Pat on the back for

11 replies
If you market avidly using, I would definitely consider their premium (paid) service. I joined 4 days ago, and they've already convinced me that it was the right decision.

See, I submit 200-300 articles every month, and often times I have them on a schedule so that they can get approved and go "live" before I submit them to other places. This was becoming problematic when the articles were taking over a week to get approved, so I decided to take the plunge and use their paid service. So far, I've asked them 5 questions, and all received answers in less than 20 minutes.

I've submitted over 50 articles, and not a single one has taken more than 2 hours to be approved and go live - one was rejected because of a broken link, but I asked them about it, they told me what the problem was, and I re-submitted... And the article went live in less than 10 minutes (the whole process took less than an hour).

In short, they provide exceptional service to their paying members, so if you use them a lot, I would definitely think about joining!

Just thought I'd post this as a kind of response to all of the people complaining about their service lately .

All the best,
Jonathon Locke
#back #ezinearticlescom #pat
  • Profile picture of the author Michael Lee
    Hi Jonathan.

    That was very fast. Entices me more to go for the premium service.

    200 to 300 articles a month? Wow, you're an article-churning machine. Are you focusing mainly on article marketing?

    More success to you,
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    • Profile picture of the author melanied
      I paid for Premium and the 7 articles I had in queue were all live within 9 minutes.

      It was awesome.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tom E
    Wow, that's great info to know. I've been clammering to keep up with the "super-writers" who always seem to get a ton of their articles placed at the top of the "recently added" section, but this makes me realize that without a premium account, you can't really compete.
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  • Profile picture of the author valerieSONORA
    How much does premium cost?

    I might consider that since it usually takes 8 days to either get my articles approved or notified of a problem. I had an article with a problem, sent them an email and still haven't heard back in days.

    If I got a reply from them in 20 minutes I'd die of shock.

    siggy taking a break...

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    • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
      Originally Posted by valerieSONORA View Post

      How much does premium cost?

      I might consider that since it usually takes 8 days to either get my articles approved or notified of a problem. I had an article with a problem, sent them an email and still haven't heard back in days.

      If I got a reply from them in 20 minutes I'd die of shock.
      Here you go:

      $97 a month

      $48.50 a month if you pay yearly up front ($582).

      The premium service doesn't fit my specific needs so I don't use it, but some people might find it useful (especially if you crank out a ton of articles and don't use blogs or other seo / sem techniques to get traffic).

      "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
      - Jim Rohn
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  • Profile picture of the author valerieSONORA
    Hmm, I'd like to get fast responses and fast article submissions, but I can't pay $97 a month for it. Got too many other bills as it is to add another monthly bill to it. If it was like $10 or $20 a month I might go for it, but almost a hundred dollars a month is too much. I don't even submit that many anyway. Maybe if I was like Wags or submitting hundreds a month I would. But sometimes I go months without using it, so it's not for me.

    siggy taking a break...

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  • Profile picture of the author traces2757
    I can't justify the high cost yet, so I simply have to schedule things around when the articles I submit will go live. My articles used to publish faster before they offered the premium service. I figured that approval for non-paying member articles would get slower and I was right. But the good news is that my articles still get published, and once they are they are on the same level as premium service articles. I simply work on other things while I'm waiting for them to publish. Patience is a virtue, and in this case it's less expensive.
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  • Profile picture of the author clever7
    The Premium service is not necessary if you are a Platinum member - you need to have 10 articles approved. After that, you articles are approved the next day. If you submit many articles together, let's say, 5 articles the same day, they are all approved the next day.

    The Premium membership has meaning only for authors who submit a great amount of articles daily.

    I'm a free member since 2007 and I don't intend to ever use the Premium service, even if I'll have time to write more articles per day.
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  • Profile picture of the author Izethas
    Thats only worth it if you really submit a lot of articles and is your main traffic source
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