I find my site on page 48 of google. Is this good?
#good #sign #site
  • Profile picture of the author FirstSocialApps
    No page 48 is not good. But since your just starting you cant expect much better. Im assuming your going to use other methods besides organic Google to get traffic.
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    • Profile picture of the author rayrayjetson
      hey what other method do you recommend? thats affordable

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    • Profile picture of the author rayrayjetson
      The method I used for my backlinks is
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  • Profile picture of the author bsbear
    You need way more than that.
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  • Profile picture of the author Al amin
    You can cam build back links from blog commenting, Forum posting, Social bookmarking. And its not good to be in 48 page
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  • Profile picture of the author sohailblog
    You should submit your website to directories.
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Shook
      If you have just completed your site and its on page 48, you are doing fine. It will take a little while for the search engines to assign you the spot that your site deserves (in their eyes).

      You don't want your site to stay there, but for starting out, that's OK, many people start on page 100 or farther away.

      SYA and some other backlinks and some social mentions, ought to help.

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      • Profile picture of the author rayrayjetson
        its been two weeks since I did this site but I only started doing backlinks a week after that. So far I have 450 backlinks and I also use to get more backlinks. I submited one article yesterday and when I type the keyword that I use for my main blog/site with "", the article that I submitted on submityourarticle is already on page 3.
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        • Profile picture of the author Michael Shook
          Originally Posted by rayrayjetson View Post

          its been two weeks since I did this site but I only started doing backlinks a week after that. So far I have 450 backlinks and I also use to get more backlinks. I submited one article yesterday and when I type the keyword that I use for my main blog/site with "", the article that I submitted on submityourarticle is already on page 3.
          It sounds like you are doing well then. We kind of get the idea that once we are in a position in the SERPS we are going to stay there, but the truth is, the algorithms are out hunting and making corrections 24/7 and there are always going to changes.

          Many of them you will never see because they are taking place while you are not looking, while people have personalized search turned on and there are lots an lots of Google servers all with various copies of the listings on them that often do not match each other exactly.

          So you are looking for a general trend in your rankings, because they are going to shift around.

          Checking with the "" on is OK, but almost nobody searches like that unless they are searching competition, it will give you a general idea of how you are doing, but you are probably better off, spending most of your time promoting your site, and just check it once a day or once every couple of days.

          And don't forget to clear your cookies in between checkings.

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  • Profile picture of the author WeavingThoughts
    Is your on page SEO taken care of completely? SEOPressor score?
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  • Profile picture of the author Demetrius
    Do you really know how many backlinks of your site were indexed by google? I do not think that google have indexed all your 450 backlinks within this one week. Most important thing to noticed here is, do not give extra effort in backlink building. If you build too much backlinks everyday, you can be marked as spam by google.
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    • Profile picture of the author rayrayjetson
      ya I have been told, im gonna lay low on my banklinks, I dont do backlinks everyday
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  • Profile picture of the author 181liquid
    More info more info more info
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