Do you use your stats for autoresponder series?
I've recently learned that if you use HTML messages and the email provider you're sending your follow up series to has their images switched off (which is the default position for gmail and a few others) then the open click rates will not be recorded.
This may not seem like a big deal but when you're list is in the thousands the stats can be misleading.
I stick with html though cause I want to include links, bold, underline etc. It's an overall better package for my subscribers.
This lead me to create some email accounts with different providers including hotmail, outlook, yahoo to see what my newsletter looked like. It was surprising how much the newsletter varies from one provider to another. If you haven't already done this I would recommend you do so today.
Open rates...
Moving away from stats for one moment I wonder what others do to get the biggest open rates.
I like to use the name of my newsletter in the title and my subscribers generally seem to like that consistent branding too. When it comes to broadcast I have found curiosity and benefit in a short title less than 60 characters to be best at creating opens.
A cool tip that also works really well is using the date in the title. This creates relevancy and definitely drives more people to open up. Give it a try...
I would like to hear other peoples experiences and tactics if they want to share up!
Marcus Rockey
Alexa Smith Banned-
[ 1 ] Thanks - 1 reply
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Marcus Rockey -
[ 1 ] Thanks
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